My Past Life Simulator

Chapter 496: 495【It’s time for you to put on an exciting show for me

  Chapter 496 495 [It's time for you to put on an exciting show for me]

   "Puff!" "Puff!"

  He Zhao grasped the head and tail of the folding saw with both hands, sawing his own neck again and again. Not only that, he was also smiling while sawing. Accompanied by the gushing blood and the dim sight on the second underground floor, the picture was extremely weird and cruel. Those who are timid will be scared to death on the spot when they see this scene.

  The dense and small saw teeth, the pain when cutting the throat and gradually deepening it, obviously failed to cause him any emotional fluctuations.

   To put it bluntly, since I got the simulator, I have gone through so many simulated scenes and died hundreds of times. What kind of crimes have I not suffered?

  The saw cut the head and neck, just a small scene.

  He thinks that the behavior is nothing, but the problem is that Wang Zhaozhen has never experienced it.

  There is nothing wrong with his neck, anyway, the real damage cannot be applied to the man in the suit who has the ability to find a substitute.

  However, the pain is real.

  In addition, finding a substitute is comprehensive, and BUG is BUG.

  In fact, there are also many shortcomings, not only those that Ruthless Zhao guessed.

  【Looking for a substitute: You can use Yin Qi to corrode a person's physical body, so that any injuries, diseases, incompleteness, and even negative buffs on yourself can be transferred to the substitute to suffer instead. After the avatar dies, the remaining 1% of life will be extracted for his own use.

  Disadvantages: Pain is unavoidable, and the pain you need to endure may even be ten times that of the substitute. Before the substitute dies, the relationship between the two parties cannot be terminated.

   Moreover, the substitute must be a living body. Once the damage is huge, resulting in the sudden death of the substitute, unable to bear the complete damage alone, the remaining damage will explode on itself. 】

  So, Wang Zhaozheng was suffering ten times the pain of the famous ruthless man. He didn't need to die, but it really hurt!

   After working hard for more than ten years, there were only small-scale controllable conflicts, and I didn't move a few times at all.

  The combat experience of the man in the suit may not be comparable to that of the Bhikkhu who performed missions all over the streets in the family branch of Wang in Shangyang City. The only nirvana that can be used is a sharp knife piercing the heart, and this is still a pain that can be barely accepted after practicing a few times.

   "Puff!" "Puff!"

  The energetic show continued, and the painful Lao Wang was dying.

  Where did the wolf come from?

  Bufa Temple family branch, look at this pervert.

  Letting a psychopath walk all over the place, not being caught and locked up in a small dark room, is a serious dereliction of duty, worthy of Wang Bo's salary!

  To tell the truth, Wang Zhao wished he could pick up the phone and send the mail to report.

  At least, the branch of the Wang surname family had taken him away, even if he was locked up and tortured, at least he was more gentle than the person opposite him.


  Just as the man in the suit was thinking wildly, the ruthless Zhao on the other side had already sawed off his head.

  Of course, all the flesh and blood cells in his body are conscious, and he didn't die suddenly and ascend to heaven.

   Instead, in the frightened eyes of Old Wang, he grabbed the Tianling Gai with his left hand and shook it up and down.


  Such a perverted scene, Hao Xuan did not make people sick.

  A headless "corpse", holding the head in the left hand, and holding the folding saw dripping blood in the right hand, and the head is still smiling at you. No matter how thick the psychological defense line is, no matter how strong the spiritual will is, people will not be able to accept it. It is indeed the **** of the underworld!

   "Old Wang, just follow me, everything is easy to discuss."


  Wang Zhao gritted his teeth, stretched out his hand to touch his neck, almost crushed all his teeth, and retorted viciously.

   "Do you think your little trick can suppress me?"

  The voice fell, and the hands surnamed Wang formed seals.

As early as the last repost, the famous ruthless man who studied seriously and "hardly" and relied on the power of the three Gabala spiritual bones to master the three handprints of the remaining evils of the Mahayana religion in Shangyang City can't be seen Is it the seal of confusion?

  So, he stood quietly in place, did not stop the other party, and allowed him to use his fingerprints.

   "I want you to serve me as a servant and drink Laozi's footwashing water."


  What a weird hobby.


  A strange force rippled out, and at the same time a strange vibration stirred his spirit.

  Unfortunately, a green light rose up in the next second, directly blocking all the fluctuations.


  Wang Zhao snorted, and blood flowed from his nostrils.

   "You can actually block the Huo Xin Yin?"

   "Impossible, it doesn't make sense."

   "Unless...unless there is a heart-protecting seal."

   After the voice fell, the look in his eyes was obviously changed from the last time.

   "Are you a Mahayana branch in another city?"

   "I don't understand what you're saying."

  He Zhao grinned, neither denying nor admitting.

  Fudge, he is a professional.

   "Since we are our own people, why bother to make things difficult for our own people. The history of Mahayana Buddha is nothing more than that. Since we all belong to the same belief, I know that I will say everything and say everything."

"it is good!"


  The corner of Wang Zhao's mouth twitched, and he really couldn't look directly at a brain that was being carried, talking to someone.

   "History, don't be in a hurry for now. I don't know if Brother Wang is willing to explain in detail what the purpose of the Mahayana Buddha's head is. Don't worry, I won't **** it.

  If you don’t believe me, I can swear on Mahayana Buddha. If I try to **** it, there will be five thunderbolts from the sky, people will be cut into pieces, and they will never be buried in the ground for eternity. "

  The poisonous oath sounds very sincere, but the problem is that you have such a weird body, is there any use for you to be struck with thunder and bombs, and to be dismembered by knives?

   "Forgive me, it's difficult to be strong. My master desperately snatched the head of the Mahayana Buddha, and the secret in it is the secret of this branch."



  I thought it would be necessary to use threats, lures, and verbal swords, but when Lao Wang saw the person surnamed He, he just said "okay", which was indeed beyond expectations.


  Since you don't embarrass others, everything is easy to talk about.

   But then, his complexion changed drastically.

  Without him, someone pressed his head firmly on the broken neck, blood and flesh intertwined and wriggling, and immediately recovered.

   "Crack!" "Crack!"

   Shaking the neck a little bit, it's not much different from before.

  Then, a certain famous Lang Mie unbuttoned his belt.

   "What are you going to do?"

   On the second basement floor, a man and a man.

  It's hard not to think of some broken sleeves.


  Taking off his pants, Wang Zhao just glanced at it, then immediately closed his eyes and turned his head.

   Nothing else, he seems to have accidentally suffered from giant phobia.

   Your thing is a leg!

   "Mr. Wang, turn your head around and look carefully with your eyes wide open."


  If you were a woman, I might stare.

  The key is that the two of us are men.


   When the crisp sound sounded, Pharaoh could not help but be attracted, and opened his eyes a little.

  He Zhao replaced the folding saw with a brand new saw blade, and gestured at the third leg, as if thinking about where to start.

   Damn it!

   "I can't make it—"

  Wang Zhao's voice was a little shrill, and he lost his voice in fright.

   Even if someone saws it off, it can still be installed back.

  However, the pain is real, and it is still ten times that of the intruder.

   There is no need to come one more time, one time is enough to make it collapse.

   "My own, I can do whatever I want, what's bothering you? You don't need it!"

  The words are correct, but the truth is not.

  There is a connection between the two of us, why are you still able to run away from me?

   "Brother, Dad! I can't call you grandpa! I say, I say everything. I just ask you not to be a monster and let me live." If God gave him a chance to start over, he would definitely not choose to find a substitute.

  Whoever loves wants whoever wants it, anyway, I don’t want it.

   "Don't mind me, I'm on a high, why are you quitting!"

  Wang Erhu... Ah bah, Wang Zhao showed a smile uglier than crying.

   "Skills are not as good as others, and they are willing to bow down."

   If you dare not, I cannot.

   It’s just a simple pain, why don’t you bear it?

   Just kidding, if you really suffer, can you stand up in the future, let's talk about it.

   "Okay, let's talk about it. I am happy to hear it, so I will let you go. If there is something to hide, I will always be here with you, sawing every day."

  Wang Zhao shivered suddenly, remembering the sound of saws lingering in his ears not long ago, his whole body shuddered, and asked hastily.

   "Which one do you want to hear first?"

   "The head of the Mahayana Buddha!"

  The famous Lang Mie fiddled with the folding saw, and replied without raising his head.

   "Okay, Master came back covered in blood in the middle of the night, took the jar and warned me not to open it easily. I asked him what was in it, and he told me it was the recovered head of Mahayana Buddha."

   "Wait a minute, find it?" The surname He suddenly asked.

  "Yes, because the Mahayana Buddha was once suppressed by the Bufa Temple, and it was divided into seven parts and suppressed in various places. The head, heart, torso, and limbs, so that the Mahayana religion declined.

   Therefore, the believers have been working hard to find the body of Mahayana Buddha and resurrect him. Unfortunately, according to the master, only the head, torso, right hand, and left foot were recovered, and the rest of the heart, left hand, and right foot have not been collected yet.

  Bufa Temple joined hands with many family branches, as well as some temples on the plateau, and destroyed the main altar of Mahayana with the force of thunder. Fortunately, the sect established branches in major cities early, and did not know each other.

   Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to hide Shangyang City for more than ten years without anyone discovering it. If not, I would have asked the other congregants who were captured by the Bufa Temple to sell them out. "


  He was very satisfied with Wang Zhao's cooperation. After all, the Mahayana Buddha was so awesome when he was born, and how miserable he was when he died.


   One divided into seven.

   It's time!

  You can't expect much respect from him for an enemy who wants to turn him into a woman.

   Even if he didn't spit twice, he was considered to be of high quality.

"The head of the Mahayana Buddha, according to my master, is a rare magic weapon. It can be used for one's own use. However, it cannot be used much, and it cannot be relied on. As for why, I didn't explain it in detail, so it passed away. .”

   "Take a trick? Use it for yourself. Take one or many?" Hearing this, Ruthless Zhao immediately became interested.

   "I don't know." Wang Zhao shook his head, he had never used it himself, and all the strange things on him were at the mage level. In the lair of the Bufa Temple, under the murderer's hands, are you tired of working?

   Looking for death, that’s not how you look for it.


   If you can find a few more cunning that complement each other, wouldn't it be invincible?

   Of course, just invincible to some extent.

  After all, the Mahayana Buddha, who is so powerful, was born as a demon from the sky, and the thunder did not kill him, but in the end he was chopped into seven pieces and suppressed separately.

  The treatment is comparable to that of a real mother.

   I have to say that Bufa Temple is indeed the nemesis of Mahayana Buddha.

   "Do you know how to use it?"

  Old Wang heard this and immediately cried.

  If I knew how to use it, I would be the one who should be cleaned up today!

   "I didn't say anything."

  It is somewhat unsatisfactory to have a mountain of gold and not know how to get it.

  He Zhao: "."

  Co-author, you don’t know much more than me.

   "Really forget it, I'm going to start sawing." After saying that, I wanted to do it.

"Farewell, do you have any other instructions? I will do my best if I can do it. Yes, history! I have read the records in the Buddhist scriptures before. After the Mahayana Buddha was born, he immediately recruited believers. Among the three million people in the plateau , at least half a million believers.

   Then there is no then, because the eleven temples headed by Bufa Temple joined forces to suppress it. And cut up the body with a golden knife, and secretly sent the seven pieces of the body to various places. "

   "Ah Gu Jin Dao?"

  Wang Zhao breathed a sigh of relief when he saw him stop, and continued.

   "It is said that among the five buddhas, the golden knife that was shaved for the Buddha of the Oriental Xiangji World, before he became a monk. It is the supreme Buddhist tool, and it has the sharpness that can hurt the Buddha."

   "Why cut up the body instead of killing it directly?"

   "It cannot be killed. The origin of the Mahayana Buddha is not recorded in the Buddhist scriptures. However, it is said that it has the characteristics of immortality and cannot be completely killed. It can only be suppressed with a golden knife."


  The shape is immortal but the **** is immortal.

   can be interpreted as, life lasts forever and never dies.

  Or, indelible, eternal in the world.

   "How did the Mahayana religion find the body of the Mahayana Buddha?"

   "Grandpa, I am just a disciple of an elder, and I was sent from the main altar to the branch of Shangyang City. I am not a favored person. If the main altar was not destroyed, the master died suddenly.

  Tired and exhausted, I am afraid that I will not be able to be the head of the branch in my life. How could I know so many secrets. You are more or less a little overpowering. "

  Wang Zhao is not lying at all, but if he is taken seriously, he died early more than ten years ago.


   What else can I say?

   "I've performed a show for you, should you perform a show for me next?"


   No, what do you mean.

  Old Wang subconsciously covered his butt, what kind of show could be, don't think I haven't watched the movie.

   "Hehe, don't worry about yellow flowers."

   After finishing speaking, he took out a piece of paper from his pocket and threw it over.

   "Are you familiar with it?"

  The eyes surnamed Wang glanced roughly, and the eyeballs almost didn't pop out.

   "Different dimension space law circle?"

   "Yes, I want you to improve it until I am satisfied. Otherwise, cut it ten times a day until you can't stand up."


   No, you must have a limit when you are satisfied.

   "To reduce materials, it is best not to focus on human life. The simpler the better. Anyway, there are two: simple and easy to handle, and the summoned things are hugely destructive."


  The first one is as difficult as reaching the sky.

   "How big is the destructive power?"

   "It's not very big, I don't have high requirements, and I will be able to surpass the Mahayana Buddha." He Papi said calmly.


  (end of this chapter)

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