It is not difficult to leave an afterimage, but it is not easy to leave an afterimage.

Some people are fast enough, such as the world champions of sprinting, who can leave afterimages when running at full speed.

But their afterimages follow them all the way.

Leaving an afterimage in the same place is many times faster than leaving an afterimage!

This speed has even exceeded the speed of sound!

"Is this the power that exceeds the limits of human beings? Can this really be achieved by practicing Qigong alone?"

"I think it's more than that, it's obvious that the body has exceeded the limits of the human body!"

"So our previous guess is very likely correct. As the physical body becomes stronger, the Qi in the human body may also become stronger."

"If we had a device to measure the qi in the human body, we might know that those who exercise regularly and are strong and healthy have much stronger qi than ordinary people like us."

"Indeed, those who participated in the world's first martial arts competition should have strong qi, but they are not qigong masters."

"Could it be possible that they don’t know how to use the energy in their bodies?"

"Master Roshi's Kamehameha is a technique that transforms the energy in his body, or his chi, into an attacking move."

"Is it possible that others don’t?"

"That makes sense. This technique may only be mastered by a true Qigong master."

"Therefore, the Qigong masters in the Dragon Ball era were as powerful as or even surpassed some of the top powers in other periods!"

"Not only that, Krillin doesn't know Qigong yet, but the strength he shows is no worse than some strong men from other periods."

"If he learned Qigong, his strength would definitely be even stronger!"

"I have figured out that those strong men from other periods practiced various kinds of energy. The stronger the energy, the stronger their strength."

"The strong men in the Dragon Ball era cultivated their own bodies."

"The stronger their bodies are, the stronger their strength will be, and the stronger their Qi will be."

"Speaking of their Qi, it is essentially a kind of energy, just like Chakra, Haki, etc."

"But the difference is that things like chakra and domineering only exist during certain periods."

"I wonder if there are people in our time who have chakra and Haki?"

"However, the Qigong in the Dragon Ball era is most likely similar to the Qigong we know today!"

"In other words, the energy and strength of other periods cannot be replicated in our period."

"However, it is still possible to replicate the strong people and energy of the Dragon Ball era in our time!"

"Although it can't be as powerful as in the Dragon Ball era, there is at least hope of a replica!"

"I can't say for others, but after Su Bai knew that he was Sun Wukong in his previous life, maybe he could learn how to practice Qigong from his memories of his previous life."

"By then, maybe he can become as powerful as his previous life, Sun Wukong!

" When the audience thought about the strong men in the Dragon Ball period, they hoped that they could be reproduced in this period.

Even if they couldn't reproduce strong men like Master Roshi and Sun Wukong, even if they were weaker than them, they were already very strong!

What's more, Sun Wukong was Su Bai's previous life.

Maybe Su Bai could reproduce Sun Wukong's strength? Although this possibility is a little small, it is not impossible!

【After the battle between Kame-sensei and Krillin, the second match of the semi-finals began.】

【Sun Wukong vs. Namo】

【At the beginning of the game, Sun Wukong used his powerful speed to leave an afterimage on the spot, then he came behind Namu and kicked him.】

【However, his kick missed and was dodged by Nanwu.】

【Then, Namo continued to attack Sun Wukong, but his attacks were all blocked by Sun Wukong.】

【However, Namo's strength is not bad either, and he can fight against Sun Wukong without losing the upper hand!】

【Then, Sun Wukong thought of a new move. He spun rapidly, like a spinning top.】

【This move made it impossible for Nanwu to even get close, and he could only dodge continuously.】

【Soon, Namo was pushed to the edge of the ring by Sun Wukong.】

【However, just when Namo closed his eyes and accepted his fate】

【The Monkey King, who was originally spinning, stopped.】

【It turned out that because he had been keeping the high speed option, Sun Wukong felt dizzy.】

【Although if he just persisted a little longer, he could eliminate Namo】

【But the dizzy feeling made him unable to hold on.】

【Seeing Sun Wukong lying on the ground in a daze, Namo jumped hundreds of meters into the air.】

【Then, he put his hands in front of him to form an X shape and swooped down towards Sun Wukong on the ring!】

【His move is called Sky X-shaped Fist! 】

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