Chapter 398 Old Ancestor Appears!

“Zongmen at this time, can there be any urgent reports?” At this time, Lu Yanliang still did not realize what had happened.

“Elder, Zongmen urgent report!”

“Zongmen urgent report!”

The elders of the other sects were about to eat melons, to see what happened to the Floating Cloud Immortal Sect.

As a result, someone hurriedly rushed to them one after another, shouting the same words.

This made everyone present realize that something must have happened, something serious!

“Hurry up, what is the urgent report of the Zongmen?”

What Lin Chuan said before came to Lu Yanliang’s heart for no reason, making his face slightly cold and having bad thoughts.

“The sect master sent an emergency report, saying that the statue of the ancestor of the open ancestor suddenly appeared, and opened his mouth to spit out many miraculous medicines, and left a word.”

The person who came for the call said quickly.

“What, say it!” Lu Yanliang’s face remained unchanged, and the feeling of badness grew stronger.

“The founding ancestor said that the underworld Naihe bridge has collapsed, and the world is about to face a catastrophe. I hope that the disciples and grandchildren will work together to turn the tide and don’t shame him.”

The man was taken aback by Lu Yanliang’s tone and spoke faster.

“But how does the bridge really collapse?”

Lu Yanliang’s pupils shrank suddenly, in disbelief.

He really couldn’t believe that what Lin Chuan said before turned out to be all the truth.

But no matter how unbelievable he was, the founder of the ancestor had appeared, and he had to believe that all of this was true.

And if all this is true, he who made fun of Lin Chuan before will now become a joke.

If there is no manifestation of the ancestors, I am afraid that he will really become a sinner through the ages.

“What’s the situation on your side?” Lu Yanliang’s heart flashed with happiness, and he immediately cheered up and asked the other sects what the urgent report was.

“Our head suddenly received a dream from the ancestor and told me about the collapse of the bridge.”

“Our town’s magic weapon suddenly shattered and condensed into a line of words in the air.”

“The Maitreya Buddha enshrined in the temple suddenly opened up and poured out many things.”

People from other sects responded one after another, telling the situation they encountered in the sect.

The idol opened his mouth, the ancestor entrusted the dream, the magic weapon collapsed, Maitreya opened his belly…

A miracle of the ancestor Xiang’s manifestation made these mainstays of the spiritual world extremely heavy.

The appearance of the ancestors was originally a great joy.

But so many ancestors appeared at the same time, it means that something bad must have happened…

The catastrophe on earth that the ancestors said about the spirits is probably even more terrifying than they thought.

“Quickly, go get that kid before…no, it’s the husband!”

“Forget it, let me find it myself, he shouldn’t have gone far yet.”

Lu Yanliang, who realized the seriousness of the matter, immediately thought of Lin Chuan, and quickly gave orders to the people around him, and ran away after speaking.

The appearance of the ancestor’s spirit had just happened, and Lin Chuan had obviously already known the situation in the underworld.

In this situation, Lin Chuan’s importance is self-evident, and he may be able to provide them with more and more important news.

So even if Lu Yanliang didn’t dare to face Lin Chuan, he had to bite the bullet and invite him back.

Anyway, he was ready, Lin Chuan was angry at him, and he stood there, ready to do it himself.

Who called himself arrogant before, this is the price of his arrogance.

Lin Chuan did not go far. He was squatting in a corner, using a communicator to frantically contact the repair management team, urging them to make a decision quickly.

Direct notification doesn’t work, so the only way to speed up the progress is to let the repair management team here.

When Lu Yanliang found him, he was scolding Bai Ze.

“Bai Ze, I have long seen you not pleasing to your eyes. It doesn’t matter what you do, it’s about the entire celestial dynasty. Can’t you hurry up?”

“What’s the use of being so irritable? Whenever there is a big event, I don’t understand, he is really a hairy boy, and he knows how to jump up and down when he encounters a big event.”

“I’m better at jumping up and down than you are doing nothing. Don’t call you Bai Ze, change your name to Turtle.”

“I am a tortoise? Then you are a monkey!”





“Well, little brother, can you listen to me?” Lu Yanliang finally couldn’t help but speak when seeing the two of them spraying each other endlessly.

“Oh, isn’t this a sinner of the ages, do you dare to appear in front of me?”

When Lin Chuan saw Lu Yanliang, he knew he must have received some news. Suddenly he stopped worrying and looked at him jokingly.

“Little brother, I was indeed wrong this time.”

“Our Floating Clouds Immortal Sect, including the ancestors of other sects, all appeared to send messages and talked about the situation in the underworld.”

“Little brother, you warned me before. Obviously you know more, so I would like to invite you to go over and discuss the countermeasures with the elders of various sects.”

Lu Yanliang’s old face was slightly stiff, and said bitterly.

“Have you heard Bai Ze? However, the fact that the bridge collapsed is true. The ancestors of the people have already appeared. Will the repair management team continue to meet and discuss?”

When Lin Chuan heard this, he ignored him, but picked up the communicator and said.

“I heard it, let’s report the news!”

“It’s Lv Yanliang, the law enforcement elder of the Floating Cloud Immortal Sect, right? Many immortal cultivators are gathering near the island and want to participate in the auction.”

“So you must organize them all and wait for the order to set out to destroy the ghosts!”

“Before I arrived, Lin Chuan was the representative of our repair management team!”

Bai Ze naturally heard what Lu Yanliang said, and ignored the quarrel with Lin Chuan. He quickly said a few words, and then there was no voice.

Seeing that Bai Ze finally started to act, Lin Chuan put down the communicator contentedly.

“Let’s talk about it, what are you going to do?” Lin Chuan looked at Lu Yanliang and asked.

“I just got the news, I came over to find you little brother the first time, so I haven’t discussed how to do it yet.”

“But the first thing to do is to inform the news and gather the surrounding immortals.”

“Bai Ze has said a lot, now on and off the island, nearly one-third of the immortal cultivators have gathered in the entire world of cultivation.”

“If we gather them together, then we will have a force that can be used at any time. The significance is very important.”

“It’s just how to get them together, this is more troublesome.”

After Lu Yanliang accepted the fact that the Naihe Bridge had collapsed, his thoughts were still very clear, and he immediately thought of what to do and the difficulties involved.

Cultivators live in the north and south of the sky on weekdays, and no one knows where they live in retreat and practice.

Only when it comes to such a grand event as an auction will such a large-scale gathering appear.

If you don’t hold them in your hands at this time, then Lu Yanliang is really a complete idiot.

“It’s not easy to get them together, just send a group text message, saying that the auction has started ahead of schedule.”

“In order to thank everyone for your attention to the auction, the island is open for a limited time and may be closed at any time. Please friends who want to participate in the auction to get to the island as soon as possible.”

For Lin Chuan, this is not a difficult task, he just opened his mouth.

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