My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 221 - Ancient Tale

The princess told the story. I asked her to. This was to go about the quest. I think. … No, I'm sure. This has to do with the quest. And that's why related it to me, this story.

These were 'ancient fables' or something.

She told the story with her gentle, feminine voice. And I, the kid lying on her bed, surrounded by as many silk sheets as humanly possible, only got to listen, silently.

And surprisingly … wait, what was a story made of again? Of words … and only of words? Right? After all, when you think about it, that's what the format's about. The main format of itself. So that's that, but … is it only about that?

Obviously, no. So far, it never struck me that it wasn't the case, though. To me, words were words–and words were boring.

But then (and heh, who am I even to say that?), I got to see–or rather, I would get to see–how: no–stories weren't just words on top of words … or words next to other words … or just, words put up together.

Stories were about actions and tangible facts.

They're being conveyed by words. And that I thought was boring, but they're so much more than that.

–That dream … or this story which I was being told by Princess Elina was conveyed to me by words, but it mostly was about facts and feels.

As soon as she began to talk–I began to hear. Quite natural reaction so far. The princess was bragging about how that story her uncle told 'them' (whoever that was) was so good, epic, and most precious to her.

How, when that uncle-person told her the ancient tale–his narrative and intonation and actually everything you need to tell a story related to storytelling skills was so great and fresh about it.

Still going about telling that story and mumbling to herself, she also complained about how, now that it was her telling the story; it wouldn't be so great, she sadly asserted.

–Ho! And stop right there! That last part she said–you have to know it isn't true at all. It would be super great. Quite the opposite!

Maybe that's because I dreamed, though. And that this had to do with me. Naturally great, then, hmm!

Soon, the princess dived into the story for real … and then my mind went blank. Or black. Completely and utterly dark.

Seconds ago, I saw the light of the sky. It entered by the wide-opened window the princess had.

And the sun shone bright. So much so, that all the many stinging colors of this place were brightened, too, and to their best.

And from my ears, the gentle rustling of her legs upon many blankets (she fidgeted a lot) as well as her soft breathing, going gently blowing and blowing under each of her words.

… But at some point–nothing. Naught. Zero. Blank. Void.

A dull sensation washed over my whole body, numbing it and lulling it to sleep, dangerously.

A second passed and I was robbed of all my senses.

I clearly was unconscious, asleep, or whatever. I wasn't just there anymore. And in my stand stood a dream. My dream.

Or was it a story again?

Well, no matter.

It stood and spoke. Using words as its make-up. But using actions as its core.

A message from the guide went to me.

'Hear the ancient narration.'

… Or was it from the princess Elina?

'Hear the ancient narration of truth–and reflect upon it.'

–was what it said. Now, about what … or where the voice was from … I didn't know. I didn't know, and I'd just go on with the flow. Yeah, because from this point on, I didn't know anything. I no longer knew. I was just, well, unconscious; I mentioned it before.

The darkness intensified–my mind was completely plunged within it–and the story continued.

Overhearing that soft voice that blew from behind my neck, I understood the story. I understood every word of it.

It talked. And I listened.

With a question, it softly began.

–Would I hear the story and listen to it? As for hearing the story, it wasn't so important. Listening to the story, on the other hand, was the thing to do. To absolutely do. At all cost. … People that didn't listen to the story–and we mean 'truly listen'–were the bad ones. The story explained. Or was it the story?

'Bad ones,' huh, I thought.

And yet another voice appeared. Weird, though, it sounded exactly like the first voice but wasn't quite like it. I could tell they were different, but how, I didn't know.

'Listen,' did the other voice say, 'there are three commandments!'

Still unconsciously dreaming, I did not hear but listened.

❮ 1. Hear the ancient narration of truth. ❯

'But you cannot hear if you do not listen!' it continued. 'They are the bad ones! The jerks! The pricks! Assholes!'

Whoa, whoa, whoa, there… 'The ones who are in the wrong!'

And the second commandment became.

❮ 2. Reflect upon the ancient narration of falsehood. ❯

'… Once you do that!... you slay them all!–you become the king!–you become my king…!' and the new angry voice mysteriously finished.

❮ 3. Become the King. ❯

Subconsciously, I understood this was only the beginning. My mind was dulled even more after that opening was fully launched.

What would happen from now? As for myself and myself only … with all the little bits of fleeting not-even-half-awareness, I tried my best to all at once, with my weak hands, put them all together, mustering them all that I could think. I needed to recollect myself.

The commandments were to be thought over … right?!

But again, I wasn't so … how to put this, well-performing enough, now?

And anyhow, what was the question again??? –––What would happen from now?

I saw myself in woods–all of a sudden, I was transported to the entrance of these woods. There were three high super high pine trees. I could see them. They were lying right before me.

There were only woods and trees and vegetations. As far as my view ranged, man, where in the world am I–

Oh, and were those writings? Attached to these trees. To their trunks. Either attached or carved right into them.

Were those writings or not? They were so blurry. This was blurry. Not the forest! It wasn't so foggy at all. But the writings, the words, the … commandments?

I couldn't read them. … Heck, I couldn't even hope to read them even after having taken a thousand steps in their direction.

–Hah, and by now, the tree had disappeared–but the writing stayed. They stayed, carved onto those thin golden plates; they shone brightly towards me.

As if it was the natural thing to do; I took a step onward. Or was it a thousand steps?–the golden plates read the three commandments.

I squinted my eyes, standing before them.

1. Hear the ancient narration of truth. 2. Reflect upon the ancient narration of falsehood. 3. Become the King.

When I read them, I thought–

But was to be cut short. A voice spoke again–it was the princess'–'This is the truth,' it simply said.

After it spoke, I was renewed.

The golden plates appeared to be sheets of the finest silk, now.

Another voice was to be heard–or listened to–'This is falsehood!' it shrieked, coming from everywhere around me.

A frown. A huge frown filled up my entire face. That second voice? It'd pierced right through me.

I didn't like it. Panic seized me. Once again, as if it was the most natural thing to do; I crouched and covered my ears with both hands. And my hand being wrapped around both my two arms and my two knees, I stayed thus, even though the shriek had clearly stopped.

It was a weird feeling. Right after that voice shrieked, I wasn't so much disabled or anything like this … meaning the shriek alone didn't do me this bad … but hey, it was just as if I was totally turned to shit. That happened in an instant.

And that was that. Even though the voice wasn't … heh, but I fear it would come at me again.

Suddenly, it was wind that came unleashing itself behind my back. That was what came at me next.

I was so lost I'd even forgotten why I was here, facing the entrance of these woody wildlands.

But the wind was what came at me next! In its momentum of speed, it heavily whipped my back. It whipped down and dragged me with it. I couldn't fight it; I fell backward.

And as I did just so, it swept past myself, coming real strong from under my legs, lashing and whipping its way through them still … and went right up to the … wait?

Yeah, I mentioned that before. Were those golden plates instead made of silk?

The whirl of wind rushed to them and blew right into them. So far, it loudly hissed at my ears still … but then, it intensified even more.

Another frown then crept up to my face. Slowly, I closed my eyes. I was resigned, but I didn't even know about what.

I just closed my eyes, seeking my own peace, my mind was so clouded and blurred … the next thing I heard wasn't a hiss!–'Listen, listen, listen!'

That same angry voice from before? It came crashing itself onto myself super-heavily.

I was just as if stomped upon.

I opened back my eyes.

I saw the golden sheets of silk fly away.

I stretched an arm, trying to fight their flight.

But no can do.. They flew away.

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