My Perfect Life

Chapter 1844

"It won't be late."

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "xiaorou, think about it. Since the treasure map of Beihai ice cave has long been held by three color peacocks, why didn't they search for treasure by themselves? But until now, the golden flame peacock uses the treasure map as bait to seek the help of the great ape and thunder beast. This shows that the three color peacock has known for a long time that the treasure of Beihai ice cave is not so easy to find, or there is any major risk, so it has not moved

"Maybe that's the goal of the golden flame peacock. He deliberately let the ten level demon Xiu of the Arctic ice field enter the North sea ice cave to explore the wind and achieve some ulterior goal. If that's the case, we'll have an advantage in going to Beihai ice caves later. "

Xiaorou thinks about it carefully and thinks that what Shen Lang says is very reasonable.

Golden Flame peacock's behavior is really a big doubt.

But even so, the trip to the ice caves in the North Sea is extremely dangerous. After all, Shen Lang is going to fight with a group of ten level demons this time. If he is a little poor, he can easily die without a burial place.

Xiaorou understands Shen Lang's character and can't say anything to dissuade her. This is how Shen Lang has come these years. Xiaorou can only pray to herself, hoping that she can help Shen Lang when necessary.

After paying attention, Shen Lang directly uses the skill of shifting sand to escape.

With the help of this quicksand escape technique, he can perfectly avoid the war area.

In this way, Shen Lang had been traveling underground for three days and nights, and then pretended to be other demons and sent them to the outside of the land boundary of the thunder beast clan through the transmission array of a demon city.

In order to save strength and cope with emergencies, Shen Lang still switched to flying star Shenzhou.

Beihai ice cave is located in the far north of the Arctic ice sheet. It's very far away. It can't be reached after three or two years of flying like this.

He can only go to the land of the five demons, and use the teleportation array to get on the way, so as to greatly shorten the time.

Along the way, Shen Lang learned some news more or less.

Originally, the purple tortoise, dragon lion and fire horse attacked the great ape and thunder beast, but later it seemed that the purple tortoise got the treasure map of Beihai ice cave and stopped attacking.

Although the three clans are allies, the purple turtles did not share the information about the treasure map of Beihai ice cave with the dragon and lion clans and the fire horse clans, which caused the rupture of the alliance.

Today, the forces of the dragon and lion clan and the fire horse clan bite people like mad dogs, and attack the other three groups crazily. The forces of the demon clan in the Arctic ice field are in a mess.

The great ape, the thunder beast and the purple tortoise, a total of four ten level demon practitioners, as well as a large number of nine level demon practitioners, went to the North sea ice cave one after another.

It is rumored that even the human friars of the cold moon continent were involved.

This news makes Shen Lang frown. If it's a demon monk, it doesn't matter. The monk of Huashen period in the cold moon continent is a big trouble. He has an immortal relationship with the moon worship League. If he encounters the monks of the moon worship League, he will suffer.

I'm too lazy to think about it. Now, Shen Lang has no choice but to go into the ice cave of Beihai and look for the nine color bone ring.

In the twinkling of an eye, three months passed.

After a long journey, Shen Lang arrived at the far north of the Arctic ice sheet through 70 or 80 teleportation arrays.

This is the frozen world, a vast expanse of white, ah, into ice.

In secular terms, the temperature here is estimated to be more than 100 degrees below zero.

The friars below Yuanying period can't hold on to this extremely cold environment for a long time. At least they have to be the powerful nine level demon friars and the later level friars to walk here safely for a long time.

I'm afraid the temperature of the real ice caves in Beihai is lower than here.

Therefore, the four ten level demon cultivators in the Arctic ice field can only lead their own nine level demon cultivators into the ice cave in the North Sea. Those whose accomplishments are lower than nine level are unable to protect themselves. This extremely cold environment alone can't stand it.

Shen Lang's physical body is much stronger than that of the ordinary late Yuan infant monk. The temperature of this degree will not affect his body.

At present, there is only about a thousand miles left from Beihai ice cave. Shen Lang takes up the flying star Shenzhou and turns it into a golden dragon and flies forward.

In front is a rolling iceberg, iceberg surrounded by a blizzard, extremely violent.

The sky was gray, the dark clouds were low, the wind was strong.

"Young master, through the snowstorm area in front of you, you will see the ice caves in the North Sea. The blizzard around the ice cave in Beihai is mixed with extremely fierce wind. There are terrible space storms in the air thousands of meters above the ground. You must be careful to avoid them! " Xiaorou can't help reminding.

"Don't worry, I know."

The waves echoed.

The snowstorm area ahead is the first step into the North sea ice cave, which is called "North sea storm" by the demon repair of the Arctic ice field.

Although the North sea storm is far less terrifying than the space storm in the central area of the North sea ice cave, it is also strong enough to kill the yuan infant friars in an instant.

This North sea storm alone has blocked the pace of countless explorers and strangled countless arrogant explorers in history.Shen Lang uses the Earth Spirit shield and pure Yang Sword formula, and a layer of earth yellow light shield and cyan sword shield condenses around the golden Horned Dragon.

The golden Horned Dragon drives the golden blade storm, and the whole body is surrounded by a layer of golden storm.

Just in case, three layers of protection were applied to the waves, which were indestructible. It is estimated that only the attack of the monks in the apotheosis period can break through the defense against the sky.

The Dragon flew low and dashed into the storm area of the North Sea.

The terrible blizzard was like countless flying swords bombarding the body of Shen Lang, but they were all blocked by the three layers of protective cover outside the body of Jin Jiao dragon, which made a sharp sound of "Ding Ding Ding" and mixed with ice debris all over the sky.

The deeper into the center of the storm area, the more earth shaking the violent gale, and the blurred vision.

The friars, whose strength is lower than that of the middle period of Yuanying, are attacked by such a sharp wind. It is estimated that they can't support it for a moment, and they will be dead in an instant.

There was no pressure on the waves, and even the afterglow thought about how the sharp wind came into being.

When passing through the storm area of the North Sea, it is not difficult for Shen Lang to find that the space here is extremely disordered and a little distorted. Maybe it is the strong wind formed by the compression of space, but it is not as terrible as the space storm.

However, there is indeed a space storm in the sky of the Beihai ice cave. Entering the interior of the Beihai ice cave, you can't escape from the air. You can only travel on foot.

In a short time, the heavy waves passed through the snowstorm area, which was about thousands of miles long, and came to an open and boundless ice field.

There was a vast expanse around, and nothing could be seen except the thick ice and snow. In the north and northwest, there are two huge snow mountains, which stand straight into the sky.

"This is Beihai ice cave?" Shen Lang looked around, his eyes narrowed.

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