Chapter 389 Yun Zhongzi: Where is my apprentice?

Wan Lixin was confused and couldn’t help turning his head, looking at the immortal cultivators he had found, wanting to get a sense of security.

But many of those immortal cultivators acted worse than him, and immediately fell on the ground in terror.

The better ones are also trembling, afraid to put a fart in front of Yun Zhongzi.

“Yun…Senior Yunzhongzi, the villain doesn’t know, this money family has something to do with you.”

“Senior, you have a large number of adults, so let the villain take care of it!”

Wan Lixin found that those cultivators were unreliable. He knew that he didn’t have the slightest ability to resist in front of Yun Zhongzi, so he knelt down to Yun Zhongzi very bachelor.

“Grandpa, why did you kneel?” Qian Shiqiang saw this scene, as if seeing the sky falling, his face was full of disbelief.

How could the grandpa, who was extremely powerful in his eyes, kneel to others?

“Don’t talk, kneel down for me!” Wan Li Xinsheng was afraid that Qian Shiqiang would make Yun Zhongzi upset, and pulled him to his knees beside him.

“You have come here in such a big battle, it seems not suitable for me to let you go lightly.”

Yun Zhongzi smiled and said softly.

However, his words stopped in Wan Lixin’s ears, but he felt extremely horrified, and cold sweat came out in an instant.

“It’s true that the villain did something wrong. Senior, if you want to fight or punish you, I will accept it all!” Wan Lixin didn’t dare to lift his head, and said in a trembled voice.

Just now he was fulfilled, and he, who was unparalleled in front of Lin Chuan, is now as humble as an ant.

But Wan Lixin didn’t feel that he was embarrassed now.

If someone else has offended a big boy in the meta-infancy period, he may not be as good as him.

If a person like this is killed in a rage, he can just float away without any punishment.

In this case, does he dare to show no respect at all?

Kneeling and bowing may not be able to escape a catastrophe, but if you continue to die, you will definitely die.


“This little brother, what punishment do you think I should give him?”

Yun Zhongzi stared at him for a while, seeming to hesitate, and looked at Lin Chuan, who was watching the excitement next to him.

“Are you talking to me?” Yun Zhongzi stared at Lin Chuan for a long time before Lin Chuan reacted and said in a daze.

He didn’t even know the Yunzhongzi in front of him. How could this Yunzhongzi seem to be familiar with him?

Lin Chuan wants to ask, who are you?

“Of course I’m talking to you, can I still talk to others here?”

“Let’s talk about it, these people ran over menacingly, what do you think is better?”

Yun Zhongzi almost couldn’t stretch himself if he hadn’t been knowledgeable.

Co-author We have been here for so long, and what we said is all in vain?

If it’s not for the face of my apprentice, you see that I will ignore you in this golden period!

“There are so many people here, I just happen to… I mean, I have a friend who has bought a new mine, and there is a shortage of people to mine.”

“They are all idle, they can just go digging, and reflect on themselves in the manual labor.”

Lin Chuan thought for a while, had an idea, and almost missed it.

“Let them go mining?”

“This is an interesting idea, so let’s go ahead.”

“You people, all give me mining for three years.”

“Dare to be lazy for a day, you know the consequences!”

When Yun Zhongzi heard the words, he found it very interesting. He followed the kindness and happily decided the days that a bunch of people would live in three years.

When Qian Shichang and Lin Chuan heard this, they opened their eyes and smiled, it was a happy one.

Lin Chuan got the money, Qian Shichang got a group of workers, and Yun Zhongzi solved a problem. It was not too good.

Of course, this is not a good thing for Wan Lixin and Qian Shiqiang.

“Don’t go too far, how can people like us go mining?”

“And my grandfather, at such an old age, let him go mining, isn’t that killing him?”

“The big deal, we just lose money, you can say how much it will cost!”

Qian Shiqiang said very excitedly.

“It’s a big tone, do you think you have more money than me?” In the face of Qian Shiqiang, without Lin Chuan appearing on the scene, Qian Shichang directly killed him in seconds.

For Qian Shiqiang, taking money to open the way is the usual way of thinking.

But if he spends money on Qian Shichang, no matter how stupid he is, he knows that this is impossible…

“Shut up, don’t shame our family anymore.”

“Since you have spoken, Senior, let this be the case.”

“The villain must do his best to dig this ore well, and it will not hesitate to bury the bone mine!”

Wan Lixin could see more clearly than Qian Shiqiang, knowing that he had no room for rejection, and he directly agreed and said something beautiful.

But after speaking, Wan Lixin was like a frustrated ball, and his whole body collapsed.

If he guessed right, the mine mentioned by Lin Chuan should be the one paid to Lin Chuan by the Patriarch of the Qi family.

Originally, when he heard about this incident, he just joked about the Qi family’s Patriarch with a mindset of watching the excitement.

In the end, he was actually worse than the Qi Patriarch.

At his age, going up the mountain to dig mines is no different from looking for death.

Patriarch Qi’s loss is only a mine, he might lose his life!

However, he did not have any choice.

He came so aggressively, he didn’t expect that things would be such a result.

“Qian Shichang, what are you still trying to do, take them to the mine.” Lin Chuan didn’t have so much feelings, seeing the scene stagnating, he motioned to Qian Shichang.

“Ah…Oh, yes, I will send someone to send them away.” Qian Shichang, who was in a daze, reacted and directly greeted people and sent them away.

Among those sent away, apart from the Qi family cultivators, there are also people from the Qian family.

The Qian family wanted to scold their mother for pleading, but in front of Yun Zhongzi, they didn’t dare to say a word, obediently they were taken away.

Even after the Qian family members were sent away together, the entire Qian family really belonged to Qian Shichang alone.

“That’s the end of the matter?” Qian Shichang, who had finished his work, looked at the empty eyes with a blank look.

The ghost knew how worried he was before, and couldn’t sleep well all night long.

As a result, as soon as Yun Zhongzi appeared on the stage, they immediately frightened them to pee and made a horrible anticlimax.

This made Qian Shichang deeply feel the power of a primordial elder brother.

It’s not unreasonable that the dignified and top-notch giants have to find the cultivator sect as their backer.

On the side of Yun Zhongzi and Lin Chuan, since Qian Shichang has been busy until now, he hasn’t said a word.

“Don’t you have anything to say to me, what about my apprentice?” Yun Zhongzi finally couldn’t help it, and said.

This young man is actually more calm than him, which is really strange and weird!

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