"It seems that after Goku and Krillin went through the rigorous training of Master Roshi, their powers in all aspects have become much stronger."

"Yes, if they were asked to run a hundred meters now, their results would probably exceed the human limit."

"If it was the current Goku, his Kamehameha should be able to break Pilaf's prison cell, so he wouldn't have to turn into a giant ape."

"You can see that Master Roshi is very surprised that two people can push this huge rock."

"I remember he said before that as long as the two of them can push this boulder, the basic physical training will be almost complete, and they can practice boxing."

"So next, can he teach Goku and Krillin the real training method?"

"The basic physical strength has been completed, and the next step is to practice Qigong."

"But I guess it's too late. Although I don't know how many months have passed, the world's number one martial arts tournament should be starting soon."

"In this case, there is not much time left for the two of them!"

"But even if the two of them didn't practice Qigong, they could still achieve very good results based on their practice."

"I just don’t believe that other martial artists can endure such harsh training!"

"But if those martial artists are also Qigong masters, I wonder if the two of them can achieve good results."

"Yes, in the end it all depends on how they perform."

【After pushing the boulder, Sun Wukong excitedly asked Master Roshi if he could practice boxing.】

【But Master Roshi told them that there was no boxing technique, and he had nothing to teach them.】

【He told them that the basic essence of Kame-ryu martial arts had been fully embodied in the seven months they had practiced.】

【During the practice, the two may not notice it, but every aspect of their body, even their mind, has been trained.】

【As for boxing, it's just a matter of how you use it.】

【Learning martial arts is not to defeat your opponent, but to surpass yourself】

【Therefore, the two should make use of the basic things they have learned to create their own boxing style.】

【He did not expect the two of them to win first place in the World Martial Arts Conference.】

【It is just to let the two know where their limits are, so as to motivate them to go to the next level.】

【In the month before the martial arts competition, the two of them can do the same training as before, but the weight of the turtle shell on their backs must be doubled.】

【As they continued to practice, the two of them also doubted whether they could participate in the martial arts competition and win and advance to the top eight.】

【But it has come to this point, and I can't just give up like this】

【Just like that, the remaining month passed quickly, and finally it was the day before the martial arts competition.】

【Master Kame asked the two to take down the turtle shell.】

【When the two of them took off the tortoise shell, they felt their bodies become very light.】

【Master Roshi asked the two to jump hard, and they jumped directly into the air hundreds of meters high! 】

This jump of the two also jumped directly into the hearts of the audience!

"Is this the result of weight-bearing training? He can actually jump so high!"

"I remember that even in other periods, those top powers could only jump about this high. Doesn't that mean that the current strength of the two of them is already comparable to the top powers of other periods?"

"I think it's only in terms of jumping ability that they can be compared, I don't know about other aspects yet."

"But even in terms of jumping ability, it is already amazing! You know, those strong men in other periods all relied on various special energies."

"As for Goku and Krillin, both of them rely entirely on their strong physical fitness!"

"A question suddenly occurred to me. Since both of them have such amazing jumping abilities, how amazing is the jumping ability of their master, Master Roshi?"

"It is estimated that his jump is at least a thousand meters! Surpassing the strong men of other periods!"

"Unfortunately, Master Roshi did not teach Goku and Krillin how to practice Qigong, so is what he said true? Does he really have nothing to teach, or is he hiding something?"

"It is certain that he has hidden something, at least he did not teach Krillin Kamehameha"

"Or maybe he felt that their training was almost complete, and now the only thing missing was strength. To perform Kamehameha, it would take at least fifty years of strength."

"But Wukong can already use it."

"Just because Goku can perform it, doesn't mean Krillin can perform it too."

"But no matter what, at least Goku and Krillin are not real Qigong masters yet, that's for sure."

"I just don't know if they will meet other Qigong masters at the martial arts conference."

"And I don't know what's going on with Yamcha, whether he will participate in the martial arts competition."

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