My Perfect Life

Chapter 3008

This is also the reason why Zhang Daoling sent Shen Lang's picture.

Yunchenzi is the result of Jinxia's evil thoughts, while Zhang Daoling is the result of Jinxia's good thoughts. They are of one mind. It's not difficult for them to see each other's thoughts.

Zhang Daoling has two consciousnesses, one is Jinxia boy's good thought, the other is the consciousness of Tianji guapan's fragmentary spirit. These two ideologies restrict each other. You have me and I have you.

For example, the black robed Zhang Daoling, which once appeared, is the consciousness of the spirit itself.

But after the battle of reincarnation mountain, Jinxia boy's good thoughts disappeared, and black robed Zhang Daoling was the spirit of the birth of the fragments of Tianji guapan!

Since this "black robed Zhang Daoling" can absorb the fragments of the way of heaven by itself, why does it have to get the fragments of the way of heaven from the waves?

It is precisely because Zhang Daoling in black robe is just a spirit with no body, so he needs a suitable body as a carrier. Moreover, this body must be fused with a piece of heaven, and only in this way can it bear the energy of the divination disk.

Shen Lang is the carrier chosen by Zhang Daoling!

At the beginning, Yun Chenzi indirectly transferred the fragments of heaven in Shen Lang's body to the goddess of Styx, which really disrupted Zhang Daoling's plan.

Zhang Daoling made a deliberate effort to let Shen Lang get the fragments of heaven in the atlas of heaven's secrets, and let them enter Shen Lang's body It's just for the sake of taking Shen Lang's body as a carrier and regenerating in the future.

Apart from the law of heaven and earth, shenlang and Zhang Daoling have integrated the fragments of heaven. Once Zhang Daoling takes over shenlang, he will not be constrained by the law of heaven and earth. It can be said that there is no hidden danger and is perfect.

Now, Shen Lang has grown to the point where Zhang Daoling is satisfied. In addition, he has fused the fragment of the heavenly way in the atlas of the heavenly secrets. No accident, Zhang Daoling should be able to give up himself!

In the dark, Shen Lang seems to be able to see Zhang Daoling's purpose.

Just now, when Zhang Daoling completely digested the energy of the fragments of heaven, Shen Lang even felt a trace of call and resonance, and he already guessed his own fate.

"Xueer, xiaorou, brother Ouyang, please leave here first. Even if that Taoist mausoleum really defeated the goddess of Styx, I will negotiate with it to ensure that you can live in peace. " Shen Lang said with a calm smile.

Su Ruoxue, xiaorou and Ouyang Changfeng's face changed. They had never seen Shen Lang show such a desperate expression.

"Young master, we've come through so many storms. Don't give up hope!"

"Brother Shen, you must not destroy your ambition and raise the prestige of others. The matter is not over yet. That Taoist mausoleum may not win!"

Xiaorou and Ouyang Changfeng urged.

Su Ruoxue bit her silver teeth and shivered slightly. She finally broke out and slapped the waves.


Shen Lang, caught off guard, was slapped by Su Ruoxue. His eyes were full of stars and he stepped back two steps.

Su Ruoxue's delicate hand is extremely powerful. Even if Shen Lang's skin is rough and his flesh is thick, he is beaten for a while.

"Shen Lang, you big fool! After so many lives and deaths, are you willing to be scared like this by a Zhang Daoling? Death is not terrible. What's terrible is that you don't even have the heart to resist. It's not your style of waves! "

Su Ruoxue stares at Shen Lang with tears in her beautiful eyes and shouts.

Shen Lang's mind was shocked, and his eyes, which had no spirit, began to shine. Su Ruoxue's slap seemed to wake Shen Lang up from his confusion.

Yes, the big deal is death. Why should I fear Zhang Daoling!

"I'm sorry, Cher. I'm stupid."

Shen Lang gradually clenched his fists, and a strong reluctance flashed in his eyes. In any case, he can't lose hope!

Su Ruoxue gently hugged Shen Lang and said with dim tears: "Shen Lang, no matter what the result is, I will face it with you and fight with you to the end. Even if I die, I can die with you. "

"Young master, xiaorou will face with you, too!"

Xiaorou bit her teeth and said firmly.

Ouyang Changfeng said in a deep voice: "brother Shen doesn't have to have any psychological burden. Changfeng would rather die than live. Today, either that Taoist mausoleum is dead, or we are dead! "

"Good! We'll fight to the death. " Shen Lang gritted his teeth and was ready to give up.

Just then.


With the sound of mountains and rivers crashing, the light space of the previous struggle between the goddess of the Styx River and Zhang Daoling in black robe suddenly explodes, and the terrifying power spreads to the outside world.

"Look out!"

Shen Lang's eyes are burning, and he tries his best to open the sword field.

Su Ruoxue, xiaorou and Ouyang Changfeng also show their own defense skills one after another, forming a defense barrier, trying to resist the light escaping from the space.

"Boom boom!"

The sound of earth shattering is endless, and the sky is full of light, which is about to tear the sword space.

The chaotic spirit power in Shen Lang's elixir field has almost been completely exhausted. He sacrificed the tonic stone as soon as possible and inhaled all the remaining chaotic spirit power in the tonic stone into his body."Chixiaodun, hold on!"

Shen Lang's eyes want to split. While trying his best to open the sword space, he sacrificed the immortal Chixiao shield and tried his best to inject a huge amount of spiritual power into the Chixiao shield.

Shen Lang had already used nine spirits to destroy the immortals when he entered Nanyuan. For the time being, he couldn't summon nine real spirits in his body. He could only make the Chixiao shield play a strong defense ability.


With the support of a large amount of chaotic spirit power, the defense ability of the red shield was finally greatly excavated. The red shield splashed red light and turned into a huge red comet!

I saw the huge red comet spinning at high speed in front of Shen Lang, Su Ruoxue and other four people, and its defense ability immediately climbed to the extreme, struggling to resist the impact of the light.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

I don't know how long the explosion lasted. The sword space opened by the waves and the defense barrier opened by Su Ruoxue were all riddled with holes by the omnipresent light.

Fortunately, the immortal Chixiao shield resisted the last shock, and the four were safe.

After the explosion, the whole place of Nanyuan has become a mess, full of space cracks and gaps.

Shen Lang, Su Ruoxue, xiaorou and Ouyang Changfeng were also shaken back for tens of miles to stabilize their bodies.

The four men's divine sense quickly peeped toward the center of the explosion.

In the middle of the explosion, in the light filled space, Bai Lan's body was full of holes, her skin was shriveled and old, her hair was almost gone, her bones were withered and contracted.

At the moment, Bai Lan seems to be a different person, as thin as firewood, old and not like.

The black robed Zhang Daoling, in addition to the shadow of the body blurred a little, the appearance can not see any damage.

"Goddess, your spirit and willpower are powerful, but it's a drag for you to control this body. You are defeated in this battle

Zhang Daoling, a black robe, said in a deep voice as he gazed at the old Bai Lan.

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