My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 74 - Boring Ngl

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The sky, it was left unchanged.

Well, it seemed to be unchanged, anyhow.

As it was already so much covered in thick layers of raining, dark clouds. It was even more clouding over now.

The usually so bright blue of the vivid sky was completely and utterly covered in thick layers of gray.

All of which hindered the red burning lamp from pleasantly reaching down to the brownish dirt of the earth.

The big burning lamp was covered. We were separated, he and I.

What about the sun, you ask?

I couldn't see it. Wasn't the red burning lamp and the sun one and only one being? Of course it was.

What of it, now, I hear you ask again?

And the time, then, the time?

How was I supposed to read the time? Without that good old burning and flashing lamp hanging high, high in the sky, how was I to tell the time?

I couldn't just do that, unfortunately.

And so we're stuck.

Or are we?

Hehehe, no worries!

For it only takes a conscious mind to heed the course of the time, somehow!

And me, I'm conscious.

The sun, I could tell it'd dropped again, by a wide margin.

Time had gone by again and again--It never stopped.

Me and my little troop, we wouldn't stop either. We'd walked quite the long walk.

So much so, that at some point,

"The Pond of Vitality, huh..." I was just about standing before it, there, astounded, "And again, do I really gotta jump in?"

"Surely, you do, Player."

And the same dryad was accompanying me at this point too.

According to her, I did require to jump in it, after all. It was the second time I'd asked, at this point.

And the same answer was served to me.

❮Quest's instructions: Head to the Pond of Vitality with the Dryads. 1/1❯

The Pond of Vitality.

❮New instructions...❯

And so … that tiny thing's supposed to be the Pond of Vitality.

A while ago, I just said that our little group didn't stop, just like the time.

But actually, at this point, well, we'd stopped.

And I was standing right in front of the object of my quest.

The oh-so-awaited Pond of Vitality. Dealing with this pond, I'd get all that done, already. Finally, right?

Though I hadn't been so sure about whether it was reaching an end or not. My quest was indeed reaching to an end, after all.

My eyes looking down on it from above, I examined the weird-looking pond.

I didn't imagine it to be that way. Nor did I actually imagine the whole pursuit of the quest would lead to that tiny thing.

But so it apparently was.

A tree was to be found right in front of me, too.

Not any tree, though.

I could tell just with a glance, this time.

Equipped by the thickest roots I'd ever seen, it was sort of protecting the little pond, circling it on both sides.

Only a bare opening was left, just ahead of my feet.

And about joining the two sets of heavy roots, by my feet, there were other little leaves and surrounding branches, just about adorning and decorating the little pond in more than one fancy way.

Giving itself an emblematic and reliable stance.

Meanwhile, though, just by looking at it, that pond really looked measly and tired.

Of course it needed protection.

And of course, once again, it needed decoration.

But, ugh, I'd like to say, "Still..."

The great Pond of Vitality I was looking for wasn't this puny of a thing.

It was kind of a "Let-down, so to speak," I liked to say.

But hey, so what?

❮Follow the dryad's instructions and enter the Pond of Vitality. 0/1❯

That was the real deal, so no worries.


And this big deal of a tiny pond, I wasn't alone facing it.

"Is it maybe disappointment I am reading on your face, Player?"

That dryad also was there, standing by my side, looking down at it, just like me.

"It's not that, big dryad sis' … it's just, isn't it just barely even big enough for me to bathe in it?"

This little room in between the falling dirt walls which would contain the Water of Vitality, let's call it that way ... "It can barely fit an entire me in itself, can it now?"

What's more … should I even just bathe in it?


And, heh.

Far from me the idea of doubting the fact whether that thing was legit or not.

Only though, redoing the same hu-based funny laughter, she didn't really say nor explain anything.

So I wasn't helped.

Let's just say that it is and that I somehow had to bathe in it, anyhow.

This pond was the real deal.

I knew it.

Just about standing straight, my back erected, my eyes still were trying to get a hold of that pond.

That tingling and stifling sensation, it wasn't just any sensation. And it was coming from down there.

Gushing forth from deep within the little container of water, it was alerting all of my senses.

So, in that way, I can certainly be sure that's the real deal.

That forest, Calming had told me many many things about it. It was enlightening, though I didn't really pay attention to most of what he had to say to me.

And I had to remember some of his teachings by now.

Scattered and spread across the whole forest, many multitudes of flowers and herbs were sprouting here and there.

And as the whole forest wasn't the whole forest's core, many flowers and precious herbs were even more concentrated in these parts.

When it was just me and Calming, he'd had time to talk to me about all of this.

And I can only remember how excited he was about all of this.

The forest core, it was rich in magical energy.

Magical energy, also known as mana, yes.

And so, the outer forest--The magical concentration of mana in the atmosphere was just average.

Entering the inner parts of that forest called Foret, now, the mana would naturally be stronger here than there.

The forest core would be another case: the difference between the inside and the outside of itself was tremendous.

Which brings us to my point,

Thus, having walked all my way from out there up to where I'm standing right now, I can surely know two things.

First off, the more we went deeper into the woods, the more the mana was growing denser.

Meaning, this pond, right now, all these little (or maybe huge) wavelengths of mana being leaked and given off of it, they only indicate to me how serious that little pond was.

With its little, gentle, and seemingly innocent green leaves and herbs surrounding it, going either in or out of the pure quantity of water, it really gave off one frightening feeling.

And its big, protecting tree coming above it, arching its wooden trunks and branches, preventing anything from falling into or intruding it … well.

It was quite something too, to be honest.

And second of all, now, we were right in the middle of the forest, right now.

"And so, big dryad sis'," leaning my head up to the side, "My guess is, right now, we're standing right in the middle of that broad forest."

"Hmmm," her face also went down to the side, facing mine, "And what makes you say that, Player?"

"Well, that's simple, isn't it," pointing at the inside of her proud little pond, "That thing, even though it hasn't got the good-looks, I can feel it's very well condensed in mana.

"The flowers here and there too, they're kind of different from the others we saw up till now.

"The medicinal herbs my assistant elf showed me before too, are way way out of the others' league. I can tell that much.

"Let alone that absurd tiny pond in front of us … isn't that place where mana's the most concentrated at?"

"Hmmm … and thus you would expect it to be Foret's center, wouldn't you.

"Well, it isn't entirely wrong."


So it wasn't the forest's center, in the end?


I'm pretty sure it was, though.

Me and Calming, we'd worked all our way up to this place. And it was pretty much over now.

We'd reached the end of our long journey.

Didn't that mean I'd seen and known, now, the better part of this broad and vast place.

I was an expert.

The forest's center.

It had to be.

Big dryad sis' says no, though.

Who's the better expert?

Me, or the dryad?

Well, still is the most dense place in this whole forest in terms of mana only.

Anyway, anyway, this pond?

Pond of Vitality, hm.

It was the real deal.

My quest finally is reaching an end.

Looking back down at the pond, I squinted my eyes, and before telling her I was sorry for being this indecisive and asking way too many questions, "And so, once again, more importantly, you said everything was prepared … right?"


We were ready to go, apparently.

Preparations were done, yes.

Was that actually another reason why there was this great quantity of aura leaking off of here?

Big dryad sis', upon arriving here, she insisted: everything had been prepared beforehand.

What exactly needed preparation, I didn't know, but oh well, what did that matter?

That was it, apparently … shall it just be that, and nothing, though?

"What might be the long call for?" big sis' smiled at me, urging me to just go on ahead and get this over with, "All you have to do is jump now, huhuhu!"

True that I'm taking a bit of time.

But it's necessary.

❮Jump into the Pond of Vitaliy. 0/1❯

"I mean, just thought all of this was pretty easy," pointing out that fact, I continued, "And as such, well …" but having no real point to make, "No, never mind."

"Everything has been taken care of, Player."

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