My Pet is a Snapping Turtle

Chapter 535: The quantity is enough (monthly ticket 1000 plus update)

  Chapter 535 The quantity is enough (monthly ticket 1000 plus update)

  What is Liu Yong most concerned about?

   Of course, it is whether one of the computers can be successfully activated, even one is fine, this is an alien computer, and the contents inside must be of great value.

   If there are scientific and technological materials, it will be developed, and it may lead to the take-off of human science and technology.

   After listening to the report, Liu Yong asked, "Didn't you choose a computer with the least damage? Now that you know about the structure and functions of the computer, can that computer be started?"

  People in the conference room all looked at Yu Liren.

  Yu Liren lowered his head slightly, and said a little bit embarrassedly, "Boss, we are currently encountering a little difficulty."

   "Oh, what's the problem?"

"Although the damage to that computer was the lightest, there are still many parts and components that cannot be used. With our current technical level, it is impossible to manufacture a substitute. We can only disassemble it from several other computers. .”

   "Unfortunately, the number of computers we have is very limited, and the parts and components that can be disassembled are also very limited. So far, there are still some damaged parts and components that cannot be replaced"

   Speaking of the latter, his voice became lower and lower.

  Other people lowered their heads because they all knew that if there were not enough substitutes, that computer might not be able to start.



  The atmosphere is dignified!

  Everyone lowered their heads, no one spoke, and everyone's hearts felt extremely heavy. Even if they are all experts in this field, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

what to do!

What should I do!

  How did you know that instead of blaming Liu Yong, he smiled lightly, "What if I have enough parts and components for you to replace?"


   Someone couldn't help shouting out, this surprise is really too big!

  Yu Liren was even more restless, looked at Liu Yong with great excitement and said, "Boss, you mean that you have a way to manufacture replacement parts and components."

   Liu Yong smiled and said, "I don't have such great skills."

   After finishing speaking, he turned his head to Chen Hu who was next to him and said, "Take someone there and bring all the things in our car."

  Chen Hu and Zhao Haifeng strode out of the conference room first, including Yu Liren and Miao Zhengping, who were at a loss and wanted to know what they were about to bring.

  Liu Yong didn't say anything for the time being, as if he was playing tricks.

Soon, a total of more than a dozen alien computers were brought over, and they were placed on the large conference table, but each one was wrapped with several layers of bubble film and wrapped with several rounds of tape, tightly .

   What is this thing?

  There was a big question mark in everyone's mind, waiting for Liu Yong to reveal the answer.

   "The things have been brought here, Mr. Yu, you can open them and take a look."

  Yu Liren stood up, turned on one of the computers himself, cut off the tape, opened the bubble wrap, and revealed the contents inside.


   It's that kind of computer!

Oh my God! !

   All of a sudden, not only one person couldn't help but screamed, but several exclamations sounded, and many people stood up all of a sudden.

   Liu Yong said loudly, "Yes, these are computers, all of them are given to you."

   There are a total of more than a dozen alien computers, which are more valuable and precious than anything in everyone's eyes.

  Yu Liren said loudly, "Boss, the problems we are facing should be solved, just wait for our good news!"

   Liu Yong said, "Okay, I'll wait for your good news, and hope to start the computer as soon as possible, even one of them will do."

   "Definitely will!" Yu Liren said confidently.

  Liu Yong stayed in the Global Enterprise Center for almost a whole day and only left in the evening.

   Not only listened to the report by Yu Liren and others, but also visited the computer technology center, and in the afternoon, went to the global new energy research center.

the next day.

  Liu Yong walked into his big office as usual, and unexpectedly found that there was a design document on the big desk, and several of them were color design drawings.

   Soon, Qiu Yang knocked on the door and came in, "Boss, Qian Feihai specially sent it over yesterday afternoon. There are several sets of design plans in total. You are not in the company, so I will put the things on your desk."

  Liu Yong nodded, the design of the Big Taurus was completed, there are several designs in total, Liu Yong looked carefully at it.

  After reading it, I asked, "What do you think, which design plan is more suitable?"

  Qiu Yang has already seen it, and he has his own idea in mind, so he replied, "I think the design of No. 2 is good. There are four golden bulls in total, each of which is well designed and has a different look."

   Liu Yongdao, "We thought about it together, and I think the second plan is also good."

   "Boss, let me inform Qian Feihai to choose the second design plan."

   "Yes, tell them to cast four big golden bulls as soon as possible. I want to place them in our hall on the first floor earlier."

   "Okay, I will tell him." Qiu Yang replied.

  Qian Shengsheng Company.

  The plan was finalized. With the No. 2 design plan, some people became busy. Qian Feihai went to see it several times a day, and was very concerned about this matter.

  This is a super-big-job, and it cannot be sloppy. Qian Feihai must strive for perfection, and he has concentrated the most powerful force, and even went outside to invite several experts to come over.

   Half a month later.

  Four large golden bulls have been cast, each of which is more than 5 meters high and weighs 98 tons.

  In the conference room of Qian Shengsheng Company, Qian Feihai once again organized relevant middle and high-level people to have a meeting. The topic of discussion now is not the casting of the big golden bull, but the transportation and placement.

   This is also a big job, which requires certain skills.

  Ninety-eight tons of things transport requirements are very high, the general means of transport is not enough, must be a special means of transport.

  Using his connections, Qian Feihai specially rented a prepared transport vehicle from an engineering group. The transport vehicle is said to be able to transport up to 200 tons.

  The means of transport was settled, and they repeatedly discussed the placement plan. Unloading such a large golden bull from the transport vehicle and transporting it into the lobby on the first floor of Universal Building was also a technical problem.

  In this kind of meeting, they held a full day, discussed repeatedly, and made a meeting resolution only after they felt that there was no problem.

  The next day, early in the morning.

  The first big golden bull was transported out of Qian Shengsheng's company. There were vehicles clearing the way in front, the heavy transport vehicle in the middle, followed by several vehicles, heading for the Universal Building.

  Fifth update!

  Thank you for your monthly pass, thank you again, if you still have a monthly pass, please vote for this book.

  (end of this chapter)

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