Chapter 391 Bloody Case Caused by a Place

Lin Chuan watched for a while, and just wanted to complain that they weren’t eating well, and all kinds of weird moments, he suddenly reacted, and he seemed to have made these evildoers all by himself.

The real evildoer was himself, and that was all right.

Regardless of them, Lin Chuan ate a meal happily, and then engaged in a few lively activities, changing the law to make Liang Xi happy.

Lin Chuan, who happened to be fine, had been doing this kind of activity for several days.

Liang Xi also gradually integrated into the environment of Qinghuang Xiaozhu, but it seemed to be so short, and he just didn’t let the Lingmu Orb react.

When Lin Chuan discovered this situation, he no longer planned to do any activities.

It wasn’t that he was going to give up Liang Xi, but Floating Cloud Xianzong sent an invitation letter and asked him to participate in the auction, and the time was almost up.

Since Liang Xi can’t completely untie her happy knot at home, it’s better to go out and have fun.

Changing the environment can sometimes produce unexpected results.

“I have an invitation card here. I can take twenty people to participate in an auction. If you want to sign up.”

During one meal, Lin Chuan took out the invitation card and said.

“What is the auction?”

“I’m going, I’m going.”

“Such a good event, you don’t have to say it earlier.”

“Let’s go together, just as the whole family is going to travel.”

When everyone saw the invitation, the reaction was very enthusiastic.

Originally, Lin’s father and Lin’s mother were a bit hesitant. When Yue Qin’er said that this was a family trip, they immediately agreed.

What you do is not important, it is important for the whole family to be together.

The whole family has to go, Lin Chuan naturally has no objection.

Anyway, there are so many places, there is no problem for the whole family to go there, and there are even a lot of places left.

“Then the whole family will go together and have a good time for a few days. I heard that the auction will be on an island and the scenery should be very nice.”

Lin Chuan put away the invitation and continued to eat.

As a result, while eating, Lin Chuan found that Ling Xiaoxiao glanced at him from time to time, and stopped talking.

“Ling Xiaoxiao, do you have anything to tell me?” Lin Chuan asked directly.

As soon as he said this, the restaurant was quiet in an instant, and everyone’s eyes were looking at both of them.

Lin Chuan noticed the eager eyes of Lin’s father and Lin’s mother, and he was very speechless.

He just asked a question, how did Ling Xiaoxiao want to confess to him, can you put away your abnormal thoughts!

“There are still a lot of places attached to your invitation.”

“So I wondered if I could give a few quotas to the management company and those tenants, which could also be used as job benefits and customer feedback.”

“It doesn’t need too many places. Give three to the management company and one to the tenant.”

Ling Xiaoxiao was flushed with this scene, and said in a very low voice.

As the actual manager of Deling Building, she is also very competent.

“Of course you can. Your idea is very good, it’s not costly, and they should like it quite a bit.”

Lin Chuan nodded after hearing Ling Xiaoxiao’s suggestion.

He had known before, how tight the quota of this auction is.

Giving a few places to the management company and tenants will definitely make them very excited, remembering his goodness, but he doesn’t have to pay anything at all.

Of course, Lin Chuan is willing to do such a good thing.

“Since you agree, then I will notify them.” Ling Xiaoxiao immediately got up and ran out to contact.

It’s not that she can’t stay in the restaurant and contact those people on the spot.

It was really strange that other people looked at her, which made her feel very awkward.

“It turned out to be just for this. It’s a waste of feelings.” Lin Juan, who could not eat the melon, shook her head regretfully.

“Sister, where did you want to go? Ling Xiaoxiao and I have a simple colleague relationship. What else can we talk about if we don’t talk about work.” Lin Chuan said silently.

I don’t know if the family members are afraid that he won’t be able to marry a wife or what they are doing.

While they were chatting in the restaurant, Ling Xiaoxiao notified the immortals who managed the company about the quota.

Those immortal cultivators were really surprised, and screamed excitedly.

“I was thinking about whether to ask for leave to go through the barriers. The company actually issued quotas directly.”

“The only people who can go directly to the auction are the core disciples of the famous sect. I didn’t expect that I would also have the opportunity.”

“What is Pai Noodles? This is Pai Noodles. Joining the management company is indeed the most correct choice for me!”

“Don’t get too excited, everyone, there are only three places for a dozen of us, and we may not be able to get it in the hands of anyone.”

“No matter how few places there are, there are more people than those living downstairs. We have three places. There are so many of them, and there is only one place.”

“It makes sense, I feel comfortable thinking about it this way.”

The immortal cultivators of the management company did not expect to have such a big welfare before they had been working, and they were all very excited.

Only three places, under the background of those immortals who rented a house in Deling Building, also appeared to be very abundant, which fully satisfied their vanity.

This kind of vanity was fully manifested when they notified the tenants.

“Chen Luoyu, I remember you are a disciple of Floating Cloud Immortal Sect, right?”

An immortal cultivator who manages the company approached Chen Luoyu and said.

“Yes, there is such a thing, why are you talking about this?”

“Isn’t it because I want to ask for a quota? Don’t even think about it. I don’t have a quota myself, and I want to find someone in the sect.”

Upon hearing this, Chen Luoyu guessed his intentions, and refused directly.

The auction will be near, and many people have come to him for this.

“Why am I asking you for a place? The boss gave us three places. We are discussing how to divide it. I don’t need to look for you.”

The immortal cultivator said in a very casual tone.

“How did he get the three places?!” Chen Luoyu was surprised.

The ordinary sects couldn’t receive invitations, and Lin Chuan actually got the quota, which completely exceeded Chen Luoyu’s understanding.

“I don’t know this, anyway, the above notice is so.”

“Don’t blame me for not reminding you. The boss also reserved a place for the tenant. Think about how to get it.”

The immortal cultivator himself was confused, how could he explain it, and directly threw out a more exciting news.

“We also have spots?!”

“But why do we have so many people and only one quota?”

Chen Luoyu was first excited, then depressed.

With so many people, there is only one quota, and there are three quotas for the ten or so people in the management company. The comparison is too obvious!

“What’s weird about this, who doesn’t the boss take care of the employees?” The immortal cultivator waited for this sentence and said immediately with an air.

Successfully installed a wave, cool!

Chen Luoyu heard the words, but he vomited blood for three liters, and felt extremely depressed.

It was really a blood loss if I didn’t join the company in the first time!

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