Chapter 292

The arrogance returns to the arrogance. The players really worked out an action plan and were still very calm and cautious.

They first quickly contacted the headquarters of the repair management team and asked the headquarters to send someone to support.

The headquarters naturally did not dare to neglect, and sent several teams at the fastest speed.

But before the support arrives, they still need to break through on their own.

The team members repeatedly checked the map of Annan Kingdom, as well as the distribution of forces in Annan’s practice circle, and integrated various intelligence to determine the most likely route to break through.

These team members are all veterans who have participated in many tasks. The two newcomers, Lin Chuan and Yue Qin’er, are idle and are responsible for collecting the corpses and looking for things that may be used.

“I seem to have killed you.” Lin Chuan smiled bitterly at Yue Qin’er after searching a few corpses.

He didn’t expect that this situation would become like this now.

Although Lin Chuan could guarantee that he would survive, he couldn’t make any guarantees to the others in the team.

After all, they are all flesh and blood. Under the mad siege of the enemy, it is inevitable that there will be accidents.

And Yue Qin’er, as the person with the lowest strength in the team, is obviously the most likely to sacrifice.

“What are you talking about, I chose to come here.”

“As a member of the repair management team, I have long been aware of sacrifice at any time!”

There was no fear of death on Yue Qin’er’s face, instead there was some fanaticism.

As if sacrificed in battle, it was a great honor for her.

Lin Chuan was a little surprised when he saw this.

Not only Yue Qin’er, but the members of the repair management team around him seem to feel a little bit like this.

This made Lin Chuan very curious, what kind of existence the repair management team actually has such a strong cohesion.

As a member of the repair management team, he feels out of place. It seems that the repair management team he knows now is not the real repair management team.

As Lin Chuan was thinking about it, the team members had already discussed and determined the most likely route to escape from Annan.

“Everyone should know what the situation is now.”

“With our current capabilities, it is almost impossible to break through with all the staff.”

“Everyone must have the consciousness of sacrifice, the consciousness of exhausting mana and dying with the enemy!”

“Even if there is still a trace of strength, we must fight the enemy to the end.”

“I would rather die than surrender, understand?”

As he set off, Bai Ze said to everyone with a serious face.


“not understand.”

In the unanimous response of the players, a different voice appeared.

“Pixiu, what do you don’t understand?” Bai Ze looked at Lin Chuan who was making noise.

Now is the time when everyone needs to be united, but Lin Chuan is here to sing the opposite, which makes Bai Ze very dissatisfied.

“I understand everything else, it’s the exhaustion of mana, and I don’t understand it with the enemy.”

“Why do we have exhausted mana and can’t take the pill to recover?”

Lin Chuan asked.

“Is your question serious?”

“Take a pill to recover, then you have to have a pill to do it.”

“Pixiu, stop talking, just follow us.”

The players couldn’t help laughing, thinking that Lin Chuan’s question was very naive.

If there is a pill, of course they will take it, but the question is no!

They are here to conduct a surprise operation this time. The operational plan does not include the current situation at all, so it is naturally impossible to prepare too many pills.

“I have it here.” Lin Chuan directly took out several large bottles of elixirs.

“Where did you get so many elixirs?” Bai Ze, who was dissatisfied, felt extremely surprised when he saw those elixirs.

The pill that Lin Chuan took out were all large bottles. The total number of these bottles alone was at least a few hundred pills, which was more than the pill that all of them carried together!

With so many elixirs, the possibility of their successful breakthrough can be greatly increased.

“It’s just a little inventory, everyone quickly divide it, you need to protect me more.”

Lin Chuan said very generously.

He naturally doesn’t need the protection of these teammates, but if you don’t say that, these players may not be able to accept these pills with peace of mind.

After all, the value of these pills is very high!

“Then we’re welcome.” Jubi, who is familiar with Lin Chuan, first took the pill and distributed it to the players.

The team members were beaming, feeling that they saw the hope of surviving, and were full of gratitude to Lin Chuan.

“Pixiu, it seems I was wrong to blame you. I didn’t expect you to be so generous. The code name of Pixiu is really wrong.”

“These elixirs are of great significance. With these elixirs, we will have the cost to spend with Annan’s cultivators!”

Bai Ze said guiltily.

At that time, he gave Lin Chuan the code name Pai Yao because of the matter of transforming the spirit ball.

Looking at it now, he is really a good-for-profit boy who is a brave!

“It’s okay, I’m just trying to survive.” Lin Chuan didn’t care.

Just a little pill, it’s not a big deal to him.

What he took out now is just a fraction.

If it wasn’t for fear of scaring these teammates, Lin Chuan could come up with more.

With the pill players, the aura is stronger than before.

They sat on the centipede magic weapon again, and proceeded as quickly as possible along the planned route.

Lin Chuan was the same as other teammates, observing the surroundings attentively to prevent the enemy from sneaking.

As a result, the alert tone from the mobile phone interrupted his state.

[Hong Haier: What are you doing at Xiaoyao Xian? 】

When Lin Chuan saw the news about Hong Haier, he had some thoughts to amuse him, so he didn’t observe the surroundings at all, and concentrated on replying to the news.

Anyway, there is bald hair. With its powerful ability to shun wind ears, if there are enemies, it will definitely be the first to spot it.

Bai Ze, who was sitting on the centipede artifact and looking at the whole situation at the end, frowned slightly when he saw him playing with his mobile phone at this time, and he stopped talking.

People just took out a few hundred pills, it must be a bit privileged, playing with mobile phones is not too much.

[Xiaoyao Xian: You are busy fighting, why are you asking this?

What, do you want to eat Lao Ba’s secret burger again? 】

Lin Chuan couldn’t help but laugh when thinking of the little hamburger he had sent to him before.

[Red Boy: Little burger, of course I want to eat it! 】

I didn’t eat the little burger last time, which made Red Boy a little depressed. Of course, I still want to try it.

Lin Chuan felt a little embarrassed when he saw that he really wanted to eat a small hamburger. Where would he go to get a small hamburger for Red Boy now?

[Xiaoyao Xian: I’m busy fighting, Little Burger will talk about it next time.

If you can give me a set of team defense formations and the lowest level aura medicine, I will give you something fun. 】

Lin Chuan looked at his players and suddenly changed his mind.

He now wants more pills, arm the team members, and fight against the immortal cultivators of Annan Kingdom, to see who can consume it!

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