Chapter 383

“Boiling water cabbage, I can understand it this way. I heard that it is really complicated. It’s still a state banquet dish.”

“Lin Chuan, do you really want to cook this kind of food? That’s a real blessing.”

Yue Qin’er’s eyes lit up, and the corners of her mouth were already drooling.

After all, it is a state banquet dish. The name is there, and the taste is obviously not bad. Yue Qin’er is very looking forward to it.

“If you want to eat, then move, don’t want to just watch it.” Lin Chuan looked at Yue Qin’er, who looked like a cat, and rubbed her hair with some nasty fun.

“Oh, I said, don’t move my hair, can’t I help? Just tell me what to do.”

Yue Qin’er clutched her tousled hair and said plainly.

“I need a chicken, a duck, and a pork knuckle now.” Lin Chuan said directly without further delay.

When everyone heard it, they split up to get the ingredients.

In order to make more money, the people in the village keep raising chickens, ducks and geese. It is very convenient to get these things.

After the chicken, duck and pork knuckles were cleaned up, Lin Chuan put them all in the pot and boiled them.

“It is said that the boiling water of boiled cabbage is the soup made from these ingredients.”

“With so many ingredients, it was a waste to use only the soup in the end.”

Fatty Yao started to show off what he knew again, and sighed as he looked at the soup being cooked.

“These ingredients will not be wasted, and they can still be made into dishes after they are fished out.”

“Actually, I’m still a bit dissatisfied with these ingredients. If I have some more ham, it will taste even better. Unfortunately, there is no such thing in the village.”

Lin Chuan didn’t think it was a waste, and he didn’t think the ingredients put in enough.

As the saying goes, no ham soup is not beautiful, no chicken soup is not fresh, no duck soup is not fragrant, and no elbow soup is not thick.

Without the ham, the taste is worse after all.

“Ham sausage? How could there be none in the village? There are many at home. It belongs to the king of the king.” Yue Qin’er turned around and wanted to get the ham sausage.

“You come back to me. I’m talking about ham, marinated and dried pork legs, not ham sausage.”

Lin Chuan couldn’t laugh or cry and pulled Yue Qin’er back.

“Well, do you make it clear, otherwise, how do I know what you are talking about?” Yue Qin’er said embarrassedly when she knew that she had made a fool of herself.

After this oolong, the scene was much quieter, and everyone was waiting for the broth to be cooked.

“Lin Chuan, how long do we have to cook this soup? Do we have to wait here all the time?”

I don’t know how long it took, Ling Xiaoxiao finally couldn’t help it, and asked aloud.

“If it is the orthodox approach, it will take at least two or three hours. Now there is one hour left.” Lin Chuan responded.

After speaking, he got up and opened the lid of the pot, put the green onions in the soup and stirred, and a piece of it was simmered.

“There is still an hour, which is too long.” Ling Xiaoxiao learned that there was still an hour, and her mentality was a little broken.

“If you can’t wait, do something.”

“Go get a chicken, a duck, and a piece of pork, and then chop these types of meat into meat sauce.”

Seeing that they really couldn’t wait, Lin Chuan arranged another task for them.

“Chop meat sauce, are you asking us to practice knife skills?”

“We are bored. Wouldn’t it be even more boring if we do this kind of thing?”

After hearing Lin Chuan’s arrangement, Ling Xiaoxiao couldn’t help but vomit.

“Who told you that this is a knife practice, I want you to make meat sauce, of course it is useful.”

Lin Chuan said funny.

“These meat sauces are still useful, are they really fake?”

“It’s okay to say that the pork sauce can be used to make dumplings, make a meatball or something, what is the use of chicken sauce and duck sauce?”

When Ling Xiaoxiao heard this, he was still very puzzled.

But she didn’t say anything, and prepared to go according to Lin Chuan’s instructions.

When everyone prepared the various meat sauces that Lin Chuan requested, the pot of soup was almost simmered.

There is no way, it is troublesome to clean those chickens and ducks, but it is even more troublesome to chop them into meat sauce.

It can be done in an hour, thanks to their staff.

Seeing that the fire was almost over, Lin Chuan opened the pot directly, the rich aroma of various meats mixed together, the aroma was a bit special, but it was not so intoxicating.

Lin Chuan took out all the ingredients that he put in from the pot, leaving only the soup.

Because of the mixture of various meats, the soup in the pot is relatively muddy, and its appearance is not too high.

“This soup should be the “boiled water” in the boiled cabbage. The person who named it definitely doesn’t look very good. It looks like boiling water, and the muddy water is about the same.”

Yue Qin’er looked at the soup in the pot and couldn’t help but vomit.

This turbid soup really made her not too cold.

“What are you in a hurry, these soups are not ready yet.”

“When the dishes are finally served, you will know why the water is boiling.”

Lin Chuan felt that she was delaying things, so he squeezed her away and started to work.

He first took the chopped duck meat, poured it into the soup, and stirred it while boiling.

The duck meat poured into the soup is quickly cooked and surfaced in the soup.

Lin Chuan picked up all the duck meat that came up, then poured the pork in, repeating the previous steps.

After the pork was fished out, he poured in the chicken again.

As Lin Chuan poured the meat over and over again, the soup in the pot became clear to the naked eye a lot.

“Hey, Tang seems to be clear, brother, how did you do it?” Yue Qin’er said in surprise when he noticed this change.

“Really, this is amazing, adding meat not only didn’t make the soup turbid, it made the soup clearer.”

Others also found it strange, and they all looked at Lin Chuan, wanting to know the answer.

Although Liang Xi couldn’t see it, listening to their discussion, she knew what was going on and looked at Lin Chuan curiously.

It has always been a regret in her heart that she cannot cook because she can’t see her eyes, so she prefers to learn about cooking.

“What I’m doing now is sweeping soup.”

“Those chicken, duck and pork, after being poured into the soup, they will expand with heat.”

“During the expansion process, it will absorb the surrounding debris. The thinner the meat, the better the effect, and the effect you make is not so good.”

“This soup sweeping also pays attention to the order, usually according to the color of the meat from dark to light, so I pour the duck first, then the pork and chicken.”

“When I get the chicken out, the soup will be almost done.”

Lin Chuan was fishing for chicken while explaining to everyone what he was doing.

“It turns out that pouring the meat can also make the soup clear, which is considered to increase knowledge.” Fatty Yao looked at the soup that was getting clearer and clearer, and couldn’t help but admire.

If you change to him, you can’t think of a broken head, and there is this way to make the broth clear.

“Okay, this soup is almost done, you guys quickly get all the tofu out, cut into pieces and cook, you can eat it soon.”

Seeing that the time was almost up, Lin Chuan arranged another task for everyone.

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