Chapter 22

Lin Chuan, who has taken Juling Pill, not only improved his physical fitness, but also strengthened his five senses.

He is energetic, with inexhaustible energy, no matter whether it is speed or strength, he has made a big leap far beyond ordinary people.

The other party actually wanted to challenge him. From Lin Chuan’s point of view, it was purely for abuse.

The middle-aged fat man’s fat fingers pointed at Lin Chuan angrily: “Little boy, there is a kind of say it again!”

Lin Chuan sneered disdainfully: “Where is so much nonsense!” He strode towards the other party.

Seeing that the middle-aged fat man couldn’t stop him, his heart was already empty, and he sternly shouted: “If you have a seed, don’t leave. If there is a seed, wait here!”

Throw away the bamboo pole and run away.

The surrounding crowd booed suddenly.

Lin Chuan didn’t bother to look at it again, cast a disdainful look, and continued to return to the original path.


Unexpectedly, the half-bald ugly dog ​​followed behind.

Those pitiful little eyes looked at Lin Chuan innocently.

Lin Chuan’s heart moved.

This dog…Although it is a bit ugly, it seems to be quite clever.

“Follow me, go away, you are so ugly!”

Lin Chuan made a drive away gesture.

But the ugly dog ​​refused to leave.

Lin Chuan continued to walk, and it continued to limping along.

When Lin Chuan stopped, it also stopped.

After doing this several times, Lin Chuan changed his mind.

Anyway, I didn’t see what was satisfactory, so it’s better to do it!

Lin Chuan turned to the parking lot.

Without looking back, he kept coming to Pickup.

Lin Chuan was thinking, if it still comes, take it back. If you don’t follow, forget it and try your luck at the bigger pet market in the suburbs.

Unexpectedly, the ugly dog ​​really followed.

Seeing Lin Chuan stop, the ugly dog ​​whined a few times as if he wanted to express something.

“Interesting, interesting, it seems that you are a lucky dog, knowing to follow me.”

“Okay, it’s you!”

“I will call you bald from now on.”

woo woo woo woo.

Bald hair was wagging his tail without ambition.

Lin Chuan returned to Qinghuang Xiaozhu.

“Bald, come here!”

Calling this ugly dog ​​came to the backyard of the main yard by the water pressure well.

Lin Chuan found an old wooden basin, filled it with water, and let Bald Mao go in and wash it by himself.

Bald Mao limped into the tub, so well-behaved that made people feel distressed.

“Hey, this ugly dog, I don’t know how bad it is.”

There are indeed many boring people who abuse cats and dogs. They may have psychological problems. Losers in real life abuse small animals to satisfy their abnormal mentality.

Lin Chuan hated this kind of people and looked down upon him very much.

Lin Chuan got a shoe brush and scrubbed the bald hairs.

This poor dog, with one leg injured, could endure the pain, and let Lin Chuan wash it off.

“Brother Chuan! Are you back?!”

Fatty Yao came over from the circular arch on the side of the vice yard.

“I’ll go, where did you get such an ugly dog? Did you pick it up?”

Lin Chuan said irritably, “Less long-winded, have you finished the measurement?”

“Quickly, my two colleagues are at the vice yard of Liang. You happen to be back. Let me tell you.”

“You say, I’m listening.”

Fatty Yao opened his notebook.

“Let’s start from the outside. Since you want to engage in farmhouse entertainment, you must at least have a relatively large parking lot. This is indispensable. The open space outside is also big enough. The wall, repair a garage of a higher grade.”

Lin Chuan shook his head repeatedly: “I have such a high-grade exterior wall, do you use the garage to cover it for me?”

Fatty Yao said embarrassedly: “Your site is large, but there are such outer walls all around. Unless you use the wasteland in the south, does that wasteland have an owner?”

Lin Chuan’s heart moved.

That wasteland includes the road leading to the village entrance.

You can’t repair the road in the village just to repair a parking garage!

“You don’t have to worry about the garage. You can pave the asphalt pavement outside and park in the open air. What are you going to do inside?”

“You, the main courtyard, I plan to demolish all of it and rebuild it. Three large bungalows waste a lot of floor space. I will give you the entire three to four-story modern Chinese-style villa, and you will live in a comfortable environment. The four-story building on the side is not moving, only the interior decoration, and there are two large tiled houses. I also plan to demolish and build a small western-style building. You have hired employees here, which can be used as an employee dormitory.”

Lin Chuan couldn’t laugh or cry: “You are going to do a big project! I don’t have much money!”

Fatty Yao was startled: “No, didn’t you just make six million with Old Man Chen?”

Lin Chuan gave him a blank look: “I bought the house and land over there for a million, and I bought two more cars. The two cars add up to 1.6 million, and I paid 300,000 in advance. Ling Xiaoxiao, plus some miscellaneous things, basically spent half of it. How can there be any money?”

Fatty Yao suddenly asked, “Let’s not talk about the money. You haven’t told me which decoration company is responsible for your yard. The level is quite high! With this level, from my professional perspective, our nationwide I guess I can’t find a few companies, tell my brother, how did they get it out?”

Lin Chuan had a draft for a long time: “It was a friend of my dad. He owed the favor of the previous generation to my family, so he gave it to my family. The favor was paid back, and it would be hard to call someone back later.”

Fatty Yao suddenly realized: “No wonder, I said, you can’t have so much money at all. When you first went to the city, I estimated that you won’t be able to shoot at least 20 million! It’s all good stuff!”

“My two colleagues were still talking behind their backs just now, saying that you are the rich second generation!”

Lin Chuan smiled and said, “Brother is the rich generation.”

It’s not that Lin Chuan doesn’t have enough friends, but this kind of thing, I really can’t say.

Fatty Yao sighed: “There was a master like this who built your backyard for you, and also used precious materials. Brother Chuan, do you think my design is subject to huge restrictions? At least the style cannot be uncoordinated. , The materials used shouldn’t be too bad, right?”

Lin Chuan gritted his teeth: “I can’t bear the children, I can’t catch the wolves. You can do it in accordance with high standards and specifications, and I will find a way for the money!”

Lin Chuan didn’t have much confidence in finding Baihua Fairy to get some flower seedlings or something.

But he still has five jade bottles. By that time, he will really have no money, so he will make less money and give it to Mr. Chen Yuanming. Wouldn’t the money come?


Yao Zhen took a deep look at Lin Chuan, secretly happy for his brother.

After four years of university and more than three years of graduation, Yao Zhen knows what kind of environment his brother is like.

Brothers can get better, even if there are some explanations full of flaws, Yao Zhen doesn’t plan to think too much.

As long as the brothers have a good life, everything is worth it.

“In this way, I will produce the renderings and call the professional construction team over here to repair the chicken coop and pig shed first. Don’t worry, I will stare at you and will not spoil your overall style here.”

“Of course I am 100% assured when you do things.”

“I have another suggestion. You don’t move here so that you don’t have a place to live. Do it at the vice yard first, what do you think?”


“Well, then I will continue to go to the field inspection, you are busy first.”

Fatty Yao turned and walked away, Lin Chuan continued to scrub the bald hair.

The ugly dog ​​was terribly dirty, changed two basins of water, rinsed it again, and finally washed it out.

It turned out to be a white dog.

The gray and yellow of the previous suit was just a long time since I washed it.

“Oh, it’s still ugly.”

Lin Chuan took out a low-grade and high-level Spirit Gathering Pill and poured it into a new basin of water.

“Go down and wash again!”

Bald’s nose sniffed a few times, and looked straight at the misty water in the basin.


Bald hair can’t wait to jump into the basin.

Lin Chuan was stunned: “Ugly dogs are quite knowledgeable, knowing they are good things.”


The bald hair flicked his tail happily.

“Come here, there is something better here!”

Lin Chuan opened the micro-channel column and extracted Qi Ling Pill.

Grabbing the bald ear with one hand, he fed the Qi Ling Pill into its mouth.

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