Chapter 261 Red Boy: This little burger is really fragrant

Lin Chuan took a few steps back and took a few breaths of fresh air before relieving himself, feeling very angry in his heart.

This behavior is quite bad.

Could it be that he offended people, or why would someone send him such a thing?

After a while, Lin Chuan suddenly reacted. He previously placed an order online and found someone to buy a small hamburger made by the eight secrets.

It turns out that he bought the excrement himself, so it’s okay…

In fact, he should have reacted a long time ago, but he didn’t expect that the express delivery came so quickly.

“Red boy, it’s time for you to taste the taste of the old eight secret burger.”

Lin Chuan glanced at the package again, a weird smile appeared on his face.

The broken tripod Hong Haier gave him has been planted with flowers and plants by the third uncle, and it has begun to show some value.

It’s just that every time Lin Chuan saw the tripod, he was still depressed.

The good baby that I am looking forward to can only be used as a decoration, and everyone will be unbalanced.

So don’t blame him for his vicious heart, it was Honghaier who did the first year of junior high school before he did the fifteenth.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Red boy, I promised to make your old eight-secret small burger ready, and I will send it to you. 】

Lin Chuan resolutely sent a message to Red Boy, and immediately sent the entire express box.

Well, the main reason is that the old eight secret hamburger is too ugly, and Lin Chuan thinks it pollutes the air in the room.

Sure enough, a handful of small hamburgers were passed over, and the air immediately became much fresher.

Lin Chuan lay on the bed, thinking about the face of Hong Haier after eating the little hamburger, and whistled happily.

Two flowers bloom, one on each table.

Hong Haier didn’t receive any news from Lin Chuan at first, and was using the air escape technique to gallop along the edge of the Jade Lake.

There are a group of cranes in the Yaochi. Seeing their plump bodies, Hong Haier wanted to grab one of them.

But these cranes are not mortals, they fly very fast, and they know how to cooperate.

When Red Boy almost caught a crane several times, the surrounding cranes would always attack him desperately, giving the crane a chance to escape.

Red Boy was so angry that he wanted to tie up all these stinky birds with a flaming gun, but still didn’t do anything about it.

The movement of the escape technique is small, it’s okay to come over and catch the crane secretly, but the movement of the fire-tip spear can be big, and it is easy for the queen mother to notice.

If caught by the Queen Mother, a meal of fried pork with bamboo shoots is indispensable.

Although he has thick skin and thick skin, he is not afraid of being beaten, but he is such an adult, and he still has to be beaten.

“I’m so angry, silly bird, you wait for me, you must be caught and roasted!”

The tired red boy wanted to stop and rest for a while, but he didn’t forget to speak harshly to the group of cranes.

“Quack…” In response to him was a cry of birds, sounding like laughing at him.

Hong Hai’er glared at them angrily, and then took out his phone, trying to find other gods to ask if there is any good way to catch the crane.

As a result, as soon as he opened WeChat, he saw the message from Lin Chuan.

“The old eight secret hamburger is ready?” After reading the news, Hong Haier’s depressed feeling disappeared without a trace.

What cranes are you still eating? Isn’t the old eight secret small burger delicious?

“I happened to be hungry, so Xiaoyao Xian delivered food. It was so timely. It’s not in vain that I gave him such a good baby.”

The red boy happily took out the old eight secret small burger.

“Hey, what smells, it smells…” As soon as he took out the small hamburger, he smelled the strong smell and his entire face was distorted.

“Is this food really delicious?” The red boy, who was full of expectation, couldn’t help but raise a question mark in his heart.

He looked at the small hamburger in front of him, neither was it to eat, nor was it not to eat, it was extremely tangled.

[Red Boy: Xiaoyaoxian, why is your little burger smell so unpleasant? Did you make a mistake? 】

Hong Haier hesitated for a long time and couldn’t help but send a message to Lin Chuan to ask about the situation.

[Xiaoyao Xian: The ugliness is right, this little burger is the more smelly the better, I specially made the most smelly one for you.

Eat it quickly, if you leave it for too long, the taste will change. 】

Lin Chuan saw Hong Hai’er’s entanglement and suffocated his smile and urged him to eat quickly.

[Red Boy: Really or fake, the more smelly the better, there is this kind of thing? 】

Hong Hai’er was not a fool either, and still expressed doubts about Lin Chuan’s words.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Have you ever heard of stinky tofu, it smells stinky, but it tastes delicious, this little hamburger is the same thing. 】

Seeing that he was not fooled, Lin Chuan gave him an example.

[Hong Haier: I seem to have heard of stinky tofu, so I’ll give it a try. 】

Hong Haier thought about it carefully, and really remembered some rumors about stinky tofu, and couldn’t help but believe what Lin Chuan said.

He looked at the little hamburger in front of him for a long time, then made up his mind to close his eyes and put the little hamburger in his mouth.

But when Little Burger first came to his lips, Red Boy suddenly felt his hands empty.

He opened his eyes and saw a crane flying by his side, with a small hamburger in his mouth!

“Smelly bird, hurry up and return my little hamburger!” Seeing that the crane not only let him eat, but also snatched his food, his mentality exploded.

He wanted to chase the crane, but was surrounded by a group of cranes.

The crane that took the little hamburger found a place to stop and ate the little hamburger directly into its stomach.

“My little burger!” The red boy uttered an angry roar when he saw this scene.

The crane ate the small hamburger and wanted to vomit, but after seeing Red Boy’s angry look, he resisted the nausea and put on a triumphant look.

As long as the red boy is uncomfortable, then it is happy.

“Dead Bird, I must kill you!”

Hong Hai’er couldn’t stand it at all, no matter how much, he directly used the flint-point spear, reached out his hand and swept away a group of cranes, and went straight to the crane.

I don’t know why, the crane just stood there so straight, with a painful expression, and was directly caught by the red boy.

“Haha, I told you to eat my little hamburger, now you can’t fly if you eat too much.”

“Do you dare to eat my little burger, then I will eat you today!”

Hong Hai’er thought that the crane was eating, and her mood became very comfortable, and she quickly slipped out of the Yaochi.

He found a secret place, directly spit out the real fire of Samadhi, and instantly roasted the cranes.

[Xiaoyao Xian: How does the little burger taste? 】

When Hong Hai’er was eating rightly, Lin Chuan couldn’t help asking when he saw that he hadn’t responded for a long time.

[Red Boy: Okay, great. 】

The red boy, who was too busy to talk about it, didn’t have the time to post a long story, and only sent a few words in the past.

After reading this, Lin Chuan thought that Red Boy had eaten the small hamburger, and then praised the small hamburger for its deliciousness, and suddenly looked confused.

The Red Boy actually thinks even the small burger is delicious, but it has multiple flavors.

[Hong Haier: I remember now, my mother seems to be looking for some photos of you, but as a result, you haven’t heard from you, so she just whispers in my ear every day.

I almost heard the cocoon in my ears. You can quickly take a picture of her. 】

After eating the roasted cranes happily, Hong Haier had the intention to send a message to Lin Chuan.

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