Chapter 32 Six Hundred Square Meters Villa

The next day.

When the car arrived at Yuan Mingxuan, Mr. Chen and Xiao Zhou stood waiting at the entrance of the store.

If anyone who knows Chen Yuanming sees this scene, he will definitely drop his jaw.

Chen Yuanming is considered to be a celebrity in Changzhou’s cultural circle, and his contacts are all social celebrities. He has never seen him personally greet guests at the entrance of the store.

Today was the first time in the world, which shows how much he attaches great importance to Lin Chuan.

Lin Chuan got off the car and saw Chen Yuanming standing in front of the store. He didn’t feel much, and walked straight over.

“Master Chen, I brought the jade bottle here, please palm your hand.” Lin Chuan handed the box containing the jade bottle to Chen Yuanming casually.

“Such a good thing, you put it in such a simple box?”

Chen Yuanming hurriedly took the box and looked at the simple-looking box, very distressed for the jade bottle inside.

How big is Lin Chuan’s heart, so that he can’t take tens of millions of jade bottles into his heart!

“As long as the jade bottle is not broken, it will do. I am still very confident in the quality of this jade bottle.” Lin Chuan felt that there was no need to be so careful.

This is a product of the fairy world, if it is so easy to break, it would be strange.

When Chen Yuanming heard the words, he had nothing to say, so he could only look carefully at a few jade bottles and nod his head constantly.

The quality of these jade bottles is no different from the previous one, and they can definitely sell for a good price.

“There is no problem with the jade bottle, 35 million, I will transfer it to you now!” After checking, Chen Yuanming quickly transferred the money to Lin Chuan.

Lin Chuan received the text message soon, and looked at the large string of zeros, and raised his brows slightly.

Although he knew he could get so much money for a long time, he still felt very stimulating after the money was actually in the account.

This is 35 million!

“Okay, take your time to appreciate this jade bottle, Mr. Chen, I will go back first.”

But this feeling was just a momentary thing, Lin Chuan’s mood soon calmed down, patted his butt and went back.

“Mr. Lin, it’s really calm, it’s obviously a transaction of tens of millions, but he looks as casual as buying a vegetable at a vegetable market!”

Xiao Zhou looked at Lin Chuan’s back, his eyes full of worship.

“Otherwise, how come people are superior, just learn something.”

“It’s broken, I forgot to ask him for some more tea.”

“Drinking Lin Xiaoyou’s tea, I drink other teas, it is really tasteless!”

Chen Yuanming also admired Lin Chuan’s mentality. He watched the car go away and suddenly remembered about asking for tea. He regretted it and patted his thigh straight.

In the next few days, Qinghuang Xiaozhu was working overtime and rushing to work. Everywhere, everything became more and more refined and beautiful.

But Lin Chuan came down leisurely, all right and bald, teasing Ling Xiaoxiao this big beauty, that day is called a nourishment.

Lin Chuan in the fairy world naturally did not forget, but there was nothing special in these few days. There are plug-ins for grabbing red envelopes, and Nezha for selling things.

All things were arranged clearly, so Lin Chuan didn’t need to do anything, just lay down and make money!

It wasn’t until Lin Chuan received a call from Chen Yuanming that he went to the Langqin Royal Court No. 9 villa for the transfer of the ownership, Lin Chuan was considered to have gone out.

Langqin Royal Palace is located on the edge of a scenic area, with beautiful scenery, fresh air, and very close to the city center, only a ten-minute drive away.

It can be said to be quiet in the middle of noisy, and the location is excellent.

Because of this, Changzhou’s dignitaries, celebrities and wealthy businessmen are proud to be able to buy properties in the Royal Palace of Langqin.

It can be said that if you take a few steps in the Royal Palace of Langqin, you can meet famous people in Changzhou!

As a result, Langqin’s houses are becoming more sought-after, and housing prices are getting higher and higher, but those who live in it will not sell it at all.

A room is hard to find, and there is no market, which is the best portrayal of the Langqin Huangting community!

And now, Lin Chuan is about to enter the Langqin Imperial Palace and take over the Langqin Imperial Palace No. 9 villa!

When Lin Chuan arrived at the gate of Langqin Huangting Community, he was greeted by Mr. Chen and Xiao Zhou.

After entering, what is imprinted in front of you is not the villas, but the very delicate gardens that have been renovated.

The villas are hidden in the gardens, and the green area is very high. It is not like a residential area at all, but like a scenic area.

The car drove in the community for more than ten minutes before reaching the gate of Villa No. 9.

After entering the gate of Villa No. 9, they walked through the large garden and finally reached the front of the villa.

The villa has three floors, and each floor has a large balcony. There are many potted plants and flowers on the balcony, which is beautiful.

In front of the door is a path paved with cobblestones, on both sides of the path is a row of stone benches, on both sides of the stone benches lined up with flowers and bonsai of different shapes, it is pleasing to the eye.

The road on the left is the Moon Gate. Enter the Moon Gate and arrive at the villa courtyard on the first floor.

The exterior wall of the villa is made of finely carved marble, which looks thick and gorgeous.

The overall shape is in the style of a European-style castle, just like a giant sitting in a garden.

“This villa is really okay.” Just looking at the outside of the villa, Lin Chuan could already feel the extraordinaryness of this villa #9.

“It’s more exciting inside, you can take a good look.” Chen Yuanming saw that Lin Chuan was satisfied, and the smile on his face grew thicker.

The door of the villa was opened, and a few people walked in directly.

After entering, Lin Chuan found that what Chen Yuanming said was completely fine, and the inside of the villa was much more delicate than the outside!

From the porch at the entrance, to all kinds of furniture in the living room, and even the shoe changing cabinet at the door, all of them are finely carved mahogany furniture.

A chandelier full of artistic style makes the whole hall look magnificent.

The whole hall is full of riches and nobles.

More importantly, this hall is also very large, at least hundreds of square meters in size, which is very spacious.

Dozens of people at this gathering will not feel the slightest crampedness.

A living room with such a large area, in the imperial court of Langqin, can be said to be very luxurious.

“What is the area of ​​this villa?” Lin Chuan asked curiously after appreciating the decoration of the hall.

“This villa has one floor underground and three floors above ground. The area on the production certificate is 600 square meters, but the actual area is 1,500 square meters.”

At this time, two people walked down the stairs, and the middle-aged man in front responded with a smile.

“The actual usable area is 1,500 square meters?!” Lin Chuan raised his brow when he heard the words, and he understood how big the villa he was about to live in.

You don’t have to go out if you want to keep fit. You can get a lot of exercise by turning the whole villa around!

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