My Past Life Simulator

Chapter 419: 418 [Exactly what I want! 】

  Not far away, the Seven Young Masters of Qingyun, who were paralyzed on the floor, fell into a sluggishness as they watched the scene where the big brother was biting the little one.

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   Isn't it, playing so big?

   The senior brother who is the head of the seven will be completely abolished from now on.

The    dharma was damaged, so he had to re-cultivate the yin spirit, and then visualize the "Double Fighting Two Dragons and Three Floods" again. In this way, at least it would take hundreds of years to return to today's realm.

At the time of   , the six of them would have already become the cultivators of the Dharma Phase Realm.

  I never imagined that it was just a small attack that would lead to such a tragic outcome.

   "Uncle Master, I am passively counterattacking."


  Liu Yong looked at He Zhao's innocent eyes, and was so angry that he almost didn't perform a live defense.

   "Shut up, stop eating!"

   Still chewing, he turned around and waved a palm.

   Against your uncle's blow!


   The palm of the hand touched the scorpion, and he expected that the other party would be severely injured and returned to the spiritual space to cultivate, but it did not appear. Instead, a huge force shook back, causing him to step back three steps.


  Wait a while, the boy surnamed He, didn't he just cultivated the Dharma for a few days, why is his Dharma condensed like steel.

   "Ka chi!" "Ka chi!"

   Xiang Xiang ignored Liu Yong who attacked it, biting faster and faster, as if he was afraid of leaving a little residue.

  There is a saying and one, to a certain extent, the Dharma reflects the temperament of its owner.

   It's not enough to take advantage of it. Less money is a blood loss character. It's carved out of the same mold as a certain **** in TM.

   Waiting for the surnamed Liu to return to his senses, Xiang Xiang is sticking out his slender tongue, carefully licking the scum on the floor.

Where the    scarlet tongue passed, a dazzling floor was left.

  The robot vacuum cleaner is not as fine as it is.


   So far, the strong man, who is expected to become the chief disciple of Qingyunzong, is on the street!

   Don’t get me wrong, death is not death, but living is many times harder than death.

  From the head of the seven sons, who are admired by thousands of people, to the Xiaopaicai that needs to be rebuilt and is lagging behind, the two are separated by world.

   When Liu Yong saw this, his head was as big as a bucket.

   New monster VS veteran genius, the former makes the latter a Muggle, so how to deal with this perfectly?

   "Boy He, you're in trouble."

   Lao Liu was numb, how fast he came then, how fast he wants to run now. The palm of the hand and the back of the hand are all meat, especially the meat on the back of the hand is rotten, and the meat on the palm of the hand is more and more important to the sect.

"Hey, you are temporarily grounded, and you must not leave the floor of the true disciple. When I report this to the senior senior brother, I will handle it according to his wishes." The voice fell, and he raised his hand to grab the fainting strong man. Ceiling left.

   "The adults are mighty and domineering!"

   "The adults really have the appearance of being in charge!"

   "Congratulations, Lord Hershey."

   A group of licking dogs saw Uncle Shi and left, and immediately licked the famous ruthless man wildly.

   Six people lying on the floor: "."

   Can you carry someone behind your back?

When    is touted, the flattering color on your face can be a little heavier!

  Bah, disgusting. …

   We used to know how to turn off the lights and communicate through life signs.

   "Don't talk nonsense, quickly help my brothers and sisters up, I have something to talk to them about."



   Hearing the words, the six of them struggled to climb to their respective doors.


   There is no good thing, run first.

  Unfortunately, the shaman who was seriously injured was obviously not qualified to resist.

   A group of people heard the order and rushed up immediately, holding them down with all their hands and feet.

   Immediately afterwards, drag them and throw them in front of the culprit.

   If it was before, I would have some scruples.

  Nowadays, the phoenix on the ground is not as good as the chicken.

   The two voices shouted so that the seven sons of Qingyun, seven meat, eight elements, and even the Dharma could not be maintained.

   The status of true disciples is high, and they fall directly from the altar.

  My boss is He Zhao, do you dare to touch a hair of mine?

   "Everyone, everything today is a misunderstanding."

"Yes Yes Yes"

   Qingyun six sons nodded hurriedly after hearing this.

   Don't care what the other party thinks, they are not ready to resist.

   You have a big fist. We have no problem with what you say.

   "By the way, when will your Dharma look be restored?"

   Facing Ruthless Man's question, the six of them hurriedly responded.

   "Half a month is enough."

   "I have more than a month."

   Hearing this, He, who was surrounded by a group of people, touched his chin and said cheerfully.

   "Why don't we try again in a month and a half?"




   Six people got numb together, **** your uncle.

   Co-author had a kind face to us, and spent a long time playing the idea of ​​our Dharma.

   The previous picture of Xiang Xiang licking the floor and refusing to let go of a trace of residue, but they really saw it.


   Three women and three men kneel directly.

   They each hugged He's thighs, begging for mercy with a slightly crying voice.

   "Brother Zhao, everything is our fault."

   "Raise your hands high and let us go. You will be the chief disciple of the thirty-third generation in the future, and the six of us will definitely look out for you in the future."


   Did you see what happened to the head of the seven sons?

  Which Shabi would like to experience a rebuild!

   Of course, the names of the Seven Sons of Qingyun can still be preserved.

   Go down one, and add another, still seven people.

   "Let's learn, learn, don't get me wrong, after all, I'm not a devil."

   Go to your uncle!

   The six people couldn't help rolling their eyes, who's sparring and rushing to the waste?

   When others talk about learning, it is real learning. When you talk about learning, you are actually greedy for our Dharma.

  Bah, scumbag!

"Brother Zhao, today is a happy event for you to become a true disciple. Because it was too hasty, the younger brother did not prepare any gifts. Take the ring and take it directly if you like it. Don't refuse, if you don't take it, it will be looked down upon. I."

   "Yes, yes, take it away."

   Six storage rings were handed over, making it hard for the famous ruthless man to refuse.

   He stretched out his hand and took the rings from everyone's palms and put them in his arms.


   Seeing him receiving the gift, the six of them subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.


   He sighed, he just tried two sentences. …

   Just abolished Jian Zhuangnan, and then abolished the remaining six True Inheritances, the head is afraid that he will be stripped of his skin.

   As a result, no one was fooled.

  Otherwise, if you miss a match, you might not be able to get past it.

   It's all the blame for that bastard!

   Can't you be a little more elegant when you eat?

   Let people see its desire for other dharmas, and be prepared in the heart, which leads to the failure of the plan.

   Xiang Xiang: "???"

   It means that it doesn't get permission, it can't get out of the mental space, or it's going to slap someone a few big pussies.


   He Zhao waved his hand and dismissed the many doglegs, and walked to the room that had been prepared for him with a sigh.

   In the blink of an eye, only the six sons of Qingyun remained in the hall.


   The six were completely relieved, and they each collapsed again.

   "Wait a minute, the **** surnamed He seems to have taken all our storage rings?"

   "Hey! He has a really big appetite, so take pity on my accumulated wealth."

   "Come on, isn't it better to take a life than anything else?"

   The six people cried, but they could only comfort each other in desperation.

  The money is gone, you can make it.

  When people are gone, there is really nothing left.

   On the other side, Zhang Heng and the others looked at the head of the seven sons who was still in a coma and sighed.

   "Senior brother, what should I do?"

   Liu Yong asked in a low voice that he personally did not want to see He Zhao being punished too severely.

   "Abolish the cultivation base and expel the teacher from the door."

   One of the elders on the side said a voice.

   The voice fell, and everyone looked at him up and down with the eyes of some rare animal.

   You wouldn't be an undercover agent from another sect, would you?

   A genius with extraordinary talent, who can be said to be unprecedented in the past, and no one has come since.

  Especially now, their Qingyunzong is in a state of inexorability.

  Quan pointed at his disciples, and returned to Xinyue Kingdom as soon as possible.

   "Why are you looking at this old man? I'm talking about the old sect rules." The person who spoke out regretted it. However, you can't lose with your mouth, you have to go back and make up for it.

   "It's definitely not abolished, let alone being expelled from the division." Zhang Heng shook his head, he also felt that this matter was difficult to deal with. If it is said that it is elite disciples who need to rebuild, they will not even gather together to discuss.

  Yes, who called Jian Zhuangnan a true disciple!

  If they can't contain someone's daring actions, they feel that the remaining six sons of Qingyun in the future will not end well.

   "Discipline is to be punished, but we have to grasp a sense of proportion. We must not let He Xiaozi and Zongmen be estranged, but also let him realize that he can't do whatever he wants by relying on his talent."

  Liu Yong's words caused everyone to roll their eyes. Who is not aware of this truth?

   Difficulty lies in how to have both.

The    is a little heavier, and it is estimated that there will be grudges in my heart. Take it easy, and similar events may happen in the future.



   A group of Supreme Elders sighed and scratched their bald heads, but they couldn't think of a way to get the best of both worlds.

   "If we change to the previous Qingyun Sect, we don't need to hesitate, we just follow the rules of the sect."


   Come on, even in the heyday of the sect, he would still keep the surname He. …

  Without him, the talent is high.

   At most, he will be sent to perform some seemingly dangerous, but actually very safe tasks, in order to gag the mouths of others.

   "Hey, wait a minute!"

   Zhang Heng patted his thigh, and he thought of a wonderful note.

   "You said, send him back to Xinyue Kingdom to investigate whether the evil beast was killed by other sects, how about that?"

"good idea!


   His words immediately attracted everyone's admiration. As we all know, the evil beast is very dangerous, and it hates the Qingyun Sect very much. However, as long as they don't use the banner of the sect, how can a beast tell which sect is a shaman?

   The reason why they were able to chase and kill them before was just because the evil beast remembered the breath.

  He Zhao is a native of the island, and he has never seen him, let alone his breath.

   In this way, it looks very dangerous on the surface, and there is a danger of death anytime, anywhere. In reality, as long as you keep a low profile and don't provoke stubborn scumbags, the whole person is very safe.

   The face is all there!

   "As expected of the head, his brains turn faster than our group of old antiques."

   Zhang Heng couldn't help but smile when he heard this.

   As expected of me!

   After a while, there was a knock on the door of the famous ruthless man.


After    opened the door, he found that the number one licking dog and the second licking dog were two.

   "Sir, you are in big trouble this time."

   After entering the room, Wu Ling said.

   "What's the trouble?"

   "The punishment of the sect has come down. I will let you go to Xinyue Kingdom to investigate the news of the evil beast that destroyed the sect."

That's it?

   The two of them saw their boss with a nonchalant attitude, and immediately persuaded them with all their heart.

   "Sir, you'd better intercede with the head and uncle."

   In response, he rolled his eyes.

   What a joke, I was thinking about it, thinking hard, looking forward to day and night, thinking about usurping the throne, not just to go to Xinyue Kingdom.

   Now, I finally fell asleep and sent a pillow, why should I ask for mercy.

   I knew earlier that if I made a mistake, I would be ordered to return to Xinyue Kingdom.

   "Alas, it's not dangerous to investigate the evil beast. After all, you are a local native, and the evil beast has not remembered your breath. As long as you don't show it everywhere, you are a disciple of the Qingyun Sect, and you will be safe.

  The only difficulty, or the real punishment of the sect to you is the secluded world! As we all know, people who enter the Netherworld every day will have an hour-long safety period.

   As time passes, it will inevitably become a crisis. Every year, a lot of people die in the golden realm of the secluded world. Of course, there are also unnamed people who, by coincidence, soared into the sky.

   However, the secluded world is very strange. Once you encounter something incomprehensible, you can't escape if you want to. Even death is a luxury. "

   Wu Ling smiled wryly and shook his head, explaining again.

   "How did you come here?"

   "Shenzhou, we built the Shenzhou by relying on the door of the Shenji. We can avoid countless dangers, and three Taishang elders died on the way.

   At the expense of the little remaining life essence from the overdraft, after burning the cultivation base, they obtained some breathing space for us before arriving at the island of the Moon Eclipse Kingdom.

  But Shenzhou is the lifeblood of the sect, and it will definitely not be used easily to send you back to Xinyue Kingdom. You can only rely on yourself to drive the boat through the secluded world. "

   Zhang Lang answered first, but he couldn't let the number one lick the dog continue, and he had to show what he did.

   "However, small has small benefits. A person's goal is not too big, as long as he carries enough things, he should be able to avoid most of the disasters and reach Xinyue Country safely.

   Our Shenzhou is too large, and when it starts, it will be alarmed for thousands of miles, causing most of the beasts, strange and other things to come to trouble. "

   The voice fell, and Wu Ling took out a storage ring.

   "Inside, there are two small flying boats that can be driven in the secluded world. Next, there are a bag of ashes, two blood candles, three or two corpse oil, four stacks of ghost paper, three bowls of dead people's rice, and a guiding light."


  He Zhao always felt that something was wrong, but he understood Feizhou, but what the **** were the ashes, candles, corpse oil, ghost paper, and dead man's meal?

"Sir, it's not the evil beasts that are really scary in the secluded world. That thing refiner can fight back and forth, see and touch, and also get hurt. As long as you don't meet a group of evil beasts, you want to escape. Still able to escape.

  The real horrors are those weird things that cannot be understood. Once, the head of the twenty-eighth generation, met a little doll in the secluded world, and the doll just cried twice, stunned to cut off his two hundred years of life.

   Originally, he was the head of the twenty-eighth generation, and there was not much time left. The two-hundred-year-old life essence was reduced, and he almost died on the spot. If it weren't for the death-defying pills on his body, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to return to the sect and explain his future affairs. "



  Grass, so scary.

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