Chapter 277 Brother Gongzi: Who dares to snatch the gangster’s woman?

Bingxue’s clever Ling Xiaoxiao thought about it and knew that Lin Chuan had a wonderful idea for them to visit Wan’s house.

In the final analysis, things all started from Wanjia.

After solving the source of Wanjia, are you still afraid of what Ling Dawang will do?

“Okay, let’s take a look at that Wanjia and tell them clearly.” Ling Xiaoxiao looked at Lin Chuan, her beautiful eyes full of tenderness.

At this moment, she is very fortunate to bring Lin Chuan back.

Otherwise, she really has nothing to do with Ling Dawang.

Maybe he was tied to death in the Dongwa Wanjia step by step, without the slightest chance of breaking free from the cage.

“You two go together?” Ling Dawang was naturally very happy when he learned that Ling Xiaoxiao was willing to go to Wanjia.

But when Lin Chuan was brought along, he was unwilling to have one thousand and ten thousand in his heart.

“Either I go back directly, or he will go with me, you can choose by yourself.”

Ling Xiaoxiao didn’t have the slightest tone to Ling Dawang anymore, her voice indifferent as if facing a stranger.

“Then go together, but you must never say that you are boy and girl friends.”

“Otherwise, the old lady of Wanjia gets angry, and I can’t keep you.”

Ling Dawang had a foresight, and when he saw Ling Xiaoxiao’s attitude, he made a decision immediately, but he still didn’t want Lin Chuan to reveal his identity.

The two of them didn’t bother to talk to him at all, and the scene fell silent for a while.

“Ahem, since you agreed to go to Wanjia, let’s set off now.”

In the end, Ling Dawang opened his mouth cheeky, urging them to go to Wanjia as soon as possible, so as not to have many dreams at night.

“Let’s go.” Lin Chuan didn’t want to stay here, so he opened the door and got into the car.

When Ling Dawang also wanted to sit in the front row, Lin Chuan gave him a sideways glance.

Even though Lin Chuan’s eyes were not fierce at all, Ling Dawang still felt like falling into an ice cellar. He didn’t dare to look at Lin Chuan at all, and went to the back row angrily.

The bald hair was also in the back row, one person and one dog looking at each other, making Ling Dawang very upset.

“I actually sat with a dog.” He couldn’t help muttering.

Lin Chuan saw his look through the rearview mirror, and couldn’t help showing a sneer.

Bald is a dog with the blood of a beast, a real beast.

If you really want to count it, it is clear that Ling Dawang is not worthy to sit with Bald Mao!

No, the bald hair didn’t even look at him, lying on the seat lazily, dismissing Ling Dawang.

Seeing the two people in the front row, Ling Dawang didn’t react at all to what he said.

“This kind of car is called a pickup truck, right? I saw the electrician who came to repair the circuit opened it.”

“In this way, you are also engaged in construction, but this is also a safe job.”

“But that’s it. In this life, you will spend a whole life trying to buy a house in the city. This is your greatest achievement.”

“Unlike other people’s Wanjia, they always go out in a car, leather seats, it is a comfortable sitting up, which is like this car, it is very cramped and uncomfortable at all.”

Ling Dawang couldn’t help it, and by talking about the car, he belittled Lin Chuan around the corners.

Lin Chuan heard this without any response.

It is not uncommon for him to tell Ling Dawang that his pickup truck has a price spike that kills most cars.

With this knowledge, let him live at the bottom of the well and be the croaking toad.

Ling Xiaoxiao also didn’t bother to pay attention to Ling Dawang, leaving him to babble there, without any response.

Seeing that the two of them ignored him, Ling Dawang felt very boring.

Dongwa Village and Xiwa Village sound very close, but there is actually a long mountain road to go.

With the off-road capability of the Ford Raptor, they almost got to the bottom, and it took a lot of effort to get to Dongwa Village.

When I entered Dongwa Village, the situation was completely different from Xiwa Village. There were street lights on the road and many landscape trees.

The surrounding houses are no longer dilapidated, at least they are two-story small buildings, and there are several villas and bungalows.

Needless to say, those villas belong to Wanjia, the coal boss.

“This is all in Dongwa Village. Dad, tell me, how much benefit does Wanjia promise to give you so that you can do this for them?”

Ling Xiaoxiao looked at the Wanjia Villa, which was close at hand, and asked.

Before coming to the door, she always knows a little bit better.

“In fact, there is not much benefit, Xiaoxiao, you know, I am a person, and I can’t keep it if I have money.”

“The old lady of Wanjia just promised me that as long as you marry into Wanjia, then I will also belong to Wanjia.”

“As long as I didn’t do too much, Wanjia will take care of it for me.”

“You know how powerful Wanjia is. From now on, your father and I are also decent, no one dares to come to collect debts anymore.”

Seeing that he had entered Dongwa Village, Ling Dawang didn’t dare to say anything, and directly stated Wanjia’s promise to him.

Looking at him with joy, it seemed that Wanjia really gave him great benefits.

Looking at Ling Dawang’s expression, Lin Chuan felt a little curious about this Wanjia.

A promise can make Ling Dawang grateful and even willing to send his daughter out. This Wanjia seems to be more than just the coal boss.

“Hehe…” Ling Xiaoxiao didn’t think so much, just looked at Ling Dawang’s appearance, and couldn’t help but let out a sneer.

This is her father, in order to be a so-called decent person, he is willing to sell his daughter to the father.

Ling Xiaoxiao’s last bit of nostalgia for Ling Dawang was about to disappear.

Ling Dawang noticed the changes in Ling Xiaoxiao, and didn’t care too much.

As long as Wanjia’s promise to him remains unchanged, he will be guaranteed for the rest of his life.

Ling Xiaoxiao is a daughter after all, can she really support him for a lifetime?

It is enough to use her to get a relationship with Wanjia.

Lin Chuan drove the car to the door of Wan’s yard. A lean young man guarding the door looked at Lin Chuan’s car and opened the door directly.

“Have you seen it? Wanjia’s door is not opened casually. It’s entirely up to my face.”

Ling Dawang was a little unclear when he saw this, but it didn’t prevent him from using it to brag about himself and raise his identity.

Lin Chuan ignored him and drove the car into Wanjia’s manor.

Wanjia Manor is very large, accounting for almost half of the entire Dongwa Village.

Inside, there are rockery fountains, sculptures and gardening, making people feel like they are in a big park in the city.

“Brother Chuan, why did you go? How can I live without you?” When Lin Chuan got out of the car, he received news from Fatty Yao.

“Go away, I’m following Ling Xiaoxiao to see her going on a blind date with someone else.” Lin Chuan rolled his eyes when he looked at his nauseous words, and still responded.

“Brother Chuan sees that Ling Xiaoxiao is dating someone else, what’s the situation?” Fatty Yao received the message, feeling that the amount of information in it was huge, and couldn’t help forwarding it to the younger brother group.

“Fuck, who would dare to grab a woman from the big guy?” The group of elder brothers looked at the news and exclaimed.

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