My Pet is a Snapping Turtle

Chapter 258: The "Shinan" was attacked by a giant crocodile

  Chapter 258 "Shinan" was attacked by a giant crocodile

  Perhaps, twenty or so human lives are nothing to these people. The most important thing is their project, this giant crocodile.

  Next, they started to get busy, carrying out a series of tasks, including testing and perfecting the biological chip in the head of the giant crocodile again.

  Not far away, there is another huge crocodile lying on its stomach. It is only a little smaller than the one just now, with a length of about seventy to eighty meters and a weight of at least five to six hundred tons.

   Ram Scott waved: "Our No. 1 is doing well, and our No. 2 should also be put outside to exercise for a while."

Someone beside    reminded: "Head, the tonnage and size of No. 2 are smaller than that of No. 1. Will it take another year or half a year?"

   "Yes, we are worried that it is dangerous, even if we release it, we will try to keep it within a few hundred nautical miles."

  Ram Scott was full of confidence, "It's already so big, it won't be dangerous. If it is released, the entire Pacific Ocean is its range of activities."

  He is the person in charge here, since he said so, it is useless for others to object.

   Soon after, a group of scientific researchers got busy and conducted a series of inspections on No. 2, including measuring relevant dimensions, and recorded all these data.

  After everything was done, the chief scientist in charge of No. 2 got busy in front of the computer, and the others stepped aside to keep a safe distance.

  After he was busy in front of the computer, he began to enter the wake-up command on the computer. Gradually, the huge crocodile with a length of more than 70 meters woke up.

  At the beginning, I just opened my eyes and didn’t move. After sleeping for so long, I suddenly woke up.

  After about two or three minutes, the crocodile got used to it, turned around according to the instructions of the biochip in its brain, and then swam into the huge passage leading to the outside.

  The passage gradually descends, showing a downward slope, and becomes straight after about a few hundred meters. The giant crocodile followed this passage into the sea.

  As soon as it entered the sea, it swam forward quickly. It basically swam on the surface of the sea, and rarely went down to the depths of the sea. I don’t know if it couldn’t adapt to the huge pressure of the deep sea, or it was to send some signals back.

   Ram Scott sat in his office, made a cup of coffee, and then looked at a huge screen in the office.

  On the screen is a huge world map. There is a bright spot on this map, which represents the location of the No. 2 giant crocodile.

  A large iron ore bulk carrier is sailing on the vast sea.

  It is fully loaded with more than 10 tons of high-quality iron ore, and is sailing towards the mainland of Yanguo at an economical speed along the international waterway.

  The weather today is fine.

  The blue sky was cloudless, and the sea was considered calm. To pass the time, several crew members were fishing on the boat.

They all use the kind of fishing rods that are specially used for tuna fishing. They throw them far away and use the speed of the boat to drag the false bait in the water. Once there are tuna, they will definitely think that the false bait is a fast-swimming fish. Will come to hunt.

   Fortunately, one of the crew members has already caught a tuna weighing several tens of catties.

  The position from the deck to the sea surface is relatively high, and they pulled up this tens of kilograms of tuna by force.

   "Haha, you can have extra meals tonight."

   "This tuna is not small. I like to eat sashimi. I must order a sashimi."

   "I think braised in soy sauce is good, fish bones should not be wasted, they can be used to make soup."

   "Don't worry, there will be sashimi, and braised fish is enough. I believe I can catch one or two more."

   Soon after, another tuna bit the hook, and the fishing rod in the crewman's hand was almost bowed.

   "He is XX heavy, please come and help."

   Immediately, someone came to help, and two or three strong men were able to hold the fishing rod. Someone said excitedly: "This one is at least a hundred catties."

   "More than that, it may be more than two hundred catties, it must be a big guy."

  Everyone is happy, and after some hard work, someone has been able to see the tuna.

   "Look, it's really big, it must weigh two or three hundred catties!"

   "Haha, enough sashimi and braised fish, enough for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, we have tuna for every meal."

  Just when everyone was very happy and thinking about how to catch this huge tuna, suddenly, an amazing scene appeared.

   A huge black shadow appeared under the water!

   "Fuck, it can't be a big whale,"

   Someone said solemnly: "It's definitely not a whale. Where can there be such a big whale? Look at the size of this black shadow, at least six to seventy meters in length."

   Whales are indeed not that big. The largest blue whale is only more than 30 meters long, and the length of this black shadow is more than twice that of the largest blue whale.

  Even though everyone is on the giant ship, knowing that there is no problem with safety, they still feel a little frightened when they see such a **** shadow suddenly appearing.

  Someone was stunned and said, "It can't be a submarine from a certain country."

  As soon as his voice fell, this huge black shadow rushed out from the water, and took the two- to three-hundred-jin tuna spear away in one gulp.

  Everyone finally saw clearly that it was a huge crocodile, yes, it was a crocodile.

  The huge open mouth and the extremely sharp huge teeth inside were deeply imprinted in everyone's minds. Even though they were so far away, everyone felt shuddering.

   It's scary!


  The tuna that everyone caught so hard was snatched away by this giant crocodile, but this crocodile actually started to attack the "Shinan" with a muffled sound of "bang, bang, bang".

  Everyone was very worried about whether the ship would be made a big hole by it. Fortunately, it did it a few times, and slowly swam away after seeing no effect.

  The part of the hull attacked by it is slightly dented and deformed, but it will not affect the safety of navigation.

   Seeing this huge crocodile gradually get away, the crew members on the boat breathed a sigh of relief. It was indeed too scary just now, and many people still had lingering fears.

  It is ten in the evening.

  Liu Yong has already arrived home, sitting on the sofa in the living room watching TV, while Li Changle is preparing dinner in the dining room.

   This is the new villa of the two of them. They come here occasionally to live. Today's dinner was packed in a high-end restaurant. Li Changle is unpacking and putting these dishes on the table.

   At this time, Liu Yong's cell phone rang, and it was Hu Shijun calling.


  The third update is here, and there will be updates in the evening.

  (end of this chapter)

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