My Past Life Simulator

Chapter 461: 460【Flicker, continue to fool】

  After He Zhao got the leak-free feature, he was very excited, and he didn't calm down for a long time.

  The benefit is too great.

  He was playing in different ways in the living room. It becomes bigger for a while, and becomes smaller for a while, switching back and forth between the ordinary human form and the extraordinary giant state.

   No matter how much you toss, no matter how much vitality you burn, as long as you restore your normal body shape, any lost vitality will be obediently blocked by the golden film.

   "Sad eye marks, I thought they were tasteless, but I didn't expect to bring me the greatest benefits. Teacher Tang En, I thank you eight generations of ancestors."

  He really thanked the other party from the bottom of his heart, wishing he could offer his bank card with both hands as a gift of thanks. Instead of swearing at people in secret.

  Unfamiliar enemies have invaded the dreamland, well done!

  If not, can white girls get so many magical handprints and various unexpected benefits?

   "No accident, the guy who pretends to be the head teacher doesn't know much."

  He has disclosed it to himself, and vaguely remembers the first time, the conversation between two people sitting opposite each other in the small classroom.

  【I only know the first three realms, after all, I am just a mere bhikkhu】.


  The state above the novice, the [mind] in the mind, or the Bodhisattva, is initially condensed into a clearly visible human form. When the mudra is performed, the light is vast, and there is a sense of salvation for all sentient beings.

  The light in the back is vast and can save all living beings. He seriously suspects that the monks are putting gold on his face.

   "When we squeeze each other dry, it's time for us to tear our face and kill them." There is a technique of life explosion and physical birth, which makes the human level break through the extraordinary level, coupled with the handprints performed at the extraordinary stage, it is extremely fast.

  He has a personal intention to blow up all the unfamiliar enemies head-on.

   "Not only do we have to squeeze out what they have learned, but we also have to find out the news."

  Who knows how many people know about the existence of Gabala Spirit Bone Rosary Beads, if there are only two people, that's fine. Once it is a huge organization or faction, it is necessary to "deal with each other" frequently in the future.

  「How should I formulate it?」

  「I remember that big guy, what are you talking about」

  He sat on the sofa and began to think about the battle at that time.

   After a while, he slapped his thigh with a smirk on his face.

  If Xi, ancient gods, and evil gods see it, they will run as far as they can, even if it is the end of the universe, they will not hesitate.

  Because, some unreasonable **** is about to cheat people.

   "Teacher Tang En, see you in my dream."

   After speaking, he got up and walked to the bedroom.

  This time he wants to solve all the troubles in one breath.

   I hope things will go according to plan, and at the same time, not many people know about the Gabala spirit bone rosary.

  Lying all over on the big soft bed, he discovered that he was too excited about one thing, which caused him insomnia.


   "It's okay, let's go!"

  The fuzzy Buddha in his mind, behind him is extremely magnificent, and the golden light shining in the ten directions flickers suddenly.

   Immediately afterwards, the sound of chanting sutras sounded in my ears.

  「So I smell it.」

  「.It is surrounded by the four treasures, that is why the country is called Ultimate Bliss.」


  Accompanied by the calming, nerve-soothing and spiritual scripture sound, he fell into a deep sleep and fell asleep.

  In the bedroom, snoring sounds.

  It's just a person who has entered a dream, with a bewildered expression on his face.

  Without him, the surroundings are white and boundless.

  Only in the center, a huge golden Buddha whose face cannot be seen stands in front of him.

  At this moment, his only feeling is high.

   Very high, unimaginably high.

  Man standing at Buddha's feet, with a face of dust

  The feeling of the sky.

   And, more than that.

  The real gap between the two sides has no so-called upper limit, it is so high that there is no limit.

  In addition, the whole body of this Buddha is red and yellow, with a hint of purple indistinctly.

  Secondly, it is huge and has no friends.

   Quite a bit like when he faced the flesh and blood planet of Acris, it was indescribably huge, as if a universe couldn’t fit it.

  The last is the round light behind the Buddha statue. The light is fierce but not dazzling, and there is an indescribable warm feeling.

   All evil and weird things are forbidden to get close, and countless ghosts and monsters are dispelled.

   And like a sea needle, protecting him in his dreams.


  What do you mean?

   Protect me.

   It's over, it looks like I won't see Teacher Tang En.

  He Zhao's face was tangled, and it was a good thing to have a huge Buddha guarding him in his dream.

  The problem is, if you can't be "captured" by strangers, how can you be a self-confident white female ticket, or even fool people with clichés!

   "To save face, can you not protect me today?"

   Originally, it was just a complaint, but the next second the golden Buddha collapsed and shattered, disappearing without a trace.


   No, you old man is not a bit sloppy, I'm just talking, I can't take it seriously.

   Then, before he could complain, a strange and strange force instantly restrained him in his dream.

  At that moment, the whole world became blurred and dreamy.

  Among the colorful lights, the surrounding whiteness quickly undergoes earth-shaking changes.

  One after another high-rise buildings were erected on the ground, the rising sun rose from the skyline, and living people gradually emerged in the lonely city, which immediately became lively.

  On the empty street, there was a lot of traffic in just three or five breaths.

  It's like a dead person suddenly and unscientifically resurrected.

  Is this the ability of the person pretending to be Teacher Tang En?

   And he was lying on the big soft bed in the bedroom at home.

  If it weren't for the pranks in the small classroom not long ago, the vengeful roar of the lion seal unintentionally broke the confusion. I knew it was a false world, and I couldn't help but realize the truth of the matter with the help of the Buddha until now.

  「Handprints are really unique.」

  Create a real world, the only flaw is the lack of appetite and a pillar of support, which is really impossible for ordinary people to crack.

  It didn’t take long to go from Shuxiang Yajun Community to the school, but it can be completely reproduced in 1:1, which should not be underestimated.

   Besides, the other party is just a monk.

  There are mages on it, and big figures above mages!

   It is impossible to imagine what it would be like for those characters to show their power.

   "Go to school."

  He couldn't wait any longer, and was ready to give my dear Teacher Tang a hard time.

  Early, the time display—【07:30:00】.

  Stepping into the big classroom on time, there are still 16 people who practice diligently and offer their seals.


  Clearly knew that everything in front of him was false.

  However, there are no flaws.

  Everyone of the students has a different personality. They seem to be real people, not fakes created by strange enemies.

   After a while, Tang En opened the door and walked in.

  The two sides signaled through their eyes, and left one after the other.

  In the classroom, sixteen pairs of envious eyes watched He Zhao leave.

  「Really, it’s so true.」

   Turning around and glancing at him in the large classroom, he couldn't help sighing.

  「What is true?」


   Tang En took a strange look at the students in front of him, frowned, and opened the door of the small classroom.

   At the same time, there was a vague feeling in my heart that the young man seemed to have noticed something


  The two sat opposite each other, pretending to be the strange enemy of the head teacher, and opened the scene with the words that heard people's ears callused.

   "Your talent is good, and you can be said to have a bright future."


   Can't you change the sentence?

   "Okay, don't think I don't know who you are. Tell me, why did you suddenly come to Shangyang City and find me?"


  When Tang En heard the words, question marks were all over his face.

   No, how did you see it!

   "Why can't I understand what you're talking about?" The imposter's eyes flickered with panic, but he quickly calmed down and asked in a dazed expression.

  「Well, what about trust between people?」

  After the words fell, the surname He stood up, posing in the Vajra Fist Seal.


  The family branch of Bufa Temple in Shangyang City, why does it have the unique handprint of our Langshan Temple.

   Immediately afterwards, change from Vajra Fist Seal to Lion Seal.

  「If I roar, believe it or not, I can shatter the whole world?」


   Speaking of which, Tang En couldn't help but suspect that the young man standing opposite was actually an undercover agent of their Langshan Temple's family branch into Bufa Temple.

  In the next moment, the lion seal is converted into the ground seal.


  A mysterious force descended, causing the gravity in the small classroom to increase tenfold from normal.

  「Still believe it?」

  The person pretending to be Tang En was dumbfounded.

   No, your boy looks similar to the handprint I would have?

   Wait a while, the other party finds a blind spot.

  The earth-bound seal has ten times the gravity, and it is not something laymen can explain.

  Only novices!

  The boy who became a novice monk in the third year of high school, his talent seems to be stronger than himself.

  When did Langshan Temple become so arrogant that even geniuses were willing to send them out as undercover agents by chance?

  Normal process, shouldn't it stay and be taken care of as a baby.

  Seeing that the impostor is indifferent, he always has a shocked expression.

  Ruthless Zhao's earth-binding seal was converted into a sad eye seal, but this time it did not connect to the Buddha in his mind.

   After all, the light in the eyes of the two parties is different.


   Wait a minute, the gravity in the small classroom is a little different.

   It seems that with the power of the Gabala spirit bone rosary, it is five times the gravity when it is upgraded to the limit of talent!

   Why did it increase tenfold for no reason?

'No way? ,

   Subconsciously thought of the Bodhisattva hidden in the void.

   No, not right.

  The Bodhisattva in the void has been broken.

  Therefore, there is only one explanation that can explain the earth-bound seal with doubled gravity, and the reason is the golden Buddha.

  He looked into Tang En's eyes, how can I say that he is very kind, he is simply Teacher Treasure.

  I thought that a piece of gold was dug up, but it turned out to be dog head gold after testing, and the value has been steadily increasing.

   Putting it aside for now, the most urgent thing is to make people limping.

  「In that case, I can only show my true skills.」

   After finishing speaking, before the impostor raised his hand to stop him, he shouted out my letter.

  But seeing He Zhao's hands, the left hand is holding the Vajra pestle, the thumb of the right hand is bent towards the palm, and the arm is pressing down obliquely inward.

   "Please God of Earth."

   After finishing a sentence, an obscure scale came out of his mouth.


   "Vajrapani Mantra!"

  The person pretending to be Tang En said in shock.

   Chanting the mantra of Vajrapani Bodhisattva can possess great authority, subdue all demons, and eliminate all difficulties caused by earth, water, fire, wind, air, etc., and all wishes will be fulfilled.

   Moreover, the mantra is the foundation of the temple.

   is not the core successor of the temple, so it is impossible to get


  If it is said that someone's fingerprints were mentioned before, it will only make the impostor dubious.

  Then when the famous ruthless person puts up the seal of inviting the gods and recites the mantra, he believes in the convenience without the slightest doubt.

   "Unexpectedly, unexpectedly you are from my Langshan Temple."

  The impostor was very hurt. He discussed with his companion for a long time and made a plan.

  In the end, it never occurred to me that the person who planned to assassinate him came from the same school.


   It's over, and the head work is gone.

  The two of them did come here for the rosary of the Gabala spiritual bone. Before coming, they were full of ambition, but after they found the rosary, they were even more energetic.

   Who would have thought, nothing but joy.

   "Not good, Manduo has already entered your community, and is going to kill you with a vajra." The impostor was disheartened one second, then jumped up and shouted loudly the next second.

   "My real name is Aliga, and my current name is Liu Feng. When you wake up and tell me my two names, Mando will naturally bring you to our hiding place."

   After explaining, Liu Feng continued to mutter.

   "No wonder you can see through my dream ***, it turned out to be one of my own."

  Obviously, the person surnamed Liu is a little bit bitter about someone who has seen through the tricks at a glance.


  The whole world has become colorful and bizarre, and various abnormal phenomena are staged, which makes people amazed.


  He Zhao woke up from his sleep in an instant. In the dark bedroom, a guy whose face could not be seen clearly held up a golden vajra, planning to kill him in his dream.

  When he opened his eyes, the gazes of the two sides met, and they staged a wide-eyed stare. The air gradually became frozen, and the atmosphere also became awkward.

   He is familiar with this scene, after all, he has experienced it once.

   "Aliga, Liu Feng."


  Manduo was about to poke down, but subconsciously stopped his arm.


   "My own person, I am an undercover agent sent by Langshan Temple to the family branch of Bufa Temple. In his dream, he asked me to report his name, and then asked you to take me to the hiding place."


  After hearing so much, my heart became cold.

   It's over, the duck you got is flying away.

   Gabala Spirit Bone Rosary Beads, thanks a lot.

   Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the first step.


  The only one who knows Liu Feng's real name, apart from the other party's master, is himself.


   Sighed, Manduo pinned the vajra to his waist, and said a little irritably.

  「Get up and get dressed, come with me.」

  Outside the Shuxiang Yajun Community, two sneaky figures avoided the surveillance cameras along the way, turned around and disappeared into another nearby community.

  He is familiar with the community, and has seen it on the news.

   Building A of Huayuan Community, the house number is: 101.

   Two, do you dare to live here?

  Do you know, I have died before, wrong, the cassock bear was killed, 101 did not die.

  「Dangdang Dangdang. Dangdang Dangdang.」

  The knock on the door was very rhythmic, and the door opened a gap.

"Come in."

  Different from Tang En's voice, it seemed a little hoarse.

  As soon as he entered, the surname He smelled a **** smell.

  Don't think too much, the owner must be going to the Paradise of Paradise.

  The method is quite ruthless.

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