Chapter 370 Give it to a mine directly!

“Who is this young man and what happened?”

“Is the Patriarch getting confused, does he know what he is doing?”

“Our Qi family’s face has been lost. Is it guilty to do this for the juniors of the family?”

“Patriarch, get up quickly, my family members would rather stand to die than kneel to live!”

Those who followed the Patriarch of the Qi Patriarch saw the Patriarch of the Qi Patriarch kneeling to Lin Chuan.

A small KTV box seems to be able to see everything in the world.

“To shut up!”

“You have to go home and make trouble, in front of the expert, whoever dares to say one more word, I will expel anyone from the Qi family!”

The Patriarch of the Qi family made promises to Lin Chuan and even knelt down to apologize, but attacked his family with a heavy blow, so that those who followed him were so frightened that they dared not say a word.

“I’m not from the Qi family, can I always say a few words?”

“As the Patriarch of the Qi family, you represent the face of the entire Qi family. How do you say you kneel down and kneel down, or are you aiming at such a young man?”

Finally someone spoke, frowning and looking at Qi Patriarch, then at Lin Chuan, puzzled.

He knows all the people in the capital that are worthy of being a character. Lin Chuan’s face can’t be linked to anyone in it. Why is the Patriarch of the Qi family so frightened?

“Don’t be rude to Lin Gaoren!”

“He is the Lin Chuan Lin Gaoren behind the Qian family, do you think he is qualified to make me kneel?”

The Patriarch of the Qi family called Lin Chuan’s respect, and he didn’t even allow him to disrespect Lin Chuan a little bit.

Lin Juan and Ling Xiaoxiao looked at each other when they saw this scene, wondering what these people were doing.

Lin Chuan had some guesses, watching the good show in front of him with a playful expression on his face.

“He is Lin Chuan?” Several people immediately changed their expressions after hearing Lin Chuan’s name.

People who didn’t know asked a few words in a low voice, and their expressions changed. They didn’t dare to look down at Lin Chuan any more, and the behavior of the head of the Qi family also understood a little.

It is also a wealthy family, but the difference between the Qian family and the Qi family is huge.

And to a certain extent, their Qi family has to rely on the Qian family and cannot afford to offend them.

As Lin Chuan was the backer of the Qian family, they naturally couldn’t afford to offend them even more.

The Patriarch of the Qi family knelt down and apologized for this behavior. They still felt that it was a bit outrageous, but it was not unacceptable.

“It seems that I still have some reputation. I’m not just a nameless man.” Lin Chuan found their reaction very interesting.

He obviously didn’t appear in the capital very much, but when he said his name, he seemed to know all of them.

What is this called?

The young master is not in the arena, but the legend of the young master still circulates in the arena!

Lin Chuan, who was a little proud in his heart, glanced at the Third Young Master of Qi Family, who was still in pain, making the Third Young Master of Qi Family more painful.

The third master of the Qi family, who had eyes above the top before, thought that Lin Chuan was an ordinary person, so he dared to be so unscrupulous.

As a result, the Patriarch of the Qi family knelt down and apologized!

After all, he didn’t have long eyes, and he got in trouble with people he couldn’t afford.

After thinking about it, the third master of the Qi family burst into tears.

Do you regret it at the beginning!

“Master, this kid in my family collided with you. It is our Qi family’s fault. I am willing to offer you a new mine of our Qi family as an apologetic gift!”

Seeing the people who came with him, the Patriarch of the Qi family didn’t dare to speak, so he looked at Lin Chuan again and said very sincerely.


“Brother, I worked so hard to get this mine, so why would you give it to him!”

As soon as he said this, the person who came with him immediately changed his face and became angry.

This man exhausted all his energy and finally got a mine. He was planning to use it as a foundation to expand his influence in the family.

As a result, the Patriarch of the Qi family said that he would give away the mine as a gift. How could he accept this person?

“Are you taking my words as deaf ears? The expert is face to face, do you have your share of it?”

“I just said that there are still people who dare to speak, and they will be expelled directly from the house. You are no longer a member of our family!”

The Patriarch of the Qi family immediately turned his head and stared at him, and blasted him out of the house directly after angrily.

Well, the mine is gone, and he was evicted from his house. This person is also really miserable.

“Brother, how can you do this?” The man suddenly changed his face and asked for help from the person next to him.

If he really does what the head of the seven families said, then he will have nothing!

“Why, the expert is face to face, do you want to intercede for him?” These people were about to speak, and Patriarch Qi glanced at these people and immediately told them to shut up.

Talking now, if you don’t offend the Patriarch of the Qi family, you will also offend Lin Chuan. It’s not worth thinking about it.

“Senior, do you still feel satisfied with this kind of treatment?” Seeing that no one was speaking, the Patriarch of the Qi family turned his head and looked at Lin Chuan with expectant eyes.

“You’ve done it this way, what else is unsatisfactory for me, old gentleman, get up quickly.”

Lin Chuan nodded, with no expression on his face.

What is he dissatisfied about when he got a mine for no reason? He is now a mine owner!

But he knew that this mine was not for nothing.

Obviously, the Patriarch of the Qi family used his name to suppress the people he brought over.

The person who was expelled from the family just now is probably the alien he wants to exclude.

Even his kneeling is to highlight Lin Chuan’s identity and build momentum for what he is going to do.

With this small starting point, the third master of the Qi family, the layout can be completed in such a short period of time, without hesitating to kneel at a young man.

Lin Chuan can be regarded as an instructor, what terrifying scheming and methods a wealthy family owner has.

As for Qian Shichang, hehe…

After knowing that the Qian Family Patriarch was an old monster with a scheming plan, Lin Chuan had some vigilance in his heart, but he did not show it.

Lin Chuan wanted to see what kind of back-hands this Qi Patriarch had arranged.

Kneeling down to apologize to him and giving him a mine for nothing, Lin Chuan would not naively think that the Patriarch of the Qi family would really make him so cheap.

The name of a Qian family’s backer can’t scare such a person.

“Since this matter is over, can you ask an expert to expose these talisman?”

“After I bring this unscrupulous descendant home, I must severely punish him again!”

Seeing that Lin Chuan was so good at talking, the Qi family’s Patriarch made a thicker smile on his face, and continued his efforts.

“Yes.” Lin Chuan agreed swiftly, reaching out and swiping, and he cleaned the talisman on the third master of the Qi family.


The third master of the Qi family fell on the ground and panted, feeling that he had returned from the ghost door.

“Sister, let’s go.” Lin Chuan motioned to Lin Juan and the others without even looking at him.

“I’m afraid you won’t be able to leave for the time being. The immortal cultivators are in conflict on this occasion, and the repair management team is about to arrive!”

Brother Zhang, who was beaten to the ground before, stared at Lin Chuan angrily and said.

“Repair management team?” Lin Chuan took a deep look at the Patriarch of the Qi family after hearing the words.

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