Chapter 221 Lin Chuan: People act like a baby for money, but you act like a baby!

“I won’t be acting like a baby, or forget it.” Yue Qin’er hesitated for a long time, but still didn’t want to act like a baby.

She felt very ashamed just thinking about it.

“A girl who doesn’t even know how to act like a baby will not be happy.”

“Like me, no matter what I want, as long as I act like a baby, Suwan will get it for me by any means.”

“If you do something wrong, acting like a baby can also make you forgive. Compared with other methods, I don’t know how much easier it is.”

“Listen to me, you must try it. Don’t think of Pai Yao as a man, just use it as a prop for practice.”

Seeing that she was so persistent, Kyuubi persuaded her with all his heart.

“It still doesn’t work, there is a big living person, how can I regard him as a tool.”

Yue Qin’er was a little moved when she learned that the effect of acting like a baby was so good.

However, thinking of facing Lin Chuan acting like a baby, he shook his head.

In front of Lin Chuan, Tsundere’s her, if she suddenly acted like a baby, then her character would collapse.

“Then do you want to practice?” Seeing her so obsessed, Kyuubi asked directly.

“Yes!” Yue Qin’er responded quickly.

Cultivation can be said to be her biggest obsession, how could she not want to.

“Then what else are you talking about? If you think of you, you have to find Pai Yao to act like a baby, otherwise, how can you let someone help you figure out a solution?” Nine Tails gave her a white look.

“Then…how to act like a baby, I really don’t have much experience.” Yue Qin’er said bitterly because of her obsession.

“I have experience with this, let my sister teach you…”

The experienced Kyuubi began to teach Yue Qin’er how to act like a baby.

Lin Chuan still didn’t know what he was about to face, and was looking at the exercises he had just obtained.

“Yue Qin’er’s is this Ice Jade Heart Sutra, and Fatty Yao will give him this Great Swallowing Technique.”

It didn’t take him long to read it, so he picked a book of exercises that seemed suitable for Fatty Yao.

This Heaven-Swallowing Powerful Art, sounds like very powerful, but the real effect is that it can increase strength by eating wildly to nourish.

Cultivation to the extreme, can have the power of swallowing the sky.

Of course, this so-called extreme is just a hypothesis. The person who created this exercise has not achieved this goal, nor has other practitioners.

“There are still a few copies left, it’s useless to keep them, just send them to Pu Liqi, he should be short of these things.”

Looking at the remaining exercises, Lin Chuan felt that it would only take up space to keep them, and it would be better to send them out.

Just do it, Lin Chuan called Pu Liqi directly.

“Pu Liqi, how is the situation on your side now?” Lin Chuan first greeted him after the call was connected.

“It’s not bad. Several apprentices have grown up. I found two more good seedlings. With the help of the medicine pill given by the master, I have already embarked on the road of cultivating immortals.”

Pu Liqi thought he was asking about the progress, and reported the current situation cautiously.

“It sounds pretty good, where are you now, send an address and I will send you something.”

Lin Chuan freely praised Pu Liqi and stated his main purpose.

“The address is… Master, what are you going to give me?” Pu Li Qi Lima said the address, curiously asked.

“At that time, you will know, anyway, it is something you can use.” Lin Chuan left a suspense and hung up the phone.

He wrapped up the exercises, put a few bottles of pills in after thinking about it, then prepared to go out, handed the package to Ling Xiaoxiao, and asked her to send it by express.

As a result, just as Lin Chuan opened the door, Yue Qin’er was about to knock.

As soon as the door opened and there was no cover, Yue Qin’er’s hand stretched directly to Lin Chuan’s heart.

Both of them didn’t react to the vulgar bridges that only appeared in idol dramas, and Yue Qin’er even subconsciously grabbed it.

“Have you touched enough, how does it feel?” Lin Chuan felt the strangeness in his heart, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he said with a smile.

“Not bad… No, I didn’t mean it, I just wanted to knock on the door.”

Yue Qin’er responded subconsciously before reacting, and quickly withdrew her hand, lowering her head shyly.

This didn’t say anything yet, Yue Qin’er had already begun to shut down.

“Do you have anything to do with me?” Lin Chuan said helplessly after an awkward silence.

It hurts too much to be touched by someone and to take the initiative to ease the atmosphere.

“I’m okay, can’t I come to you?” After a while, Yue Qin’er suddenly raised his head and said in a delicate tone.

“Hiss…” Lin Chuan caught off guard, took a breath, and got goose bumps all over his body.

“What’s wrong, why don’t you speak anymore? It’s because people are not doing well enough, and they can make changes. Don’t be angry with them.”

Seeing that Lin Chuan didn’t speak, Yue Qin’er recalled what Jiuwei had taught her, and decided to increase her efforts.

“Ahem…” Lin Chuan didn’t lift it up in a breath, coughed twice, and his scalp began to numb.

In fact, Yue Qin’er originally wanted to hold Lin Chuan’s arm, but after struggling for a while, he didn’t follow Jiuwei’s tutorial completely.

Otherwise, Lin Chuan is more than just numb scalp.

“If you have anything, just talk about it, if you have nothing to do, get out of the way, don’t fix these things!” Lin Chuan resisted the urge to scratch the scalp and said quickly.

“What’s your attitude? People just want to act like a coquettish girl with you. You are so aggressive, 嘤嘤嘤…”

Seeing that Lin Chuan’s attitude hadn’t softened, Yue Qin’er continued to follow Nine Tails’s tutorial, and finally even put two small fists near his eyes, turning into a stranger.

“I’m begging you, okay? Collect magical powers, don’t be coquettish, and discuss any requirements.”

“When people act like a baby, they need pocket money at most. You act like a baby, you directly want my life!”

Lin Chuan couldn’t help it anymore, and spit out directly.

“Is it so ugly when I act like a baby, not cute at all?”

Yue Qin’er received Lin Chuan’s promise, but he has actually achieved his goal.

But what Lin Chuan said made her very unconvinced.

“It’s not that it’s not cute, it’s that I can’t accept it, it’s no blessing to end it.” Lin Chuan shook his head and said his true feelings.

With Yue Qin’er’s face and sweet voice, how could it not be cute to be coquettish.

It’s just that in Lin Chuan’s impression, Yue Qin’er has always been a beautiful girl of Tsundere, a fierce girl.

Now the fierce girl suddenly acted like a baby, just like a fierce man suddenly put on the clothes of Barbie doll, incarnation of King Kong Barbie, who can stand it.

“By the way, how about I have a coquettish contest and let those Arhats and Bodhisattvas behave like a coquettish?”

Thinking of this, Lin Chuan had a whim.

This kind of contrast feels interesting when you think about it, and it must be very attractive.

But it was just thinking about it. Lin Chuan really wanted to tell the Tathagata Buddha about this plan, and it must be a huge slap to greet him.

If the Tathagata Buddha doesn’t slap him to death, he is considered to be well-trained in the Dharma.

So, what kind of activity is going to be carried out, it’s really worrying…

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