Chapter 301 Shamelessness can be inherited

“I know, Chuan’er, you definitely won’t mind. What are you doing in a daze? Continue moving quickly.”

After listening to Lin Chuan’s words, Yuan Cuihua obviously misunderstood what he meant, and smiled openly to greet the few people around the tripod to continue their hands.

Lin Dahu, who had been avoiding Lin Chuan’s gaze, also breathed a sigh of relief, and felt less guilt in his heart.

He didn’t want to come, but he was afraid that Yuan Cuihua would break something, and even took away other things along the way.

As a result, it was fine now, and was directly hit by Lin Chuan.

As an elder, he really wanted to find a place to sew in.

“What are you doing, who asked you to move?” Lin Chuan said with a cold face.

The sturdy men who had just put their hands on the tripod released their hands again.

“Didn’t you say you wanted to give Junjun love, why did you change your mind again?” Yuan Cuihua said unwillingly.

“The love I give him is not this.”

“Furthermore, even if you are asked to move, can you move it?”

Lin Chuan glanced at Yuan Cuihua and said lightly.

Don’t look at this tripod, it’s really heavy, and it’s not easy to move it.

If it was so easy to get away, he wouldn’t have all come back, Yuan Cuihua and the others are still moving here.

“This tripod is really hard to move, it’s too heavy.” Yuan Cuihua nodded angrily.

They came here a long time ago, but no matter how they did it, they just couldn’t move this cauldron even a bit.

If it weren’t for the daring to make the movement too loud, Yuan Cuihua would like to use a crane or something to lift the tripod away.

After tossing for a few hours, Ding didn’t move, and was caught by Lin Chuan. Yuan Cuihua was depressed.

“Oh, what’s going on, tear down the house?” At this time, Gao Ping came in and frowned as he looked at the mess in the yard.

“Sister-in-law, what did we do? We are going to leave.” Lin Dahu saw that Gao Ping had also returned, his face was even more uncontrollable, and he winked wildly at those people.

“I said why you didn’t go to the wedding wine, it turned out to be here.”

“What are you doing here? Why are you leaving when I come?”

Gao Ping said with a skeptical expression.

“It’s nothing, we’re going to have a wedding wine.” The couple ran faster when they heard the words, and suddenly disappeared.

“Chuan’er, what are they doing here?” Gao Ping felt that something was wrong as she thought about it, and couldn’t help asking.

“They want to take Ding away and send it to Lin Jun.” Lin Chuan said lightly.

“Get Kanae away?”

“I said why they are so enthusiastic today, they just want to take all of us to have a wedding wine, it turns out to be convenient for stealing things!”

“I thought that Yuan Cuihua had changed for the better, but it turned out to be a rascal and a rascal, I’m!”

When Gao Ping learned the truth, she immediately exploded and yelled at Yuan Cuihua in the direction they were leaving.

“Mom, calm down, I have already figured out a way to take good care of my cousin.”

Lin Chuan looked at Gao Ping’s irritable appearance, and quickly stepped forward to comfort him.

It is totally unworthy to be angry for someone like Yuan Cuihua.

“Just think of a way, you have to teach your cousin a good lesson, and take away all his bad roots.”

When Gao Ping heard the words, her anger became a lot easier, and she strongly urged Lin Chuan to be more ruthless.

Lin Chuan naturally agreed and coaxed Gao Ping to rest.

Taking Gao Ping back to the room, Lin Chuan Shi Shiran returned to the room and gave Pu Liqi a video call.

“Lord… Brother Lin, why are you free to contact me?” The call was quickly connected, and Pu Liqi asked with some surprise.

Lin Chuan rarely had any conversations with him, and was even mentioned for video chatting.

Suddenly coming this time, Pu Liqi was flattered.

“Let me see what the person you caught looks like.” Lin Chuan didn’t tell Pu Li Qi Hanxuan at all, but directly explained his intentions.

“You mean that Lin Jun? Doesn’t he really have something to do with you?” Pu Li Qi heard this, a little surprised.

He didn’t dare to neglect, and quickly went into a cave with his mobile phone and slammed the camera in front of Lin Jun.

Lin Jun was in a coma at this time, and he didn’t even know what happened.

“It’s really him. The person you caught is my cousin Lin Jun.” After Lin Chuan confirmed it was Lin Jun, a strange smile appeared on his face.

“This is your cousin? Then I will let him go now.” Pu Li Qi suddenly panicked when he heard this.

He sent the message to Lin Chuan just in case, but he didn’t expect to send it right.

If he did anything excessive to Lin Jun, Lin Jun complained to Lin Chuan, he would be finished.

Lin Chuan didn’t need to do anything else, just chanting a tight band curse would make him feel painful.

“Don’t let him go. My cousin and I have a bad relationship, and he was still thinking about me just now!”

“I’m looking for you this time to let you take good care of him for me, so that he can understand that other people’s things can’t be missed, do you understand what I mean?”

Lin Chuan sneered and said straightforwardly.

“This…understand, I know what to do!”

Pu Liqi learned that the relationship between Lin Chuan and Lin Jun was like this. Lin Jun was still thinking about Lin Chuan’s things, and he didn’t know what to do.

After speaking, he gave the phone to an apprentice.

Of course Lin Chuan had to do it himself.

Pu Liqi poured a bottle of cold stream water by the side of the stream, and directly splashed it on Lin Jun’s face when he returned.

As soon as the cold water splashed on, Lin Jun twitched, but he didn’t mean to wake up.

“Papa…Hey, don’t think I didn’t know you were awake.”

“It’s useless to pretend to be dead. Believe it or not, I let you really die?”

Upon seeing this, Pu Liqi slapped Lin Jun directly.

“Senior, no, I’m already awake.”

“As expected to be a senior, my eyes are like a torch, I can tell at a glance that I’m pretending.”

Lin Jun, who was pretending to be dizzy, dared to pretend, and quickly opened his eyes to praise Pu Liqi.

“You kid, you’re quite good at talking.” Seeing his virtue, Pu Liqi couldn’t help shook his head.

Look at Lin Chuan, then look at Lin Jun, he is obviously a cousin, the gap is too big.

“Look at what you said, how can I speak, this is from the bottom of my heart.”

“I don’t know why, seeing you predecessor, these words can’t help but pop out of my mouth.”

“If you think I’m good-sounding, then just let me as a fart, I will definitely thank you eight generations of ancestors.”

Lin Jun had a hippy smile, and if it sounds nice, he would jump out like money.

“Shamelessness can be inherited. This face is exactly the same as Yuan Cuihua.”

Lin Chuan saw this scene through the lens and couldn’t help but sigh.

With such relatives, he can be considered bloody mildew for eight lifetimes.

In order not to embarrass the Lao Lin family, he, the older brother, is time to clean up the door!

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