【Master Roshi takes Sun Wukong and Krillin out of Master Roshi and first tells them the meaning of martial arts】

【The purpose of practicing martial arts is not to win a fight or to win the favor of women, but to achieve a healthy body and mind, and then use this healthy body and mind to live a meaningful life. This is called martial arts.】

【Of course, if someone bullies kind people, then we should teach them a lesson.】

【After explaining the meaning of martial arts, the training officially began.】

【Master Roshi took Sun Wukong and Krillin to a milk distribution center in the town.】

【He asked Sun Wukong and Krillin to distribute milk to customers.】

【However, you can't use helicopters to deliver it, you have to run!】

【And it must be delivered before breakfast!】

【The first customer is two kilometers away.】

【Master Roshi asked Sun Wukong and Krillin to deliver milk by jumping and running! 】

And Master Roshi's training method also stunned all the audience!

They have thought about how Master Roshi, the martial arts master, would train Sun Wukong and Krillin.

They even thought that if possible, they could also learn from him.

But after seeing this training method of delivering milk, they were stunned.

"No, no way, delivering milk by running?!"

"The first customer that Goku and Krillin were going to deliver was two kilometers away! And they had to jump over there! Isn't this a bit too exaggerated?"

"This is just the first customer! There are several more customers! If that's the case, don't they have to run at least ten kilometers in the morning?"

"Not in the morning, they have to deliver all the milk before breakfast."

"In other words, they only have two or three hours at most!"

"I get up at 4:30 in the morning and run at least 10 kilometers to deliver milk without eating breakfast, and I have to finish it within two or three hours."

"This, this way of practicing will kill you."

There are many people who like morning jogging.

There are also many people who run a few kilometers in the morning.

But there are not many people who run more than ten kilometers in the morning.

And they are holding a box of milk in their hands, which is a weight!

And it's not normal running. The first two kilometers are actually run in a jumping way!

Jumping is much more tiring than normal running!

This kind of practice intensity makes those who want to learn lose their desire to learn.

This is too scary for them!

"I usually run two or three kilometers in the morning, but I have never run more than ten kilometers in the morning, not even on weekends."

"And I have to get up at 4:30 in the morning, which is a bit too early!"

"This is what cultivation is. If you sleep until you wake up naturally and then practice, then it can't be considered cultivation."

"Am I the only one who noticed that the original milkman was planning to deliver the milk by helicopter?"

"Wow, so during the Dragon Ball era, airplanes were the most common means of transportation?"

"This is even more terrifying! To deliver milk by helicopter, it must be a long distance."

"But to cover this distance, Goku and Krillin have to run, and it’s not a normal way of running. I’m really afraid that they will die of exhaustion halfway!"

"Is Master Roshi so cruel right from the start? So is this just one day's training?"

"I think it's impossible. The milk delivery has to be finished before breakfast. The day has just begun. I think Goku and Krillin's suffering has just begun."

"Is this the way a true master practices? I really want to see those so-called Qigong masters practice like this."

"As long as they can persist for a week, even if they are fake masters, I will regard them as real masters!"

"Don't be ridiculous, I don't think they can even make it through the first day!"

Master Roshi's way of training has shocked all the audience.

The key is that this is just the training before breakfast!

What about after breakfast?

They don't think that Master Roshi will let Go of Son Goku and Krillin so easily!

【Sun Wukong and Krillin followed Master Roshi, jumping and running to deliver milk】

【After running for two kilometers, they finally arrived at the first customer and delivered the milk.】

【The next customer is one kilometer away.】

【Because there were trees on both sides of the road, when delivering milk to the second house, Master Roshi asked Sun Wukong and Krillin to run around the trees.】

【While running, Sun Wukong kept following Master Roshi's steps, while Krillin was being clever and did not choose to run around the tree, but just ran straight ahead.】

【But he was soon discovered by Master Kame】

【After delivering milk to the second customer, the next customer was on a mountain.】

【If you want to go up the mountain, besides taking a plane, there is only one staircase.】

【It's just that this staircase has thousands of steps from the foot of the mountain to the top. 】

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