Chapter 352

“Fatty Yao, why don’t you fight, there are so many people on the opposite side!”

Pu Liqi looked at Fatty Yao who had just jumped off the field, wishing to cry without tears.

In the eight major sects, a total of forty cultivators from the Qi Refining Period were sent to participate in this round of competition.

Originally, Pu Liqi had a good plan. As long as Fatty Yao keeps up and kills about 30 people, they have great hopes of winning this round.

As a result, Fatty Yao only killed a dozen people and jumped off the field, far from his expectations.

“Didn’t I say, I don’t have the strength anymore. If I continue to fight, I won’t necessarily be able to knock them off the field with one punch.”

“And I’ve gotten addicted to playing games, and the rest of those people should be left for others to play.”

Fatty Yao said indifferently.

He really just wanted to play a game, he didn’t care about the final outcome.

“Thanks for your hard work, you are still handsome on stage.” Lin Juan walked over and gently sorted out the messy clothes for Fatty Yao.

“Hey, it’s so normal, I will definitely be more handsome next time.” Hearing Lin Juan’s praise, Fatty Yao’s heart drifted.

“It’s really hard for you, so take a good rest, who is the next one to play?”

Pu Liqi, who was fed a wave of dog food, wanted to complain, but he couldn’t say anything, so he could only pin his hopes on other people.

“It’s me, Xinxin is about to play.” Xinxin stretched out her small hand and responded loudly to Pu Liqi, for fear that he would forget herself.

“It turned out to be you, then you go up.” Pu Liqi looked at Xinxin, smiled reluctantly, and her mood became worse again.

Sure enough, he is still too naive, these people are here to play!

“Okay, Xinxin is great.” Seeing his promise, Xinxin ran to the battlefield happily.

As a result, there is a difference in height between the battlefield and the outside, which is more than one meter tall, which is taller than Xinxin’s height.

Originally this height, to any immortal cultivator, shouldn’t be a big deal.

However, Xinxin only practiced the five-eyed supernatural powers, and naturally did not have the ability to jump on the battlefield, and tried several times without success.

“Uncle, come and hug me up.” The depressed Xinxin shouted towards Lin Chuan, pouting her mouth.

“Come here.” Lin Chuan, who was watching the excitement, immediately sent Xinxin to the stage.

“What’s the situation, the second person Pu Liqi sent here is a little girl?”

“Are they no one? How come even the little girl is on the court.”

“Maybe this little girl, what’s so amazing about it, you can’t underestimate it.”

“What’s so amazing? I saw it just now. The girl couldn’t even get up to the battlefield. Someone else carried it up.”

“That’s really outrageous, this Pu Liqi, you can’t do such an outrageous thing just because he is called Pu Liqi.”

Xinxin’s appearance caused an uproar among the onlookers.

The people of the eight major sects who frowned because of Fatty Yao before were also happy and relieved.

Just now Fatty Yao fisted a master at the peak of the Qi Refining Period. The methods were extremely vigorous, which made them very depressed. One Qi Refining Period was about to lose this round.

Who knows that Fatty Yao jumped down on his own and came up with a little girl. How could they not relax.

“Hmph, I know, that kind of strength can’t be used casually, but it’s just a momentary prestige.”

“That Yao Shiren should be Pu Liqi’s most important piece in the Qi refining period.”

“Now that he is off, Pu Liqi actually sent a little girl up again, it’s so funny!”

A former sect talker with a calm face, with great heart, ridiculed unscrupulously.

“It’s the extreme, the extreme, Pu Liqi is out of skill.”

“It’s just a casual cultivator during the foundation-building period. How much background can it have.”

“He is not qualified enough to be a neighbor with us.”

Others also followed suit, sweeping away the previous decline.

“Then let me go up and play with this little girl.”

The immortal cultivators who didn’t dare to take their heads in the Qi Refining Period were all eager to try, but they were finally seized by a fellow with the scorpion head.

“Little sister, how old are you this year?” The man said to Xinxin in a very kind tone after playing.

“I am six years old this year, and I am a big baby!” Xinxin stretched out her small hand and counted six fingers, how cute and cute she is serious.

“Hahaha, well, you are a big baby, then do you want to go to see goldfish with your uncle?”

Seeing that Xinxin is so cute, the scorpion-headed rat-eyed guy couldn’t help but smiled evilly and approached Xinxin.

Upon seeing this, Lin Chuan frowned slightly and glanced at the man deeply.

Even Xinxin dared to molest her, she was so courageous!

“Xinxin don’t want it, Ma Ma said, the one who asked me to see the goldfish is all weird, big villain!”

Xinxin pointed at the person and said very seriously.

“What’s wrong with the bad guy, uncle me, I’m just a big bad guy!” The man became even more excited when he heard the words, and rushed towards Xinxin directly.

“Wow, you bullied me!” Xinxin cried when she saw the man rushing towards her fiercely.

“How can there be such a disgusting person, Xinxin, don’t be afraid, mom will protect you!” Lin Juan, the nurse girl, eagerly rushed to the stage without even thinking about it.

“Sister, don’t worry, wait and see first.” Lin Chuan stopped Lin Juan and said.

“What are you waiting for, Xinxin is going to be bullied by that bad guy, don’t you hear the crying!”

Lin Juan, who was stopped, said even more eagerly.

“Look!” Lin Chuan pointed to Bidouchang and said.

“Looking at…this…” Lin Juan looked at Bidouchang subconsciously, and was stunned for an instant.

After Xinxin started crying, her tears fell down, all of which were absorbed by the pendant she hung around her neck.

The green pendant, after absorbing Xinxin’s tears, changed in an instant, and green silk threads stretched out from it.

After the silk thread appeared in the air, it instantly became bigger, turning into a cane with thick arms of a child, and flew towards the person who was lunging over.

“What the hell?” Seeing this change, the man quickly drew his sword, trying to cut the canes.

“Ding!” The long sword smashed the cane, only a sound of metal and iron struck, without breaking it.

On the contrary, there were more and more rattans, and they swept over the person directly, binding him firmly.

More and more rattan sticks continue to appear, directly covering the entire battlefield.

Then there was a surge of cane, and the guy with the deer-headed mouse was thrown out of the battlefield by the cane, and was dying.

“Senior Brother Zhao, how are you?” Several of the same people gathered around to check his condition.

“Senior Brother Zhao seems to be poisoned, I can’t feel his spirit fluctuations, maybe he has become a vegetable.”

“The mana in his body is gone, he has become a useless person!”

After checking the situation, the surrounding immortal cultivators were in an uproar, and their eyes at Xinxin were full of horror.

When Xin Xin cried, she directly destroyed a promising cultivator at the peak of the Qi Refining Period.


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