Chapter 304 Fatty Yao: Sister Juan, I’m sorry for you!

The woman’s facial features were piled on her face, and she didn’t look at it in harmony.

The figure is also very bloated, no matter from which point of view, it has nothing to do with beauty.

But Fatty Yao’s eyes at this time seemed to see some peerless beauty, and the whole person was obsessed with it, and the scene was exceptionally weird.


Lin Chuan smiled directly when he saw this scene.

“Who?” When the two people in the room heard the movement, they reacted instantly and looked in the direction of the window.

“Sorry, I really can’t hold back, you can continue.”

Seeing that it had been exposed, Lin Chuan had no intention of evading, standing at the window openly and said.

He is professionally trained, and he usually doesn’t laugh unless he can’t help it.

The scene I saw just now was so funny, it was understandable that I couldn’t hold back.

“Brother Chuan, why are you here?” When Fatty Yao saw Lin Chuan, he subconsciously wanted to get up.

“My dear, you can’t go there, he’s here to break us up!”

Seeing this, the woman next to him directly pulled him, and a tingling voice came into his ears.

“Brother Chuan is here to dismantle us, he is here to dismantle us.”

As soon as Fatty Yao heard this voice, his eyes became confused, and he muttered what the woman said, as if he was giving a psychological hint to himself.

“Fuck, the boss has said something.”

“What is the origin of that woman, and why is she so evil?”

When Wang Xi saw this scene, he didn’t know what Fatty Yao was going through, and was shocked.

His time as a ghost servant is not short, and such a weird scene has never been seen.

“It seems that your business is not proficient enough, that woman was actually possessed by a charm, haven’t you noticed it?”

Lin Chuan couldn’t help but ridicule.

“Charm? Is she a charm like Cici?”

“The conditions for the formation of the charm are very harsh, so the number is scarce. I didn’t expect to encounter a second one besides Cici. This time I was right.”

Wang Xi learned that the woman was possessed by charm, and suddenly his eyes began to shine.

It was also a kind of luck that such a rare ghost was hit by him.

Accumulating experience in dealing with different ghosts is an important way for their city gods to improve their cultivation.


When the two were chatting, a dark shadow suddenly appeared in front of them.

They subconsciously hid to the side, only to realize that Fatty Yao threw a chair out and smashed the window through.

“Boss, what’s the situation, is he crazy?” Wang Xi watched as the chair smashed through the window and hit a tree in the distance, leaving a small hole in his heart.

Fatty Yao, who has practiced the Swallowing Power Jue, should not underestimate his strength now.

If he was hit by that chair, Wang Xi felt that he would have to go to the hospital to lie down for several months to recover.

“Boss, be more sober, she is a charm, we are here to save you.” Wang Xi poked her head out and said loudly to Fatty Yao.

“Is she a charm?” Fatty Yao turned to look at the peerless beauty beside him, his eyes blank again.

“My dear, he is slandering me now. He just doesn’t want us to be together. Do you want to be separated from me?”

The woman’s face changed slightly, she glanced at Wang Xi with a bitter look, and then looked at Fatty Yao with tears in her eyes and said.

Her voice was sad and sad, and Fatty Yao’s heart trembled when she heard it.

“No, we can never separate!” Fatty Yao said very firmly.

“Well, then you will kill them so that no one can separate us!” The woman turned her head again and looked at Wang Xi with a wicked smile.

“Kill them, kill them!” Fatty Yao raised the things in the room again, and smashed towards Wang Xi and Lin Chuan frantically.

“Damn, boss, the boss is already crazy, what should we do?” Wang Xi awkwardly avoided the things that Fatty Yao smashed over, and said frantically.

He still can’t feel it when he gets along with Fatty Yao. Now he really feels how powerful Fatty Yao is after he has practiced the Power of Swallowing Power.

“If that woman is done, everything will be solved naturally.” Lin Chuan didn’t panic at all, so he said in his spare time.

“How to do it, I have no experience in dealing with Mei.”

“And now the boss is helping that charm to deal with us, we don’t even have a chance to get close.”

Wang Xi felt that Lin Chuan’s words were too light.

“Don’t worry about it, the bald hair will take care of it, right?” Lin Chuan looked at the bald hair hiding in a corner with a hearty smile.

Hearing this, the bald hair was shaking his tail and froze.

It had planned to wait for Lin Chuan and Wang Xi to clean up, then it went up to harvest and swallowed a ghost easily.

Now it seems that its little abacus has been completely seen through by Lin Chuan.

“Yes, yes, master, what you said is right.” The bald hair can only bite the bullet and stand up, looking for a chance to rush into the room.

Bai Ze asked Lin Chuan for the scene, the bald hair is still vivid.

If you make Linchuan upset, send it to the repair management team, and its good days will come to an end.

Bald Mao quietly touched the floor to the door of the room. As soon as he poked his head out, an ashtray smashed over.

If it weren’t for it to hide quickly, this dog’s life might have to be explained here.

Feeling the danger of baldness, he withdrew intentionally, and then quietly glanced back. Lin Chuan was standing in the distance, looking at it with a smile.

Bald Mao could only gritted his teeth, grabbed the gap between Fatty Yao’s attack, rushed into the room at the fastest speed, and rushed directly to the woman.

“A dog wants to kill me too?” When the woman saw this, a grinning smile appeared on her face, and she was about to attack the bald hair.

“Tingling bell…” The unvoiced bell hung around Bald Mao’s neck made a sound, and the woman was lost in a moment.

Bald Mao seized the opportunity, rushed to the woman’s side, opened her mouth and sucked hard, and a dark shadow emerged from the woman.

That charm didn’t even have a chance to struggle, and was swallowed by bald hair.

The woman possessed by her fell directly on the bed as if she had lost her soul.

Get rid of a charming bald hair, without the slightest pride, hurriedly jumped aside.

Mei was killed, Fatty Yao’s attack did not stop, and it was still not out of danger.

“Fat Yao, don’t throw anything!” Lin Chuan said loudly when he saw this.

“Brother Chuan?” Fatty Yao finally recovered from his shouting.

“You still know it’s me, hurry up and follow me.” Lin Chuan saw that he had recovered and walked into the room, feeling out of breath.

“I won’t leave, I’ve already met my love of this life!” Fatty Yao said very firmly.

“Are you sure she is your love?” Lin Chuan pointed to the woman on the bed, not having a good air.

“Mom, who is this?” Fatty Yao looked over and jumped to the side in shock.

“She was possessed by a charm, and has been charming you, do you still treat her as your love?” Lin Chuan said amused.

“It turns out that I was charmed by a charm, and then I made a mistake?”

“Sister Juan, I’m sorry for you!”

After Fatty Yao understood the truth, he burst into tears.


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