My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 99 - Nearing 100

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In the middle of a fight--the human soldier wanted to snatch my prey away; I wouldn't let that go unpunished.

He tried to finish off the wounded orc. I had to hinder him.

Turning around, I attacked with my shortsword--clang!

From under his helm which had no visor, I could see he was being puzzled by what I had just done.

As confused as he could be, he couldn't call off the strike he'd just received … he just bounced and fell behind.

Back to the main business, now.

My heels were to spin around themselves again in a really short span.

In the blink of an eye, I was back facing the two orcs I was having a fight with.

The wounded orc wasn't so wounded--as my eye caught him, he was trying to retreat.

There was no second to let go to waste, was there?

"Chain Attack!" I shouted on top of my childish voice.

When I got back to him, I was already close.

There wasn't so much room in between us.

My shortsword could bite him from this distance. He was within my range.

And so I just attacked, my sword gripped by my tiny hand.

With the first blow of the three of this skill--clang!

With a continuous movement, I did go from right to left, wiping off the wounded orc's sword, which was propping him up.

With my blow of just now, his sword was sent flying to the side.

I didn't stop midway.

As my sword still was moving from right to left, my extending arm and shoulder did go further to the left, when … clang!

Blocked off the other orc's strong sword, which was yet again to be targeted at me.

This orc's sword wasn't quite sent flying away, but I blocked it off good.

I felt happy. And so I smiled, amusingly.

And upon meeting their complexions, the two orcs I was having a good pleasant fight with … weren't so happy with me, huh.

Far … far from that, actually. What is wrong with them? Why are they only grimacing and scowling at me?

One of them, the wounded one, was more panic-stricken than annoyed, it seemed to me.

But the other one, (it was a female, by the way), just emitted some strong, thick bloodlust at me.

I could feel it through my bones … and it itched, sort of. But only did that.

And well, I say 'only did that,' but it is still kind of a shame to me. That spoils the mood a little. I don't like it, no, no.

But it only itches. So I'm kind of good too, still.

It's nothing compared to the freezing chill that ran down my spine when I first encountered the good old Old Sipping, back in his little cozy house down the forest.

And now that I think about it, it even is funny. Being itching is funny.

And it was all the funnier when this very simple itching sensation was the result of some bloodlust directed at me.

I smiled even higher and brighter.

And so I decided to let out a bit of my aura, too.

In appearance, (I could distinct one's magical waves or aura when I concentrated on it, that, or it was just thick enough), the chilling aura I'd let out of my body was darker and thicker.

Darker and thicker by many, many levels. And many, many leagues.

Showing my white teeth and arching my lips up, I could sense the orc female was moved.

Hehehe. This exchange felt so good. It wouldn't last longer than that, though. It's already lasted long enough by me, anyhow.

My shortsword had just wiped their swords off of my sight.

Wounded Orc's sword had been sent flying away to the side, as he fell back on his knee again.

Female Orc's sword was still tightly gripped by her tough hands, but by the time she brought it up again, it'd be too late.

I attacked again.

Just like one rapid, dangerous, classy, handsome, super strong, really, really strong slithering snake--my arm and sword just came back swinging it at them.

From left to right, this time, it was opening the second blow of the 'Chain Attack' skill.

This time about, I concentrated just naturally, (Old didn't even teach me how to do that, it just came naturally in the past), magical energy was in and on my weapon.

And this thin layer of mana was applied to my already glittering magical sword.

You could imagine how transcendent and superior my sword was at the time!

It put me in an even better mood.

That, and I didn't wait.


Only the tip of my sword lashed them with its mana.

It was clean, straight, brief.

Female Orc had lost her left arm and got her guts torn open.

Wounded Orc took the blow with his shoulders and upper chest area.

❮Quest: 9/30 enemies dealt with.❯

Within the blink of an eye, I could make out the two of them just about fell down.

The wounded orc already was much down to the ground--he died quickly.

And as for the female orc, she did waver a little bit standing up, before she actually fell to the ground too, cursing.

❮Quest: 10/30 enemies dealt with.❯

I didn't really have time to pause and see what would become of them afterward.

I was right in the middle of my performance, after all.

My whole body had to turn back behind.

Rotating back my heels and following them the way I did, the soldier behind me had already got up to his feet.

It seemed he was resolutely going to kill the annoying human brat that had come to disturb him during his fight.

Or maybe he just understood I wasn't so much more human than an orc would be.

I didn't know how he would be able to come to tell that, but Old could tell. So there must've been a way for him to guess.

Either way, he would fight.

With his sword, or … ah?

It wasn't a sword anymore, but a spear, he was menacing me. From the looks of it, he aimed at my legs.

And it was with a spear.

Maybe he'd changed weapons.

Maybe he'd swapped places with a colleague.

I didn't know--either way, the third and last blow of my combo went slashing at him.

I didn't even block nor evade the spear that was targeting my legs--I just swung horizontally my shortsword, whose length and range was literally doubled by the mana I'd added to it--and he fell down, too.

No, I hadn't cut through the metal, this time about. My sword just went in between the top of the man's breastplate and helmet.

And I guess I must've hit him good.

"Huff, huff…"

After the soldier I killed fell down, lifeless … I just paused and breathed.

I needed it. And so I just did, "Huff, huff, huff…"

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