Chapter 233

The few people who were meditating on the top floor suddenly felt that the spiritual energy around them increased sharply, and their cultivation speed suddenly increased.

Yue Qin’er and Lin Dashan, who were about to break through, had directly broken through a small realm under the blessing of this spiritual energy.

Others who have not made a breakthrough have also gained some benefits more or less.

“Spirit Gathering Formation, this is Spirit Gathering Formation!” Jumei and Jiuwei opened their eyes at the same time, feeling extremely excited.

“Spirit Gathering Formation?” The others were at a loss at this time. Hearing what they said, they were even more confused.

They knew that Lin Chuan was going to start a formation, but they didn’t expect it to be such a formation.

“It’s no wonder that Lin Chuan is pulling all of us over. This is for the first breath of heaven and earth aura absorbed when the Spirit Gathering Array is activated.”

Bibi said to himself, ignoring the confused people.

“Is there anything famous about this first aura?” Lin Juan asked curiously.

“Actually, it’s nothing famous, aura is not aura.”

“It’s just that the original normal aura suddenly increases a lot, which will cause a chain reaction, which is of great benefit to those who are cultivating.”

“When the spirit gathering formation becomes stable, although there is more aura in the formation than the outside world, there will be no effect when the first aura surges.”

Kyuubi helped explain.

“It turned out to be so, no wonder I broke through suddenly.” Lin Dashan suddenly realized.

“Why didn’t Brother Chuan say it earlier? If I said it earlier, I practiced earnestly, and I might also break through.”

“Come on, you, don’t you know how many catties you have? It’s good to get some benefits.”

“There are indeed many benefits. If I can come a few more times, my cultivation speed will definitely increase rapidly.”

When other people think of the benefits they have just received, they are still a little bit unsatisfied, and want to come again a few times.

“What we should be concerned about, isn’t it the Spirit Gathering Array itself?” Yue Qin’er couldn’t help reminding them, looking at their excited expressions.

“Yes, I forgot if you didn’t mention the little princess Qin’er, that fellow Pai Yao actually quietly arranged a spirit gathering formation!”

“Our repair management team hasn’t had a spirit gathering formation method yet. He just arranged one in this building. It’s a violent thing!”

Su Mi recovered, couldn’t help but pat his thigh and said.

“Why are you violent? I think this formation is very useful, and the surrounding aura is a lot more?” Cici felt that Suwan’s remarks were inexplicable.

It’s not that the surrounding aura hasn’t increased, there is no such thing as violent things.

“The Spirit Gathering Array is hard to come by, so it’s generally arranged in the hole of heaven and blessed land, so that the already relatively high concentration of aura can take another step.”

“This building is obviously not a hole in the sky, at best it raises the level of aura in the formation to the level of a hole in the sky, or it is violent.”

Kyuubi stared at the surrounding formation materials fiercely, looking very annoyed.

Such a precious thing as the Spirit Gathering Array is actually arranged in an ordinary building. I really don’t know what Lin Chuan thinks. It’s wasted!

When he thought of putting these precious materials in the formation himself, Kyuubi was bleeding in distress.

“The formation is not just for use, and no one stipulates where it must be arranged.”

“Furthermore, my things, naturally I put them wherever I want.”

Lin Chuan came over at this time, and just listened to the words of Kyuubi.

Yue Qin’er and the others listened to Lin Chuan’s prodigal speech, and rolled their eyes together and didn’t want to speak any more.

What’s more to say, people’s things, naturally they can do whatever they want.

But what is the feeling of envy and jealousy in my heart!

“Don’t talk about that, hurry up and practice.” The sour-hearted Ju Mi no longer wants to say anything, just want to cultivate in this gathering spirit formation.

“That’s not right, didn’t you two say yesterday that you will leave after the formation is activated? Why are you still practicing?”

Lin Chuan looked at the two teammates with playful eyes and said.

“Ah…” Sumei and Kyuubi were immediately embarrassed.

Yesterday, they were very disgusted with Deling Building. They didn’t want to stay too much for a moment. As a result, they didn’t want to leave today. They really slapped their faces.

“The Deling Building is so big, what happened to the two of us, Pai Yao, don’t be too stingy.”

“Besides, we didn’t know that this was the Spirit Gathering Formation yesterday, but now we know it by looking at it. It’s so cool to stay here!”

“Anyway, we just won’t leave. You have the ability to drag us away.”

Kyuubi’s face was rather thick, and he sat directly on the ground and began to play with Lai.

The Deling Building opened by the Spirit Gathering Array has an extremely high concentration of spiritual energy, and the speed of cultivation is astonishing.

If such a good opportunity is missed, then she will be a cultivator in vain!

“Puff…I’m just kidding, you don’t need to be so nervous, you can stay here as long as you want.”

Looking at the appearance of Kyuubi, Lin Chuan couldn’t hold back anymore and couldn’t help laughing.

Of course he couldn’t drive the two teammates away, just because they wanted to make fun of them yesterday.

Unexpectedly, their reaction was so big that they were anxious to leave yesterday, but they refused to leave today.

It can only be said that the essence of human beings is really fragrant!

“…” Seeing Lin Chuan and Jiuwei, Lin Chuan’s eyes were full of resentment.

Lin Chuan’s joke can make them lose the adults!

“Stop talking about this, Lin Chuan, what do you want to do when you set up the Spirit Gathering Array in the Deling Building?”

“It’s all ordinary people, no matter how high the concentration of aura is, it’s useless for them, it’s really wasteful.”

Yue Qin’er changed the subject to relieve the embarrassment of the two of them, and also asked questions that she cared about.

She really couldn’t figure out why Lin Chuan wanted to place a precious spirit gathering formation in the Deling Building, even if it was placed in Qinghuang Xiaozhu, it was much more reasonable.

“High concentration of aura is useless for ordinary people, but it is useful for cultivators.”

“If I announce the news that there is a spirit gathering formation in the Deling Building, guess what will be the reaction of those immortal cultivators?”

Lin Chuan said with a light smile.

He did this, of course he had his intentions.

“You mean, do you want to attract immortal cultivators to come?”

“In order to increase the occupancy rate of your building, you really did it!”

Yue Qin’er was dumbfounded, completely unexpected that Lin Chuan would have such thoughts.

No matter which power of the cultivation world, after obtaining the Spirit Gathering Formation, it will probably want to put it in his own hands and improve the overall strength of his power, and the Cultivation Management Group is no exception.

But Lin Chuan did the opposite, taking the initiative to open it, attracting immortals to come.

I am afraid that only a cultivator like him who has no power would have such an idea.

No, this is definitely not something that Lin Chuan can decide alone, it’s probably the idea of ​​the senior Yunzhongzi behind him.

Using the Spirit Gathering Array as the bait to gather so many immortal cultivators, what does Yun Zhongzi want to do?

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