My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 81 - Cries

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That was another question, indeed. What was he doing?

While I wouldn't actually know how to answer that question, I'd know how to make it clearer a bit.

Someone else's presence I had to be considering, at this point.

"I don't want to go back there!" she yelled.

"But--Didn't we agree to--"

"Oh, come on, I was just scared, Laerd!"

The princess' presence.

There was no mistaking it: she was here.

Here's another question, now: what's that mean?

I didn't know how to answer that question either … but once again, I knew to make it a bit clearer. Maybe.

Who else's presence should we be considering down here, too?

While this one didn't talk words, "Orh, and don't you play dumb, couldn't you tell anyway?!" it was still very palpable: drama's presence.

"You misled me!

"And … cough, cough, cough!

"Tried to take advantage of my ignorance…!"

Up my little clear, still lying down on my back, I could only wonder what all that was about, now.

Cries and yells just went and went, again and again.

Only taking place right down up ahead.

The little elevated plateau I'd been resting on gave me a broad view on that scenery.

"Just--Just leave me be!"

My reaction?

"Wh--What--What's that girl even doing alive?!"

I'm not going to lie, it shook me off-balance when I first got introduced to that fun fact.

Of course I'd be reacting that way. How would I not, hm?

What did I think about this whole business ever since the beginning? Once I'd get my quest done, let's just break free of any responsibilities I'd have had with Calming.

He needed his princess: it was a matter of life and death.

What did I do about that? I had to trick him and lead him into lending me his habile hands that I could realize what needed realizing easily.

What was she doing alive … that was a shock, so to speak … except I didn't quite react that way.

I didn't quite react that way, no. I wasn't moved nor shocked.

"And--Where's the monster?!" the princess spoke further, "I'm pretty sure I heard his voice," as she'd been shaking her little panicked head in whatever direction she could.

Remember back in the hole? When I'd gotten my senses back, my ears had picked some noises going out here, right?

Well, amongst all my thoughts of the time, I'd understood these were from them. And so, I'd had time to process that piece of intel.

Both Calming and his princess were here.

She ought to be dead, the princess, though. It only makes sense that way. Now, though, she isn't.

...Why wouldn't she be?

That was another question.

"Princess, you have to understand…!" Calming went and tried to make her see reason as he got nearer her in broad movements, "It's for the sake of our, your people--"

And in their ruckus and agitation, Calming's hands went and tried to get a hold of the princess at once--This already had happened before.

His two rapid-moving arms rushed and tried to get a hold of the little rebel down here.

That happened before, yes, except this time about, I wasn't the one playing the princess.

And while I'd have avoided that.

What would the princess do?

Shrieking and shrinking her fragile trembling body, "I forbid it! I forbid it!" placing her hands on top of her head, as shaky as she could've been, "Don't you go near me, Laerd!"


It looked like serious business.

Although she did put up a good fight, she wasn't all that unshaken by it.

Nicely done, anyhow. Calming's hands were repelled.

Weakly and poorly pushing him away, "For the sake of 'my' people???" she asked, screaming again, with her high-pitched voice, "Don't make me laugh!"

Highly emphasizing her tone on her 'my people' she continued speaking.

"For 'my' people, now???--"

"Princess, would you please just hear me out, please--"


"No--No more hear me out, Laerd!

"I'm not--I am not done speaking to yourself!"


Well, she indeed puts up a good resistance.

"And that's another thing, by the way," pushing him further away with her feeble limbs, "When the monster was in my head controlling me, I heard and saw! … and felt!"

"Can--Can you believe that, now?

"I know you can't just do whatever you want with me because of the bloo--Of the blood running through my blood!"

The poor girl really was striving and giving her best, right?

Putting up the best fight she could, all stammering and stuttering here and there, confusing words and whatnot.

She also trembled quite a lot.

Well, overall, I could sense she was panic-stricken.

"You don't want me outc--cough, cough, cough--outcasting you, do you?!"

And so not only was she alive but also living through me all the long?

That's pretty neat.

Hold on a second, though, maybe I'm the one who's been leaving through her all this time, right?

Well, well, well.

And she was right in what she just remarked.

Dark elves would be the result of unfaithfulness and severe disloyalty among the elves.

Among other things, their rulers--the elven royalty--would just need to call in for the forest's … thingy (don't remember the name) to outcast an elf.

Losing the forest's benediction, they'd just, well, become darker … and lose something sacred.

Anyway, Old had clued me in, telling me I'd nothing much to fear from them if I played my cards correctly.

And after warning him the way she did, only a blank followed.

Calming frowned and cast his eyes downward.

His shoulder dropped a few inches, following his sad pair of eyes.

He must've been feeling so tired and poorly.

He who had just wanted to get his princess back in order to … well, do whatever he planned on doing (I didn't know much about their internal issues) couldn't just do that.

Surely, there was more to that than I knew.

The trembling princess was feeling tired and poorly too.

I could sense it. She wasn't well at all. If anything, she'd been even less well than Calming.

Maybe had she been through even more hardships than him?

Well, I didn't know about that, once again. All I knew was, both were quite poor and tired in their own way.

And the princess' state of restlessness was far from being over.

She wasn't done telling Calming off, it seemed.

And I was just about still lying down flat on my back, a dozen meters away from them, looking down on them from the little clear I was on.

And the sky was by my side.

Well, what was left of itself, at the very least.

About clouds, and tiny drops of rain, mostly.

We were all just looking down on these two, altogether, as we also were getting ready to just move on to other lands and wonders.

The sky was becoming clearer with each passing minute, at this point.

The oh-so-humid and grey atmosphere finally was packing up its stuff. And soon enough, it'd be waving a good hearty hand of bye-bye at us, making its departure.

I was looking forward to that. I preferred a clear and blue sky rather than a grey and sorry one.

The sorry state of the sky had only begun to go away.

The 'packing of its stuff' part would be lasting, I knew.

Anyway, this left the atmosphere as it was right now: not so grey and humid anymore but still hell of grey in sorrows and humid in tears.

The princess and Calming were talking.

Well, mostly the princess, though. She did take care of providing the words, and Calming took care of providing the hearing.

The princess talked and talked, waving her arms in this and that direction, adding feelings and strong emotions to what her two pale moving lips uttered on that day.

Why should she do all that?

Why should she be the one sacrificing herself?

Did it even mean anything in the first place?

She yelled and she yelled.

Calming had referred to their people as 'hers,' telling herself they needed her. Could they even be considered her people at this point?

Her trembling voice didn't stop.

Nor did her eyes stop shaking.

Was her heart trembling and shaking, too?

I didn't know, but it was opening.

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