My Pet is a Snapping Turtle

Chapter 560: That is a fragrance!

  Chapter 560 That's a fragrance!


  When Russell saw the biggest wild boar turned his head and looked at this side, as if he was going to rush over at any moment, his face was almost pale.

  His two subordinates even took out their pistols, opened the safety, and pushed the bullets into the chamber, looking as if they were facing an enemy.


  One of them couldn't take it anymore, so he shot first, but the aim seemed to be a bit poor, and he didn't hit any wild boar.


  Russell wanted to strangle this subordinate to death. At the critical moment, his marksmanship was so bad.

   "Don't shoot!"

   This is Liu Yong's voice, speaking English, which everyone can understand, including Russell.

   "Run, let's run!"

   Seeing the biggest wild boar rushing over with a menacing look, Russell yelled.

  He was extremely desperate to find that neither Liu Yong nor Chen Hu and Zhao Haifeng had any intention of running away. What was even more incredible was that he saw Liu Yong pick up a fist-sized stone from the ground.

   What is this for!

  Is it possible to use this stone to hit the wild boar that rushed over? Don't be kidding, it is absolutely impossible, and it is also very unwise.


  His words were barely uttered, as if his throat was choked by something, and then, he was stunned, as if he had seen a ghost.

   Not only Russell, but his two men with pistols were also stunned. They couldn't believe that this scene was real.

  I saw Liu Yong pick up a fist-sized stone from the ground, and then threw it out without aiming at it at all.


   Hit the target!

  The stone hit the head of the big wild boar with incomparable accuracy. Immediately, the ferocious wild boar, which weighed more than three hundred kilograms, fell down in response.

  This, this, this.

  How is this possible!

   A wild boar weighing three or four hundred catties can be killed with a single stone, my God, how is this possible!

   It took Russell a long time to react. After he came back to his senses, the other wild boars had disappeared without a trace, and they all entered the depths of the woods.

   It seems that these wild boars are not stupid. They saw that the situation was wrong, or they knew that Liu Yong was not easy to mess with, so they ran away when the situation was not good.

  Chen Hu said, "Boss, at least three to four hundred catties of wild boar, pure green food, must be delicious."

  Liu Yong clapped his hands and said with satisfaction, "The wild pork must be delicious. Let's take it home and have an extra meal at night."

   "Okay, I'll bring it up."

   After finishing speaking, Chen Hu walked over and lifted up the three or four hundred catties of wild boar effortlessly, as if what he was lifting was not three or four hundred catties, but three or four catties.

   Russell, who just came back to his senses, was not calm again, oh, God, who is this man, how could he be so strong.

  Liu Yong didn't care about the sluggish Russell, and waved, "It's still early, let's go around and take a look."

  It is now afternoon, but there are still at least three or four hours before the sun goes down, so there is plenty of time.

  Russell looked at Liu Yong, and then at Chen Hu, who was walking towards the helicopter with the big wild boar, with a look of admiration on his face, awesome, so awesome!

  Next, Liu Yong looked at the island for about an hour, but he only saw half of it. On the one hand, the island is not small, and on the other hand, the island is a deserted island with no roads, so the speed cannot be increased.

  In the evening, Liu Yong and others returned to the hotel where they stayed.

   This is also the best hotel in XX country, with a total of five floors, with courtyards and lawns at the front and back, almost open.

   "Boss, let's grill a few skewers first and taste it. Such fresh wild pork must be delicious."

  Liu Yongdao, "Yes, the front floor of the hotel is spacious enough, let's barbecue there."

   "Boss, I'll prepare the oven and charcoal." Zhao Haifeng said.

  Chen Hu said, "Boss, there are seasonings in the galley of our plane, I'll go get some."

  Everyone split up and acted very quickly. Zhao Haifeng not only brought barbecue stoves and charcoal, but also made a lot of bamboo sticks, cut several catties of meat from wild boars, and started to make skewers.

  Chen Hu brought over the seasoning, not only monosodium glutamate soy sauce, but also five-spice powder, cumin powder, star anise and cinnamon, etc.

  Everyone works together, and the speed is faster.

  Russell has been accompanying him all the time. For them, Liu Yong is the most honored guest, and his job is to serve Liu Yong.

   "Liu, can this be eaten?"

  Seeing everyone making skewers, and then sprinkle some things on the skewers, he couldn't understand these operations anyway, and seriously doubted whether the things made in this way were edible.

  In the eyes of the locals, Liu Yong and the others are considered foreigners, and the hotel seems to be open. Many locals went to the front of the hotel to watch the excitement, and within a short time, many people surrounded them from a distance.

  XX country is a small country with a total population of only a few hundred thousand people, and the capital has more than one hundred thousand people. The area in front of the hotel is not deserted.

  These people looked lively, pointing and talking softly. Liu Yong didn't know what they were talking about, but he could guess that they were probably making comments.

   "I don't understand what they are doing."

   "It should be a certain kind of food, maybe something to bake."

   "It's just barbecue. Why are there so many messy things? I doubt it's delicious. It must be much worse than our barbecue."

  Liu Yong didn't understand, so he didn't care what they said. Seeing that some kebabs were ready and the oven was ready, he became interested, so he took a handful of kebabs and did it himself.

  Have never eaten pork, haven’t you seen a pig run? Liu Yong is used to the operation of the barbecue vendors, and he looks good, grilling meat skewers on charcoal.

  Liu Yong doubted that Zhao Haifeng had ever done barbecue, or worked as a chef. His marinated skewers looked good, and when grilled on charcoal, they were oily and fragrant.

   "Wow, it smells so good!"

   "It looks delicious!"

  These locals watching the excitement, smelling the smell floating in the air, many of them moved their index fingers and swallowed their saliva.

  A handful of meat skewers, at least a dozen skewers, all of which are genuine. Each skewer is at least one or two taels of meat, fat and thin, roasted so oily, fragrant, and golden in color.

   After baking, Liu Yong couldn't help but taste a bunch first, it was delicious!

  My God, it's so delicious!

  After a few bites of a bunch, Liu Yong gave a thumbs up, "Xiao Zhao, your craftsmanship is amazing, it's so delicious, everyone should try it!"

  Zhao Haifeng was modest, "Boss, the main reason is that the ingredients are good, the pure wild boar meat is fresh enough, and the boss's cooking is well controlled."

  Liu Yong smiled and said, "Don't flatter me, I still know how much I have. The key is that the ingredients are good, and you marinate them well, which makes it so fragrant."

   After speaking, Liu Yong casually gave two skewers to Russell next to him, "Try it, it's delicious."

  Russell took the two skewers, and now he no longer wondered whether they were delicious, because they smelled delicious, so he tried to take a small bite, and his eyes lit up immediately!

  . . . . . . .

  The third update is here!

  (end of this chapter)

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