Chapter 225

“No need!” Lin Chuan looked at Hong Hai’er’s words and was so disgusted that he couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

Red Boy’s tone is exactly the same as those who say “I will steal the battery to raise you”.

Does he need a red boy to raise him?

It seems that I really want to…

But Hong Haier said that he was going to steal things from Dousing Palace to raise him.

Dou Li Gong, where the Taishang Laojun lives, stealing anything there is probably invaluable.

There are cheap bastards!

Even if he was taken care of by Red Boy, he recognized it.

[Xiaoyao Xian: It’s not a good idea to go to Dousing Palace to steal things. 】

Lin Chuan, who was ecstatic in his heart, still had to be a little reserved on the surface.

[Red Boy: What’s wrong with this, I go there every other time.

There are so many good things there, and the old man doesn’t use it, and it’s a waste to put it there.

It’s just right to help a poor god like you. 】

Hong Hai’er didn’t feel that there was any problem with stealing things from Dust Palace.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Thank you in advance, you are such a wonderful person! 】

Lin Chuan saw that he had said everything for this reason, so what else could be said, of course he reluctantly agreed!

[Red Boy: It’s a trivial matter. If you want to thank me, quickly find me something interesting to play with, I’m going to be bored to death. 】

[Xiaoyao Xian: This is okay, it’s just something to do with the palace…][Red Boy: That old man is now in the Palace of Tossing, I can’t steal things blatantly.

You give me the fun first, and when the old man is away, I will steal something for you right away. 】

[Xiaoyao Xian: Cough cough, how do you tell me to steal things? This tells you to steal things by yourself subjectively, and then help me objectively.

I don’t dare to have any thoughts about the things in Laojun’s Mansion.

But since you want something fun, then I will find it for you. I don’t really care about anything from the old man’s house. 】

Lin Chuan watched Hong Hai’er take a bite to an old man, always saying that he was going to steal things, it was frightening to see it.

Do you know that this WeChat was created by Taishang Laojun. If you say that you want to steal something from someone’s house, it is not equivalent to a loud conspiracy.

If Tai Shang Lao Jun is angry, Hong Hai’er doesn’t know what’s going on, his small body can’t stand it.

[Red Boy: What are you waiting for, hurry up and hurry up. 】

Hong Haier didn’t care about Lin Chuan’s hints at all. He couldn’t wait to hear Lin Chuan say there were good things.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Be safe and restless, I’ll get it for you. 】

Lin Chuan had a headache after talking with Hong Haier.

He said happily just now, but he didn’t even think about sending anything to Red Boy at all.

“Uncle, hug…” At this time, Xinxin didn’t know where she came out of her, she stretched out her two hands and said milkily.

Lin Juan and Qianqian followed and came over.

“You little guy, why are you sweating all over, where did you go to play?” Lin Chuan asked her when he noticed that she was sticky.

“We have been cultivating very hard these past few days. Ma Ma said he wanted to reward us, so he took us to the amusement park.”

“Sister Cici and I went on the merry-go-round, roller coaster, and go-karting. My driving skills are good.”

Xinxin excitedly talked about her experience today.

“It can be seen that you are really having a good time.” Lin Chuan laughed after seeing this.

After laughing, Lin Chuan suddenly had an idea.

Other rides are not easy for him to give to Red Boy, but karting is fine.

Xinxin can have such a good time, and Hong Haier, this little kid, should also like it.

“Sister, you take them back first, I have something to go out.” Lin Chuan, who thought of giving something, handed Xinxin to Lin Juan and left directly.

The three people who were left in the same place were stunned.

Lin Chuan didn’t know where to buy a kart, so he went to the amusement park and bought one at a high price.

[Xiaoyao Xian: I got the thing, this thing is called karting, it can be fun to play, but the quality is a bit poor, you have to be careful. 】

Lin Chuan swept the go-karting to Red Boy, and deliberately told him.

Karting is still very sturdy for ordinary people.

But for the gods, it is no different from tofu dregs.

Lin Chuansheng was afraid that the red boy was not over yet, so he broke the kart directly.

[Red Boy: I see, I will have fun! 】

The red boy who got the new toy, who cares so many, responded casually, and followed the tutorial sent by Lin Chuan. He sat up and stepped on the accelerator, and the kart ran out.

“Hey, you can move without using force, it’s fun and fun…”

The kart that can move without mana makes Red Boy full of freshness.

The speed of his own flight is naturally much faster than the kart, but the concept is different, Red Boy is still very happy to play.

“What is Red Boy playing with?”

“He always likes to fool around, no matter what he plays.”

“No, it seems interesting to me, that thing can move without force.”

“It’s obviously a dead thing, but it’s like a living thing, capable of kinetic energy, which is really interesting.”

The place where Red Boy plays karting is a large square outside the Ling Xiao Hall.

It just so happened that the Jade Emperor called some immortals to discuss matters, and the scene just ended, except for the Ling Xiao Palace, he watched it straight and started talking.

“Red boy, where did you get this new thing?” Nezha just came out, and he, who is familiar with Red boy, asked directly.

“This is a kart given by Xiaoyao Xian. It can be moved without using any force. It’s so interesting.” Hong Hai’er replied as he drove.

“Why don’t I lend you the Hot Wheels for fun, and you lend me a kart to sit in?” Seeing Hong Haier having fun, Nezha was a little moved.

“No, what is Hot Wheels, does it have no magic power to move?” Hong Hai’er said with disdain.

“…” Nezha was speechless, thinking about it and found it reasonable.

Hot Wheels is powerful, but if it is not driven by mana, it really can’t move…

“If you don’t give it, then I’ll go find Brother Xiaoyao!” Nezha got even more energetic, planning to go directly to Lin Chuan for a go-kart.

“And I.”

“You want one for me.”

Other gods said one after another.

Lin Chuan, who was about to leave the playground, was dumbfounded when he received the news that Nezha helped him and other gods ask for a go-karting.

The gods, who mastered all kinds of powerful magic weapons, could still see karts, which he never expected.

I don’t know what they do with so many karts, they don’t want to make a fairyland version of running karts, right?

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