My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 92 - Ninety

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Still fighting the orcs … one super powerful blow just went at me.

I evaded it closely.

The huge deadly sword came rushing at me following its arm and shoulder … when slash!

It sure was a powerful blow.

I was shocked and astounded, but I knew to be efficient.

This blow I'd just faked out, it wasn't just for no reason at all.

I needed an opening, and now, I had it.

Left Orc did put a lot of weight on his assault right now, and so, his big sword going to his left, one of his flanks was exposed to me.

I didn't quite attack with my shortsword, though.

Rather … "Hiss!!!"

<Cat Hissing>

Did it consist of hissing, and only hissing?

Yes it did.

And so … I just hissed.

My back was arched forward, my complexion very tense, and if I had fur, I'm pretty sure it'd have been standing up as I did my hissing.


Nothing happened, so I did hiss again focusing on Left Orc only.

Heh. At this point, I wasn't even sure whether I sounded more like a cat or more like a fool, but anyway, "Hiss!!!"

That angry feeling I felt lingering within my stomach only grew stronger.


This performance only ticked me off, for some reason.

I'm here to assess that <Cat Hissing> Active Skill.

Maybe that was an effect the skill would have.


❮'Run away!' Negative Effect could not be of effect on the targeted mob 'Orc level 17'.❯

Oh, okay.

"Geh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh!"

"'Run away!' Negative Effect" the guide says.

So ... my guess is, that skill was supposed to make my target frightened and panic-stricken that they go running away, huh.

Though it didn't go through at all. Was I being too weak in my hissing?

Should I go one more time?

Nah, nah, nah.

I'll just take profit from what this has brought.

They're laughing, these two. They really are. Goddamn it, are they stupid? Both of them. Real hard, at that.

Left Orc's guard wasn't quite to be dropped as he ran off, being scared and frightened by my powerful hissing threatening sound, it seemed to me.

"Meh…" I could only grimace at this.

They were making fun of me.

But that's cool. I'm cool with that, right? I would follow up with my attack immediately.

Among them two, Left Orc is the one laughing real hard. And since the laughter, his guard seems to be dropped.

Or maybe it isn't … anyhow, I went on the move.

I don't need no 'Run away!' negative magic effect or no nothing.

Cat hissing can't go through, but so what?

The orcs … they are slow.

I just have to be extremely quick and I can outdo them. Huh. Maybe I do need to go seriously at them.

And so, as Right Orc was trying to call back to order Left Orc, no second was to be let go to waste.

Let's just go.

Jumping backward, my naked feet went over the previous decapitated human's hands and arms.

They now brushed and landed onto the soft grass--my whole body followed my shoulders and went down, then up.

Locating one of the previous two protecting human's swords, my scanning eyes quickly found one.

Picking up the decapitated one's sword, I already was up again--the orcs still weren't quite ready to react … or so it seemed to me, at the very least.

My back was straightened back up again anyway … and with an accelerating shoulder--woosh!

"Eat this!"

The sword I'd just picked up was to be sent, deploying the wings I'd just granted it, flying away towards the two enemies and spinning around itself.

And I, "Quick Pace!" dashed along with it, rushing towards them … but a bit to the side.

Still laughing, they decided to snap out of it under Right Orc's forceful lead.

Even laughing, Left Orc was confident he wouldn't just die.

That, and he saw the sword I'd thrown at him.

So, pushing his comrade's shoulder, most likely telling him to mind his own business, Right just did that and stepped back.

The flying sword turned and turned and turned when--clang!

Bringing his huge sword up, then down in a super rapid movement, it was impressive--he'd blocked it.

He then turned towards Right back again, sort of telling him, "See?" as he chuckled a bit more.

But Right Orc knew better.

Because I rushed and rushed and rushed when--stab!

In the end, Left Orc had just underestimated my speed. Or maybe he didn't even see me at all.

I could be really quick when I required it.

Throwing the sword to the side had led him into paying attention to it.

And surprising him, I got to stab the hell out of his stupid self.

My glittering sword had gone all its way through the man's abdomen and lower chest from his flank.


He grunted and clenched his teeth like mad, looking down at me still gripping onto his sturdy sword.

There was him, and his sword.

He was super tall and thick.

His sword was about the same.

And me, from my tiny stature … I was just super tiny.

The top of my head was at the same height as his tanned uncovered navel. I only reach that belly button of his with my whole body straightened, yes.

He was ridiculously gigantic when I stood right next to him.

His nostrils puffed up, he exhaled some more air … without breathing it back in.

It wasn't just his belly that was uncovered by his overly light armor.

Even his flanks weren't protected at all.

My sword could testify to that--I rotated it to the side, tearing off the orc's guts from inside.

I had just stabbed him real good.

And now, he oughta die, right?

His whole body started to tremble frantically … on his face, his two big red eyes were still staring at me from above.

And now, his brows were twitching like crazy too.

In a way that even made both his whole eyes tremble with him.

Biting his lips a thick wave of bloodlust was to be emitted from him to me.

Very very thick wave of bloodlust.

And I just waited…?

When will he fall to his knees?

I waited for that.

And … I'm pretty sure 'that' waited for me too.

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