My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 219 - No Title

"There," she said, "you can sit on that stool. … Well, will you tell me, Emerald?"

"… I'd rather sit on the bed–can I?"

"Of course. Do sit on the bed. Don't just mess it up," she asked, warning me, before she changed her mind, disinterestedly–"Or do mess it up. Up to you."

Princess Elina seemed to be unusually disappointed today. I didn't like that. And, things you don't like, you mention them and bring them up. Or you're supposed to, by my rules of life.

I didn't, here, though. I simply reached to the bed, sat, and lied down, wiggling, making myself home. This was what I called being comfy.

"You too, now, Elina. Make yourself home," I proposed. "Sit here. 'All comfy.'"

But in response to that:

"Enough, Emerald. You know I'm disappointed. You shouldn't come here. You know that. But you still came. I'm simply asking you, now, elaborate as to why you came here–'What're you coming here for?'–Emerald. This is a serious affair. Please."

And of course she'd say that. Behold the grand human princess as she is 'disappointed.' Woah~. Well, that figures, though, in a sense. To her, I must just be a tool she will use in the future.

That's according to our deal, after all. She takes care of me and I take care of her, somehow. Right now, I should only be attending school. And with seriousness. Otherwise, there's no point in 'bringing me up' at all.

But still, I came here.

"I've done my homework, Elina. It's got something to do with my growth," I started to explain.

"With your growth? 'It'? Elaborate," and she had questions.

"'It,' as in, my coming up here. It's got something to do with my growth. You'll listen, right?"

"Hmm," she reflected. "Naturally, then."

"Well then … you come and sit here, Princess. 'All comfy.'"

"What's it with your 'all comfys'? Emerald!" she warned me again, frowning. She wouldn't come here, and she wouldn't sit here. "You just speak up."

I sighed again. Why did she have to be so reprimanding and condescending, huh? This was such a let-down. I needed her for once; she had better just come to me and help.

But no, she just acted like I was … I don't know, some real pain in the ass to her. I understood that maybe I was, given the fact she was always so busy and stuff … but I mean, no.

And as she frowned, I could frown, too. Didn't I have the perfect scowling example, by now, too? I knew of a swordsman who spoke very well, at times like this.

Straightening up my back, I slid my elbows back and glanced at the princess. I had chased all cheerfulness or childishness off my face. I only assumed stern kind of looks.

Upon seeing me, her face recoiled a little. Suddenly, she wasn't being so contemptible or hurried. Was that the way to get what you want?

My lips parted, I spoke in a grave manner, "'You speak up?' I'll speak up. … I didn't come here for no reason. I know but too well I can't just go in and out of this place. I realize it could cause some problems."

While I sensed that this … might be going a little 'overboard,' I didn't stop; I had to stand for myself.

As she saw my tone could change, too, she seemed to listen, half-afraid of whatever was that she feared in this monster, casually lying down on her bed, in front of her.

"Nevertheless, I came. And what of it, you ask?" At this moment, I let myself look scorning and disregarding. "Evidently, there's a reason to that. I say: you come here, Princess, and you sit your butt, right there," I nearly finished, tapping the thick mattress with my palm.

"S– sure thing, then. … My boy."

Heh? And what was that meek 'my boy' for, eh? Trying to tame the little monster again, hmm?

Allowing myself to finish that perfectly (that swordsman would be proud of me)–"There's a time for seriousness and discipline. And there's a time for, erm–"

"I get it!"

"Humph. As long as you get it."

Well, weren't things weird, now?

Only a little! It's fine.

As things were, I nearly had to scold the princess myself! It was time to show some respect.

"I get it!"

"Humph. As long as you get it."

I didn't need to finish. She became kind–I became kind, too.

She wasn't so hurried and disappointed–I wasn't so stern and cold.

"Well, well, well! Will you sit, then, big sis'?" I chuckled.

She proceeded to come and sit at once.

"Well, well, well! Will you get comfortable, now?" I giggled, sliding myself farther across on the very wide bed.

"I won't. … I understand you, but I'm still in a hurry, Emerald. Tell me anyway, what is it you wanted to … ask about? I don't even have your motive yet."

By the time she finished talking, I'd already tucked myself deep under the thick pile of blankies, at the other side of her bed. Adjusting a pillow behind my back, I was comfortable.

Oh! But I heard footsteps outside of the door. Were the maid ladies coming over?

Gesturing to the human princess towards the door, she understood rapidly enough.

Maids really were coming over. The door was knocked. I kept my mouth shut.

Elina unhurriedly carried herself to her door. Exchanging brief instructions to whoever found themselves behind the wall, she returned to her bed.

"See? Am not even problematic thanks to these lil' babies," I giggled again, pointed at my ears. "… But anyway; I won't get too much of your time, I promise. I understand you too."

She nodded. "So?"

And finally, I observed some willingness to get down to my tasks–'cause they were important, too.

"I've done my homework, big sis'."

"… And?"

"Oh, well, when I say that, I simply mean that I thought about it. I know how to get it done. The quest."

"… Yes?"

"'All comfy'?"

"Hah," she sighed, ready to stand up.

"–No. Wait. I've seriously done my homework. And basically … how to put this?"

"Hey. You tell me, now: is it about your growth?"

That 'What lies behind the story…?' quest had been holding me back for such a long time, by now.

As I'd always been busy from day-one–the first day I got here–I didn't really have much time to go about it and deal with it. Well, I did, I had a whole three-weeks, but I was busying myself with other stuff.

"The quest … (why is this little bit of quest even so hard to do to start with, eh?) … it basically says, get all comfy–and that's it. I've tried that. We've tried that. I mean, you don't know, but…"

I wasn't at loss, here, but truth was, I didn't really think of a script beforehand. I was thinking as I was speaking. It made my explanation laborious.

"Oh, the 'quest,' huh? The one you kept talking to me about on your first days here…?"

That was just that.. But how to explain it all? In a way she'd understand it … and goes along with what she has to do.

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