Chapter 271

There are many amazing beasts.

But there are not many sacred beasts that can restrain ghosts and even increase their cultivation base by eating them.

When Bald Mao ate Su Ling Pill before, Lin Chuan thought that Bald Mao might have awakened the blood of the Snarling Sky Dog.

As a result, when I look at it now, it doesn’t seem to be the case. The Sky Dog is not good at catching ghosts.

So the question is, what is the blood of the beast that Bald has awakened?

Lin Chuan thought for a long time, until Ling Xiaoxiao came over with the suitcase, and didn’t have a clue.

“Forget it, look back to the gods to find out, there should be clues.” Lin Chuan shook his head and didn’t continue thinking.

Ling Xiaoxiao put the suitcase in the trunk, and found that the bald hair was also there after getting in the car. He didn’t think there was anything wrong, and rubbed his head indulgently.

“By the way, you haven’t told me the address of your home yet.” When Lin Chuanlin set out, he remembered that he didn’t know the location of Ling Xiaoxiao’s house.

He and Ling Xiaoxiao are just classmates, and they are not very close. They only know that Ling Xiaoxiao is from the province, so the specifics are not clear.

It seems that Ling Xiaoxiao has never told anyone where his home is.

“My home is in Xiwa Village.” Ling Xiaoxiao hesitated and reported a village name.

Generally speaking, it is difficult to know where the name of a village is.

But Lin Chuan knew when he heard it.

Because this Xiwa village is a well-known poor village in the entire celestial dynasty.

Lin Chuan was surprised that Ling Xiaoxiao’s home was there.

“I heard that the road over there is not easy to walk, it seems that you have to speed up, otherwise it will be a bit troublesome to rush over at night.”

Lin Chuan was just surprised. He didn’t have any special feelings. He just wanted to speed up, so as not to have any accidents when the night passed by.

Seeing that he didn’t have any special expression, Ling Xiaoxiao secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Chuan drove the navigation, all the way to Xiwa Village, from the highway to the provincial highway, then from the provincial highway into the small road, and finally into a bumpy dirt road.

It has been bumpy for a long time, and finally arrived in Xiwa Village before dark.

After entering the village, he drove for a while before reaching the door of Ling Xiaoxiao’s house.

The house had only one floor, and the roof was not covered with tiles. It was smoothed out with cement.

It seems that for some years, the plaster on the outer wall has fallen off, revealing the brick wall inside.

At the entrance are two rotten wooden doors, which seem to be broken by just smashing them.

Both doors are open, there is no light in the living room, and it is not known whether there is anyone inside.

“Here, my home is here.”

“My dad’s name is Ling Dawang. He is forty-seven years old. Don’t remember it wrong.”

Ling Xiaoxiao pointed to a low-rise bungalow with a mottled exterior wall beside the road and said.

After Lin Chuan stopped the car, she told Lin Chuan again.

Even if you pretend to be a boyfriend, you have to look like a boyfriend.

If you don’t even know what the girlfriend’s father is called, then it must be revealed.

“Don’t worry about my memory, you can’t go wrong.”

“I’m here, get out of the car, my ass is almost broken into several petals.”

Lin Chuan responded confidently, stretched his waist and said.

When the two got out of the car and walked to the door of the house with big bags and small bags, someone walked out with an oil lamp.

“Who’s here?” The dim light of the oil lamp couldn’t illuminate anyone at all, and the man walked closer and asked.

“Dad, it’s me, Xiaoxiao.”

“Isn’t there a light in our house? Why do you always light this oil lamp? It is said that it is too dark at night, which is not good for your eyes.”

Ling Xiaoxiao walked into the house and fumbled for the switch.

As a result, after pressing, the incandescent lamp in the living room did not respond.

“Is the light at home broken?” Ling Xiaoxiao wondered.

“It’s not broken, it was the people from the Power Supply Bureau who cut off our home’s electricity.” Ling Dawang responded.

“How are the people from the Power Supply Bureau so good… Dad, did you fail to pay the electricity bill?”

Ling Xiaoxiao was originally strange, but when he thought of the virtues of his father, he quickly reacted.

“Hey, the weather was hot last month, the electricity was used fiercely, and it cost dozens of dollars all at once.”

“I thought it was cool anyway, and I didn’t need electricity, so I didn’t pay it, which saved a lot of money.”

Ling Dawang seemed a little proud of not paying the electricity bill, as if he was taking advantage of it.

Lin Chuan had learned the character of Ling Xiaoxiao’s father after hearing this.

“Dad, why don’t you even pay the electricity bill, what should I do if I use electricity?” Ling Xiaoxiao stomped his feet, annoyed.

“If you want to use the electricity, go to the power supply bureau and pay the electricity bill you owe. Anyway, you made money. If you don’t use it for your dad, then pay the electricity bill.”

Ling Dawang paid no attention to this.

“Isn’t it because I didn’t give you money? Think about it for yourself, when I gave you money, it wasn’t that you threw it on the gaming table.”

“My hard-earned money is just a waste of money if I give it to you!”

“Don’t say I didn’t give you money. Didn’t you give you five hundred yesterday? Where is the money?”

Ling Xiaoxiao was trembling with anger.

Originally, she was used to Ling Dawang’s strange character. If she came back alone, she wouldn’t have any reaction to this scene.

But today, Lin Chuan, her ideal person, also followed, and Ling Xiaoxiao specially gave Ling Dawang money in advance so that he could clean up the house.

When she came back, she didn’t even have electricity. What did Lin Chuan think of her?

Ling Xiaoxiao didn’t dare to look at Lin Chuan, feeling that was embarrassing.

“Money… Didn’t I say that I was sick? Of course I took money to treat the illness.”

When Ling Dawang saw Ling Xiaoxiao saying this in front of outsiders, he was a little embarrassed and hesitated.

“Sick, right? Where are the medical records?”

“I’ve heard that people who have gout will hurt when they walk. Why don’t you react at all!”

Seeing that he was still making excuses, Ling Xiaoxiao directly exposed his lie.

Ling Dawang used gout as an excuse to urge her to come back.

The smart Ling Xiaoxiao, of course, saw through Ling Dawang’s clumsy lie at a glance.

However, Ling Dawang is her father after all. Ling Xiaoxiao couldn’t help but relent under his repeated pleadings and promised to come back.

Just in case, she asked Lin Chuan to pretend to be her boyfriend and come home together.

Of course, only she knows whether there are any fake dramas and the idea of ​​turning a fake boyfriend into a real boyfriend.

“You have no conscience, you’re in vain, I’m pulling you up big with shit and piss. Did you say that to Laozi?”

“You’re the Didi driver who sent her back, right? Go quickly and don’t get in the way here!”

Ling Dawang, who couldn’t hold his face, immediately began to play sideways, waving his hand to drive Lin Chuan away.

“Where do I look like a driver??” Lin Chuan, who was calling and drinking as a didi driver, looked confused.

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