My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 53 - Sparkling Eyes

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We were being attacked.

"Kill both the orcs and the elves, we make no distinctions anymore!!!"

It was super quick.

From a disorganized band, we went to an organized one.

All at once.

At least, they were quick-witted, the orcs.

Same goes for Calming and Angry, thankfully.

And it was time to fight, just like this.

"Ju--Just like this…?!"

Yes, just like this, Calming, just like this.

He didn't take long before he entered a battle stance.

Elvish runes in one hand, and a sword in the other.

"He--Hey, Laerd!" Angry was as panicked as Calming.

What could be on his restless mind? Seizing both Calming's arms, "We ain't got to fight, let's just bounce!"

Angry was indeed panicked. Just like Calming, yes. He decided to react differently, though.

"Don't be stupid, Sakage!" Calming disagreed, thankfully, "You heard their paladin, they'll make no distinctions…! And … from the looks of it … shit!"

Yes, from the looks of it, we were cornered.

Looking behind us, Angry's complexion turned pale--But he quickly got to replace it with his usual irritated look.

The orcs were already engaged in battle.

Up ahead, clanging sounds were going ringing like mad.

And from behind our backs, few humans were falling on us.

These ones seemed disorganized. They were still a threat, though. All of them, as wary as one could be, approached us with full eyes, watching out for any opening.

Smart was quick to get to the job.

And we were just situated behind Smart and his fellas.

The enemies' ranks were tightening on us.

Both Angry and Calming cursed at the same time.

Biting his lips and frowning, Calming knew to be quick-witted, too.

"Listen up, Sakage, you and me, we just protect the princess--But, as things are right now, it's not possible at all!

"That's simple, though! We just go and mingle ourselves into the orcs' party--Hopefully, they'll take us as allies!--No, I'm sure they will!"

Calming hadn't seen I snatched one of his dagger, it seemed.

The boy must've been real concentrated on finding ways for us to survive.

There wasn't any second to let go to waste, "Let's go now! You follow me, Sakage! Once we're in the orcs' formation we're good to survive!"

Being 'good to survive' was a thing.

And being 'not that hopeless about surviving' was another thing.

As swiftly as promptly, Calming got Angry into the formation he'd planned on doing.

Calming was standing before me, and Angry was behind me.

And with no further words, their teamwork was to be put into action.

They started to go on, and I'd just follow.

But, hey, "What's that, Angry, Calming?"

"Princess, just stay here in between us," Calming said, accelerating his footsteps' course, "It's going to be fine, princess, we're protecting you."

Even in times like this, he'd still find time to look me in the eyes and smile. He must've been thinking I was panicking too, right now.

Being dragged by Calming, I turned and faced Angry, but--Oh, maybe I shouldn't just do that yet...

Angry wasn't willing to exchange glances with me.

Guess it can't be helped.

'O Noble Spirit,' huh.

That's what the man had called me.

I'll have to work something out with the two of them afterward--Or just … kill Angry?

Hmmm … of course not.

The whole point of it would be to stay in the princess's shoes.

No need to tell you if I indeed go ahead and kill Angry so that he stays silent about me, Calming would see something's wrong too, and he'd be the next one on the list, so it doesn't help.

Calming would be the second on the list if I did that...

Should I just run off then?

I know we're getting nearer the dryads, so well, they aren't that useful anymore, the elves.

Well, we'll just think about that later.

For now, "Scooch over, Calming!" I didn't need to be protected by them, "I'll just be fine by myself!"

What was the princess doing?

"No--That's dangerous!"

Was the princess out of her mind...?

His hands did try to come at me, putting me back in the rank but, "Quick Pace!"

Well, like the princess even planned on staying with them in the first place.

Let's just get onto some action.

It was fine for the princess to have fun a little bit, wasn't it?

Had the princess' life--My life been endangered, Old would've come and helped by now, right?

As per the plan once again.

With my quick footsteps moves, I was on the go.

"Princess, no!!--That's--"

And Angry argued in my favour, "Laerd, just let her go," shortening the distance between him and Calming, he whacked his shoulder wildly, "She'll be fine on her own! We're the one in deep shit here!"


That's good he understood that.

I'd rather be worried about their own security than mine.

His eyes were now darting everywhere around him. Restless wasn't even a word to describe how down to the task the eyes were.

Calming must've understood that I'd be fine on my own too, and yet, "Princess…! Princess! Where are you?!" he wasn't so willing to let me go on my own.

Well, I'm outta their sight already.

Can't see me anymore.


And from that point on, I wouldn't pay too much attention to them.

They were on their own.

We'd just reunite afterward, if it so happened they'd stay alive.

The orcs, now.

They were forming a defensive formation. All the boys. They were hanging tough.

All of them, sticking shoulders to shoulders, were forming a sturdy rampart. That very sturdy rampart would shelter their leader

In the middle of their formation, Smart was to be found.

Both yelling at them about words of instructions or encouragement and fighting with them from behind.

With a long sword, he'd occasionally bring himself in between two of his boys and, "Hah!" try to cut down opponents on the opposite of their formation.

They weren't assaulted on all sides all at once--Humans were playing it safely.

"Formation B!" Big hardened man shouted, "Squadron C, you guys back off at once and wait for further instructions!"

That was what we call organisation, now.

They weren't using all their forces at once.


From all the mass of humans going at the orcs, half of them stopped and stepped back all at once--Except for the few that fell down already.

Well, the orcs were doing their job well too. Gotta hand it to them.

Still not out of it yet, though.

"Squadron A!" The same big man had to speak once again, "Push them all at once and don't waver! We're going in for it!"

And following the same voice, the group of humans that was being referred to as Squadron A got to obey their leader.

A paladin, it seemed.

His stature was tall, thick, but most of all, sharp. That human was no joke.

He was wearing the same white tunic adorned with red motives here and there.

What'd also clue me in on the fact that he was a paladin was, "Sacrament!"

We got to see this skill in action. Well, here we go again. And it was nothing like the weak <Sacrament> from before.

His big voice having shouted thus, he went in and added himself to the big mass of humans already fighting for their lives in the front line.

That was the whole picture of it.

The paladin had his own men that he used. They were one group.

The orcs were one group here too.

Calming and Angry were painfully working their way to their potential allies, that is to say, the orcs. They were another group.

Also scattered around everywhere were other humans, not so organized themselves.

The cries that were once far off from me in the distance. They now reverberated all around me, on the road, where all the masses were killing one another.

And mingled up to that, there was me, "Hahaha! That's so cool!"

My eyes sparkled, "So so so very cool, really!"

With my fancy elvish dagger in one hand, leaning back and forth, right and left, I avoided every obstacle I was passing by.

It was an easy task.

Surviving seemed easy, too.

The folks weren't focused on me, I guess.

Then again, considering my little and innocent stature, guess that just about makes sense, huh.

The carriage was still there, in the middle of the road.

It was still most likely mourning its two horses that were just defeated not too long ago.

Getting near it, I paused, folded my legs, concentrated my strength into them, and whoosh!

"Quite not as good as Old's jump ... but well!"

I was sent flying in the air.


And just about high enough that I could hop on our sorry carriage.


"I'm the highest!"

I was the highest, but--


That's wild.


Nothing like what I've tasted before.

This was some real confrontation going down.

Standing from up there, it was even more exciting.

The folks down here would get stronger.

I got a nice view of all that.

And lucky as I was--I'd get to play with them too.

Oh, and seemed like the elves' duo got to their safe retreat.

Could you even call it safe?

Hardly so.

Still, though.

Sturdiest heard Smart just fine, and opened an opening in their formation for them, delicately moving his whole body mass, letting them in.

He was acting just like a door who'd have been knocked, knocked, and knocked.

Smart must've given the order.

Calming was right to go to them.

Well, not any of my business anyway.

Now, now, now.

Where should I chime in and play with them all from?

There are so many choices I don't even know where to go.


Clanging sounds, grunting people, shoutings of skills, battle cries, 'thud's of the falling fighters; can you hear it?

Well, it was much to compose this wild melody going down there.

Looking for my playground in all this ruckus from up here, I spotted a place.

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