My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 68 - Moving On

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At this point in the story, it was just me and Calming.

We were running.

❮Head up to Foret's core with the help of your new friend and meet up with the Dryads. 0/1❯

My new friend must've been still watching me from a distance.

Otherwise, the quest would've been changed.

❮Let the Player follow the guiding fragrance that he accomplishes the quest safely.❯

With each running step we took, sniff, sniff, I could smell the guiding fragrance more.

Tap, tap, tap

And we didn't stop running.

We did that for quite a long time. I had time to be astounded by Calming's vigor.

Peering over to my sides, I'd observe the vast woodland as we trod through itself.

It was green and … green, mostly.

Even as the tree trunks were brownish, "So, so, many leaves and grass, huh," I observed further.

Anyway, the two of us, we continued running.

At some point, well, just as being breathing was being breathing--Calming was out of breath.

"Huf, huf, huf," he was huffing but still running.

I could distinguish his wild huffing sounds just fine. Even when he was a couple of meters away in front of me, running at quite the fast pace.

His speed had constantly decreased compared to his energetic start.

But knowing him, "Huf, huf, huf," even as his chest was painfully gasping for air, he didn't stop.

I stopped him.

He didn't want to stop.

Telling him I was too tired and needed to rest for a bit he accepted to stop.

However, he apologetically bowed down his head (maybe he understood) and told me it'd be time to rest if I indicated so.

He insisted we'd at least need to walk.

Time was running, he'd told me.

That, plus we needed not to get motionless the best we could, "We never know when someone will fall on us if we do that."

'Cause, yeah, it's nighttime, right now.

And what was more, "Since we already are this near from your brethren, I suggest we don't stop yet."

Getting into the forest core, we'd be safe.

Only then we'd get to rest, if I indicated to do so, as usual, you know the drill.

And just as usual, I'd give the man my permission to go about whatever he'd planned.

We walked in the night.

Surprisingly enough, seeing I could do just fine.

I didn't even need to use my [Mana Perception] skill this time.

My eyes were just fine with the darkness. They could see.

It wasn't something I had beforehand if I remember correctly.

Refusing to think too much about it, I just ignored it.

It was an easy thing to do, at this point.

Growing up with all of this and that ... not knowing this, not being aware of that, not understanding this, not comprehending that, yadda yadda yadda.

I'm a pro when it comes to, erm, what was the exact line again, 'Go along with the flow,' right?

I could see just fine, and simply greeting that fact with a "Cool~" I went along with it.

I could see in the night.

As time went by, it got darker and darker.

I could still perceive my surroundings pretty much easily. It was a piece of cake.

Calming, my companion, as for him, he started not to see that much well at some point.

Getting used to the darkness wasn't something he'd do, as I assumed he would.

No worries, he waved at me, showing his white smiling teeth.

Nighttime was dark.

And so, he couldn't really see.

But so what, now?

Stuffing his hand deep into one of his belt's numerous pockets--An elven rune appear.

Indeed, he told me he only needed to get this talisman on and--


Well, I saw that coming, to be honest.

Calming just collapsed.

Applying whatever sheet he'd just taken off his little pocket, that was just attached to his belt, "Oh yes, I bet you would not know such puny magical runes, hahaha."

Even referring to his runes as 'puny,' he seemed enthusiastic using them and showing them off before my 'Noble Self.'

That was funny, I chuckled.

Taking it off, now, he started to chant and … well, yeah, he just sort of collapsed afterward.

My guesses were, he just ran out of mana.

His last fight didn't do him so well, remember?

Too bad for him who wanted to show off a little bit.

Well, and not gonna lie, I was being tired too.

I walked past him and stopped next to him. Touching his forehead, it was hot.

"Super hot, actually."

His expression was tense too.

I didn't even know what that meant, though.

Was Calming needing saving?

I only had seen him do that to Calming when we were in Old's house, when Angry fell to the ground.

Well, he did that, and that was it, I guess.

That was as far as my expertise ranged.

Besides this, I couldn't really do anything--

No, it wasn't entirely true, I knew what to do, actually.

I'm tired, therefore I sleep.

That was the only true rule of right now, if you asked me.

Calming fell knocked out and worn out ... and I'd just follow his lead.

Lying down further away from him, I got to stargaze at the tiny and rare part of the sky I could see from down below.

It was cold, and so what? I wouldn't be so weak as to refuse myself to the cold atmosphere of that moment.

Oh, and didn't Calming also tell me it could be dangerous to sleep and let ourselves be unguarded...?

The same 'and so what?' rhetorical questioning statement would find its use right now.

Stargazing it was, then.

Few minutes passed by.

At some point, my body fell asleep too.






"Princess … 'm sorry … princess…!"

We were in the morning, now.

I yawned.

Chirping birds got me awake.

Straightening my back with the help of my numb limbs, "Uaah~" I yawned again.

And peered over to Calming's side … was he awake already?

He should've woken me up, right?

Sighing, putting one hand on the flat leafy earth after the other, I lifted myself up as sluggishly as possible.

"Gnn … sorry … prin…"

My feet dragged me at Calming's resting place … so he isn't awake.

"Wake up!"

"Uh-oh … princess…!"

"Yeah, right, princess."

Calming's two lost eyes were reminded, they became calm and sure again.

I nodded, and he nodded.

Quickly and swiftly, we'd get back to it.

Getting the quest done.

Snif, snif, snif

As usual, I'd sniff around in the air.

"May I inquire, O Noble Spirit?"

You can surely inquire, O Calming Elf.

Calming saw me do that, sniffing around with my nose in the air, more than only one time, at this point.

Had he grown eager to know?

He'd actually compared my sniffing to that of a dog or a cat.

I told him it was nothing like that, "Just the Dryads' calling."

Though I had just made that up, that was in part true, I guess.

The guide's guiding fragrance could just be called another way.

And the Dryads' calling?

I could smell it at an even more important degree.

Even though it was kind of the first time for me being guided by it, I could tell somehow, "And it indicates to me we're super near, at this point."

"Ind--Indeed, O Noble Spirit!"

Upon him validating my appraisal, we went on with the march.

We didn't run, this time about, "It could come up as vulgar and disrespectful, after all."

But I already knew that, right?

Since I was one of them, all matters considered.

"How would I be not to know, Calming, oh oh oh," I replied to himself, using Old's laughing tone.

We walked and we walked some more steps.





And at some point!

❮Head up to Foret's core with the help of your new friend and meet up with the Dryads. 1/1❯

"Oh ho??!"

Finally done.

After all these days.

❮New instructions: ...❯

"Oh ho ho ho??"

The quest had been validated. I couldn't help but laugh happily.

It caught Calming's attention.

Why was I this enthusiastic for … all of a sudden…?!

"Sure am just super happy to meet back with my old old friends … you silly…!"

"But, I didn't ask anything, O Noble Spirit, haha."

True he didn't!

But I know he would!

It's just in case I'd come up as some sussy parasite myself.

Don't want no more dumb complications at this point...!

Anyway, the quest.

It was validated.

So we got to the forest's core, it seemed.

That's what I was supposed to know, most likely. And that's also most likely the reason why we shouldn't run in here.

The setting had finally changed, huh.

When the other parts of the forest, were just somehow rough and quite wild, these parts of the woods were more elegant and refined.

It wasn't so much leafy and full of branches everywhere ... to be honest, that's what I was expecting.

It was the forest's core. And as such, I expected it to be different.

The forest in its whole was already so dense and wild outside. And that was only when it came to the outside of its core.

I imagined it to be even denser and wilder at its very center ... if it even was Foret's center, at that.

I didn't know, but that was too unimportant.

That was simply a surprise.

And that change in setting wasn't just for the eyes to notice.

Filling up my chest with air, the difference was noticeable, too.

I didn't know what was the specific difference between right now's air and yesterday's, but in my ignorance, I'd say it's considerably more charged on mana particles.

And to top all that off, it was also remarkably quieter in there.





And I along with Calming would just be walking in this beautiful and peaceful setting.

I'm all stressed out now for some reason. What's gonna happen next?

I was cool about the whole quest.

Because so far so good, I'd say.

Thinking back on it now, on what basis was I expecting it to be this easy.

I could only wonder, though.

It's just been validated and I gotta wait for further instructions ... just like usual ... though usually, it didn't take so long, did it?

I'm kinda looking forward to what's happening right now...

❮New instructions: ...❯

Calming was watching around us as we walked.

He was on guard.

He kept his head forward as if he was bowing it, expecting something to happen any moment.

Maybe I should just do the same and carefully wait.

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