Chapter 279

Ling Xiaoxiao heard the old lady’s words, her pretty face flushed even more, for fear that she couldn’t help laughing.

Of course she knew that Wang Xi and Zou Ren in Changzhou’s Wang family and Zou Ren’s family did not know them too well.

If the old lady is not talking about these two families, it is even less worth mentioning.

The source of the old lady’s confidence turned out to be these two families, which is not to blame Ling Xiaoxiao for wanting to laugh.

However, Ling Xiaoxiao thought about it carefully. With such a background, the old lady can really have such a high level of confidence.

The Wang family is the richest man in Changzhou, a local snake, and everything on the surface can basically be settled.

Regardless of Zou Ren’s justice, he looks gentle, but in fact, the Zou family has a deep connection with the rivers and lakes.

With these two families as the background, Wanjia can be called a black and white one in Changzhou.

However, by coincidence, the old lady ran into Lin Chuan, so that’s another matter!

“Little girl, laugh as much as you want. When you enter our Wanjia in the future, you can laugh to your heart’s content.”

The old lady’s eyes were very poisonous, even though Ling Xiaoxiao tried desperately to hold back it, she could tell at a glance that Ling Xiaoxiao wanted to laugh, and she was immediately dissatisfied.

How did she know the real reason for Ling Xiaoxiao’s laugh? She thought that Ling Xiaoxiao was young and had no knowledge, and she didn’t know the weight of Wang and Zou’s family in Changzhou.

“Old lady, if you let us leave now, I can assume that nothing has happened.”

Lin Chuan looked at the old lady and said lightly.

After all, this is actually an old lady who is thinking about the future of her son, and it is understandable that she wants to find a wife for her stupid son.

Lin Chuan couldn’t commit it either, because he was going to get angry with this old lady.

Of course, the premise of all this is that the old lady can tell them to leave sensibly, otherwise, he can’t be blamed.

“You young man, if you tell me not to let you go, you can do what I do.”

“In front of me, it’s been a long time since there was a stubborn young man like you. I would like to see what your confidence is.”

After listening to Lin Chuan’s words, the old lady couldn’t help but laughed, and then her smile disappeared instantly, her tone of tone was fierce.

Hearing the words, the surrounding men looked at each other, and slowly approached Lin Chuan with a cruel smile.

Obviously, these people want to give Lin Chuan a bit of a taste, so that he understands what attitude he should be in front of the old lady.

Ling Dawang dared not speak at all, curled up into a ball and shrank in the corner, for fear that someone would notice him.

However, Ling Xiaoxiao stood beside Lin Chuan resolutely, not only did not panic, but eager to try.

If she were still that mortal, she must be terrified now.

But now, she is a cultivator, a cultivator who has mastered two kinds of spells!

She can’t compare with other immortal cultivators. For ordinary people, she still has some psychological advantages.

Since learning the two spells on the concubine nerve, she has never used it, so she wants to try these ordinary people.

“Brother Chuan, here we are.”

“Big brother, where are you?”

“We haven’t missed anything, have we?”

At this moment, luxury cars drove into Wanjia Manor.

Ling Xiaoxiao heard a burst of familiar voices, knowing that he had no chance to practice his hands, and couldn’t help feeling a little regretful.

“who are you?”

“Who let you in?”

Seeing so many people coming, the guys surrounded the old lady vigilantly and asked.

“Wang Xi, why are you here?”

“You are willing to come over, really make my Wanjia flourish, old lady, I’m so happy.”

“These are your friends, too, welcome, you don’t have to move away quickly, you don’t have any vision.”

The old lady recognized the first batch of Wang Xi who got off the car, and all the folds on her smiling face were piled up. It was a passion.

Who says Wang Xi is the son of the richest man? He basically represents the Wang family when he comes out. How dare the old lady not be enthusiastic.

“Old lady, who are you, do we know?” Wang Xi saw the old lady coming up close, with a baffling expression on her face.

After finishing speaking, regardless of the embarrassment on the old lady’s face, he leaned in front of Lin Chuan.

“Boss, I heard that Assistant Ling is going to have a blind date, let’s join in the fun, won’t you not welcome it?”

Wang Xi said with a smile on his face.

“Wang Xi… do you know this young man?” The embarrassment on the old lady’s face hadn’t disappeared, and she turned into consternation again after hearing Wang Xi’s words.

She didn’t expect that Wang Xi and Lin Chuan would actually know each other, and it seemed that Lin Chuan’s attitude was still the mainstay in his speech.

Who is Wang Xi? That’s the best son in Changzhou!

Such a character looks at Lin Chuan’s head.

So the question is, who is Lin Chuan?

The old lady who couldn’t look down on Lin Chuan before, just felt a big slap and slapped her in the face.

It hurts so hot!

“Of course I know the boss, I came here for him.”

“By the way, old lady, who are you and how do you know me?”

Wang Xi turned to look at the old lady, feeling that her words were inexplicable.

If you don’t know Lin Chuan, are you still too acquainted with your old country lady?

“I am Fang Datou, Wan Guifa’s wife, and my daughter Wan Zijuan is your cousin’s wife.”

The old lady saw Wang Xi’s alienated attitude towards her, and felt that she was beaten in the face again.

Before, she kept saying that she and the Wang family were relatives, but Wang Xi, the representative of the Wang family, didn’t even know her, but got closer to Lin Chuan.

Then what kind of family are they…

Their relationship with relatives is indeed unreliable. Otherwise, the old lady is several times taller than Wang Xi by seniority, and she wouldn’t even dare to call Xiaoxi.

“Oh, I remember, you are the coal boss Wanjia who gave a bunch of dowries and forcibly smashed my cousin to the ground and married your daughter.”

“It turns out that your home is here. I said it seemed a little familiar to me.”

When Wang Xi heard her call her names one by one, she finally remembered the relationship between Wanjia and their family, but her attitude remained unchanged.

This kind of hard-wired in-laws is still the in-laws of the uncle’s family, it’s strange that he can get close.

Seeing that his attitude remained the same, the old lady couldn’t hold back her face.

“It’s okay, our Wanjia has the Zou family to back it up.”

“How about Lin Chuan who knows the Wang family well? Our Wan family is still not bad at all.”

The old lady who has been strong all her life can only comfort herself and give herself a boost in her heart.

“Boss, I’m here too. The road here is really hard to follow. I would have known that I would not drive a sports car. The low chassis will suffer too much on this kind of road.”

“How about it, has the blind date started, am I not late?”

At this time, another luxury car drove in.

After Zou Ren got out of the car, he complained about his car, and then eagerly approached Lin Chuan.


Seeing this scene, the old lady felt like she was slapped again in the face by a huge slap, and her entire face was swollen.

This group of elder brothers are taking turns in battle, repeatedly hitting their faces!

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