Chapter 247 Cici’s Identity Revealed!

“What does it mean to open the eyes of the sky, Xinxin is really opening the eyes of the sky, isn’t it because of something evil?”

Lin Juan asked Lin Chuan very eagerly after hearing Lin Chuan’s words.

A vertical eye appeared between Xinxin’s eyebrows, and Lin Juan certainly saw it.

It’s good to be a person, and suddenly one more eye grows, which is too scary. Lin Juan is afraid that Xinxin has encountered some evil.

“Sister, don’t worry, this is really opening the sky. The condition of Xinxin just now is the normal situation before the opening of the sky.”

Lin Chuan took the hand of the anxious Lin Juan and comforted him softly.

Lin Chuan personally gave Xinxin the five-eye magical cultivation technique.

In order to prevent any accidents, Lin Chuan had already watched it completely before.

So he is very clear about the characteristics of the five-eyed magical powers at each stage of the practice.

As soon as he saw the vertical eye, Lin Chuan knew what was going on.

In fact, Xinxin mentioned before that her eyebrows were very painful, but Lin Chuan didn’t care.

Because Xinxin’s cultivation speed was beyond his expectations.

You know, the five-eyed magic is one of the profound techniques of Buddhism, and it is extremely difficult to practice.

Normally, getting started with the naked eye is relatively simple, and it can be completed within a few months.

But it will be difficult later, even if it is Tianyantong, it will take ten or eight years to complete it.

As for Xinxin, she was already naked when she started practicing.

In just a few days, it became clear.

Such a speed of cultivation was terrifying, so Lin Chuan had never thought about it before.

How can I know that his niece is a genius, a real genius!

“Is it true that people who are born with discerning eyes can cultivate this supernatural power very fast? This makes me an uncle, and it is very stressful!”

Lin Chuan, who couldn’t figure it out, could only attribute everything to Xinxin’s natural insight.

Didn’t Xuanzang tell him when he gave him the Five-Eyed Supernatural Power, people who are born with intelligent eyes, the first stage of the Five-Eyed Supernatural power will be very easy to cultivate.

I hate such talented people the most. How can ordinary people like us who practice diligently live?

Lin Chuan, who was depressed in his heart, suddenly felt wonderful again when he thought of the self-cultivation Xuantian Zhenjie.

I turned it on myself, so I was fine.

“Chuan’er, Xinxin really just opened some kind of heavenly eyes. There will be no sequelae. Those eyes are really scary.”

Lin Juan felt relieved a lot under Lin Chuan’s comfort, but she was still a little worried.

“Sister, don’t worry, Xinxin is really fine. On the contrary, there are huge benefits.”

“Shen Erlang, don’t you know that he has a vertical eye at the center of his eyebrows? That is the sky eye.”

“But Erlangshen’s Heavenly Eyes are quite special and can be opened at any time, while those who have practiced Heavenly Eyes will only open once when they have just completed their training.”

“Even if it is once, it is not enough, it is enough for Xinxin’s eyes to be baptized, and she can see through some magic barriers, formations, blindfolds, etc., very powerful.”

Seeing that she was still worried, Lin Chuan couldn’t help laughing and talking about the benefits of opening the sky.

It’s clear that Xinxin has gotten great benefits, and Lin Juan is still terrified here. What’s this?

“It turns out that this is the case, then I can rest assured.” Lin Juan finally felt relieved, and she touched Xinxin’s brows that became smooth again, feeling very magical.

Obviously a vertical eye appeared just now, but now there is no trace at all.

This made her deeply feel the wonder of the world of cultivation, and the motivation for cultivation was even greater.

“Mom, my head doesn’t hurt anymore, giggle…” At this moment, Xinxin also reacted and couldn’t help but grin.

The happiness of a child is so easy to come.

“It’s fine if the head doesn’t hurt. You have to thank this little ball. If it hadn’t sent you a light, it might have been how long you will have the pain.”

Lin Juan saw Xinxin smiling, she couldn’t help but laughed, pointing to Si Qingtengxin in Xinxin’s hand and said.

She remembered clearly that Si Qingteng’s heart sent a light, and Xinxin’s celestial eyes opened.

Xinxin’s opening of the sky must be attributed to Si Qingteng’s heart.

“Okay, thank you for being careful.”

Xinxin rubbed Si Qingteng’s heart with her chubby hand, slowly moved to her mouth, hesitated, still couldn’t help taking a bite.

“…” Lin Chuan and Lin Juan were speechless when they saw this.

People helped you. That’s how you thank them?

If Si Qingtengxin was a living creature, he would be so angry that he wanted to hit someone.

Xinxin’s mouth naturally couldn’t bite Si Qingteng’s heart.

However, Xinxin was not reconciled, changed various positions and bite, so that Si Qingteng’s heart was covered with her saliva, and she didn’t even look at it…

“Okay, okay, Xinxin, don’t bite anymore. If you want to eat, mom will give you some snacks.”

Lin Juan, who couldn’t bear it, snatched Si Qingteng’s heart from Xinxin’s mouth.

“Okay, there are snacks, Sister Qianqian, come and eat snacks.”

When Xinxin heard that she had snacks, she really forgot about Si Qingteng’s heart and yelled for Cici to come over and eat snacks with her.

“Come on, where are the snacks?” Cici really came over when she shouted, her face full of joy.

No wonder these two little guys play so well, their characters are exactly the same.

“Hey, Sister Cici, there is another you living in your body. Call her out for snacks.”

When Xinxin saw Cici, she rubbed her eyes with a look of confusion, looked at it carefully, and said in surprise.

This expression is exactly the same as Lin Chuan’s expression when he bought her a new toy.

Cici heard this, but she was struck by lightning.

Xinxin actually saw through her identity!

“Xinxin, what are you talking nonsense, how could there be another Cici in her body, she is not pregnant.”

Lin Juan felt a little funny after hearing Xinxin’s words.

Lin Chuan looked a little weird when he heard this.

Seeing through this day, there seems to be something.

“It’s really true, I really saw another sister Cici, exactly the same as the current sister Cici.”

Seeing that Lin Juan didn’t believe her, Xinxin puffed her mouth again, very dissatisfied.

“Is there really another Cici?” Lin Juan understood Xinxin’s character. Seeing that she hadn’t lied, she was dazed, and looked at Cici a little hesitantly.

She is a smart person, thinking of the effect of Tianyantong mentioned by Lin Chuan, she quickly realized what was going on with Xiqian.

A good person, but there is another person living in the body, the answer is self-evident.

“So, Cici, you are actually a ghost?” Lin Juan forced to endure the fear in her heart and asked aloud.

She finally understood why Lin Chuan suddenly brought Cici back, yet kept secret of her identity and background.

Bring a ghost home, can’t you hide it a little deeper, or else how to explain it?

“Yes, I am a ghost. To be precise, I am a charm. It is the kind of ghost that specializes in seduce people. Sister Juanjuan, won’t you despise me?”

Cici said her identity honestly, and then looked at Lin Juan nervously.

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