Chapter 244

“In such a treasure, planting some flowers, flowers and plants, doesn’t it seem very good?”

Lin Dashan heard Lin Dahu’s thoughts, hesitated, and was a little excited.

“What’s wrong with this, no matter how it is a baby, it should be placed here or not, it is better to plant some flowers and plants.”

“Big brother, believe me, plant something in it, it’s definitely much better than putting it bare here.”

Lin Dahu didn’t think there was any problem with this, so he promised with his heartbeat.

When Lin Dashan heard this, his mind was completely shaken.

Lin Dahu is a dry building, and he followed a construction team to repair some courtyard buildings full of celestial style everywhere.

After working for so many years, Lin Dahu’s architectural aesthetics are very high. If he says it looks good, it should look good.

“Chuan’er, what do you think of your third uncle’s suggestion?” Lin Dashan did not immediately agree, and turned to ask Lin Chuan’s opinion.

“Then plant it, it is indeed better than putting it here naked.” Lin Chuan smiled reluctantly and agreed with Lin Dahu’s idea.

No matter how Baoding is useless to him, it is a waste.

Planting flowers and plants can be regarded as waste utilization.

“Well, I’ll go back to the mountain and get some beautiful flowers and plants. I will definitely dress up this tripod beautifully.”

Seeing his promise, Lin Dahu rejuvenated and said excitedly.

He is actually full of guilt for the eldest brother’s family, but he is not very good at talking, so he wants to make up for it with such practical actions.

“Then uncle San, please.” Lin Chuan felt Lin Dahu’s heart, and smiled reluctantly.

“Let’s go to other places. Chuan’er has done a good job in repairing the house. There are many interesting things.”

Lin Dashan greeted the couple again and went to look elsewhere.

But Lin Chuan did not follow, standing in place to soothe his injured little soul.

“No, I have to get a real good baby to offset the big loss I just ate.”

The more Lin Chuan thinks about it, the worse he feels. He feels that only a new baby can really comfort him.

But something like a baby is not something you can have if you want.

He now has an activity commissioned by the Buddha, and he has already prepaid a lot of things from Xuanzang before, so I am embarrassed to ask for a treasure.

What’s more, he still has no clue about what activities he wants to engage in. If he goes to the Buddha for a treasure, the Buddha asks what he wants, how does he answer?

“Wait, after the last If You Are the One’s event, the Queen Mother gave me a treasure hunting mouse, saying that this thing can find me the treasure.”

Lin Chuan thought about it, and suddenly thought of the treasure hunting mouse that the Queen Mother had given him.

It’s impossible for the Queen Mother to give something personally to be a waste, it must be useful!

It’s just that he didn’t understand how the treasure hunter was used, so he threw it in his inventory and didn’t care about it.

He is looking for a treasure now, so naturally he has to take out the treasure hunting jade mouse and study it carefully.

However, when Lin Chuan looked at the WeChat inventory, he was immediately dumbfounded.

He looked back and forth several times, but found no trace of the treasure hunting jade rat.

In other words, the treasure hunting mouse is gone!

“Fuck, did you see a ghost? How could the treasure hunting jade rat disappear?” Lin Chuan was dumbfounded.

He couldn’t even think of breaking his head, that such a weird thing would happen.

Things that are well placed in the inventory will even disappear.

Lin Chuan thought carefully, did he accidentally put it somewhere, and then forgot.

After thinking about it several times, he was more certain that he just put the treasure hunting mouse in his inventory.

After all, this treasure hunting jade mouse didn’t seem to have any effect, Lin Chuan had no interest, and basically it would not move if it was thrown in the inventory.

And the treasure hunting jade mouse has not just disappeared. It seems that I haven’t seen the treasure hunting jade mouse in the past few days.

“When I got the treasure tripod, the treasure hunting jade mouse just disappeared. Could this treasure trip have something to do with the treasure hunting jade rat?”

“In other words, this Baoding is the treasure found by the Treasure Hunting Jade Rat. It disappeared because the treasure was already found?”

After careful consideration, Lin Chuan suddenly had a bold idea.

This is not his whimsical, it’s just that one of these two things appears and the other disappears. It’s a coincidence in time.

Thinking of this, Lin Chuan couldn’t help but glance at Po Ding, and instantly overturned his previous guess.

The broken tripod in front of him was useless except for being used as a flowerpot to decorate Qinghuang Xiaozhu.

Is this kind of thing worthy of being called a treasure? I need to consume a treasure hunter to get it?

The broken copper and broken iron stolen from the palace of Touling, it is also broken copper and broken iron!

“I can’t guess what’s famous for myself, I’d better find a fairy to ask, maybe they know something.”

Lin Chuan, who couldn’t figure out why this happened, simply asked the god of heaven for help.

To say that the god who knows all kinds of things best in the heavenly court is none other than Taishang Laojun.

As long as Lin Chuan dares to ask, Taishang Laojun will definitely be able to give an answer.

The problem was that Lin Chuan didn’t dare. He just urged Hong Haier to steal something from Dousing Palace, so he went to the Taishang Laojun and asked Dongwenxi, for fear that he didn’t know how to write dead words.

Lin Chuan stepped back and found Zhao Gongming.

Zhao Gongming was a big man in the prehistoric times, with strong qualifications and veteran skills, and he was also willing to help others.

Even if he doesn’t know it, he will help to find others to ask about the situation, which is not too good.

[Xiaoyao Xian: God of Wealth, don’t come here unharmed. 】

[Zhao Gongming: It’s strange to be innocent, I’m almost crazy now. 】

In response to him, Zhao Gongming made complaints.

His words made Lin Chuan very curious. The God of Wealth, who wanders around the heaven every day, is also busy?

[Xiaoyao Xian: Isn’t Heavenly Court always very leisurely, God of Wealth, you are more leisurely, how can you be mad. 】

[Zhao Gongming: Hey, don’t talk about it, it’s not the case of the earthquake in the fairy world a while ago.

The Jade Emperor felt that something was wrong, so he sent us to various secret realms to check the situation. I have run seven or eight places, and I’m almost tired of vomiting blood. 】

Zhao Gongming finally caught a person complaining, and he uttered all the recent bitterness.

“Israel Earthquake?” Lin Chuan blinked, remembering the situation where the chat group had exploded before, and it seemed that he was talking about the Immortal Earthquake.

And the time of the immortal world earthquake was on the day he got the broken tripod!

“Fuck, the earthquake in the fairy world has something to do with me, right?!”

This amazing coincidence once again allowed Lin Chuan to connect the immortal world earthquake to himself.

[Xiaoyao Xian: God of Wealth, do you think it is possible that the earthquake in the fairy world was caused by a treasure? 】

After he pondered his words, he raised a question.

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