Chapter 28

Heavenly Court chat group.

Lin Chuan Aite gave Baihua Fairy.

Bai Hua Fairy returned in seconds.

“Fairy, I want to buy some scented tea from you. The quantity is large. You don’t need to have too many varieties. There are three or four types. Oh, by the way, you don’t need to give me the special tea from Queen Mother of the West, just the normal ones.”

Lin Chuan wants tea, of course, to stock up for the opening of the farmhouse in the future. It doesn’t need to be too good.

But even the low-quality teas are all grown in water and soil from the fairy world!

Fairy Baihua: (smiling) How many friends do you need?

“Let’s get a hundred catties first!”

Tea is sold on the basis of grams, unless it is wholesale.

Baihua Fairy: (Naughty) Do you need a total of one hundred catties, or three or four varieties, one hundred catties of each?

I go, is Fairy Baihua despising me for less?

Anyway, if you don’t pick it up in the inventory, it won’t deteriorate, it doesn’t matter more or less.

“One hundred catties of each kind!”

Fairy Baihua: (question mark face) I’m very curious, why didn’t Xiaoyao Xianyou ask for tea instead of Shennong’s. He is in charge of 100,000 acres of tea gardens. And here, I only have scented tea. Could it be that Xianyou offended Shennong’s?

Damn, isn’t Shennong a god of medicine? Why do you still grow tea!

“Isn’t it just looking for you! Fairies can help me buy them, and I can’t do without the benefits of fairies.”

Fairy Baihua: (Heshi) Thank you Xiaoyao for your trust, you friend, I’ve settled it!


Baihua Fairy sent you 10 jin of red pink rose tea. Do you accept it?

Baihua Fairy sent you 10 Jin of Korean Ginseng Tea. Do you accept it?

Baihua Fairy sent you 10 jin of laurel tea. Do you want to receive it?

Lin Chuan didn’t know what Baihua Fairy meant, whether it was sold or given away…

take over!

No matter so many, accept it first.

Fairy Baihua: As a show of sincerity, I gave these tea leaves to the fairy friend Xiaoyao.

Lin Chuan was a little surprised.

“Thank you Fairy, I’m outside now, and I don’t have anything to express my feelings on hand. I’ll talk about it when I go back.”

Fairy Baihua: (shaking hands) No, my tea is worthless. You trust me so much and you are not afraid that I will buy it on your behalf to make your money. I am very touched. This is my heart, and there is no need to reciprocate.

“This…then thank you Fairy!”

Lin Chuan doesn’t like to owe favors, but now in the East City Antique City, he can only give back to Fairy Baihua after returning.

Walked into the convenience store and bought a box of Tieguanyin.

When he came out, he opened the tin box, took out the inner packaging, and replaced it with 250 grams of laurel tea.

When changing the tea leaves, the aroma of bay laurel tea was pungent, making Lin Chuan refreshed and happy.

The tea in the fairy world is really different!

Walk into Yuanmingxuan.

Dude Xiao Zhou and old man Chen Yuanming are in the store.

Old man Chen is from southern Fujian and loves tea.

Lin Chuan saw a sea of ​​tea in the store last time, and there was a set of purple sand tea sets on the sea of ​​tea.

That’s why he asked Fairy Baihua for tea.

“Mr. Lin! Why are you here free?” Xiao Zhou greeted him with a smile on his face.

Lin Chuan shook the tea can in his hand.

“Isn’t it because I bought some good tea for the relationship, and I came here to find Mr. Chen for a cup of tea!”

Chen Yuanming heard Lin Chuan’s voice and exclaimed in a very angry voice: “Lin Xiaoyou, come in and sit down, you are lucky, I just bought two or two authentic Yuqian Longjing at a high price! Come and try it!”

Xiao Zhou looked at the three words Tieguanyin written on the tea caddy in Lin Chuan’s hand, and whispered in Lin Chuan’s ear: “Mr. Lin, Mr. Chen is a tea-knower, so don’t give it to him. ”

Lin Chuan couldn’t help but couldn’t help but: “What? Do you think this is ordinary tea?”

“I said, big brother, you Tieguanyin, you can buy it from the shop next to you. Anyhow, you tore the label!”

Lin Chuan patted him on the shoulder and smiled: “Thank you for reminding, you are kind, but you wait and see, this is not Tieguanyin, just borrowed such a jar.”

Lin Chuan walked in.

Mr. Chen is blanching the teacup.

“Lin Xiaoyou, how is it? Is the fragrance filled the room? I tell you, these two taels of tea cost me a full 20,000 yuan!”

Lin Chuan’s eyes almost fell out of his eyes.

“Twenty-two tea leaves twenty thousand yuan? Ten thousand yuan one or two? One hundred thousand yuan per catty? f*ck, this is not tea, this is gold!”

Old man Chen smiled and said, “Then you have to say that, it’s not far from the difference. The real good tea is worth the price, and I tell you, there are better ones! The real top Dahongpao, one hundred and twelve thousand. ”

Lin Chuan was speechless: “Then I’m going to have a good taste of what it’s like to have tea for ten thousand yuan and one tael.”

Mr. Chen smiled and used tweezers to put the hot teacup in place.

“I’m very happy for Lin Xiaoyou to come! If you are free, come and drink tea with me every day, my old man can’t ask for it!”

The green tea soup is poured into a teacup from a purple clay pot.

“Come on, Xiaoyou Lin, taste it.”

Lin Chuan picked up the teacup.

Smell it, the fragrance is fragrant, and take a sip, leaving the fragrance on the cheeks and teeth.

Although it is far inferior to the jasmine tea given by Baihua Fairy, it is also quite good.

“Fragrant, good tea!”

Lin Chuan praised.

Old man Chen laughed and said, “I’m pretty good!”

He glanced at the “Tieguanyin” brought by Lin Chuan, held back a smile, and joked, “Come as you come, bring something with you!”

Lin Chuan smiled and said, “You still have to have the most basic etiquette. My tea… is not Tieguanyin, but bay laurel tea. If you have money, you can’t buy it. Elder Chen will try it later.”

Old man Chen was surprised.

He has already said his own Longjing before the rain, 10,000 yuan and one tael!

Can’t buy with money?

Could it be more precious than Longjing before the rain?

Old man Chen felt itchy and distressed.

“show me.”

Grabbed the tin can in one hand.

Can’t wait to unscrew the lid.

A special fragrance of laurel came out instantly.

Laurel belongs to scented tea, the price is not expensive, it belongs to the people-friendly tea.

According to the different cooking techniques, the bay leaves are basically soaked in water, which has the effects of promoting blood circulation, relieving pain, and refreshing.

People who really understand tea will not treat it as tea at all.

If you put it badly, you just can’t get on the stage.

But after Mr. Chen sniffed a few times, he felt his mind was clear and his whole body was full of energy.

Old man Chen was surprised and said: “This laurel fragrance… is amazing!”

He couldn’t wait to pour the Dragon Well that had just soaked before the rain, and brew a pot of laurel again.

When the tea soup was poured from the spout into the cup, Mr. Chen’s eyes were shocked, and even the hand holding the teapot shook.

This brown, golden and transparent, like amber!

And this is not the point.

The point is that the tea soup is thick, as if honey is added.

Lin Chuan smiled and looked at the old man’s expression.

Secretly, this tea is not a mortal thing!

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