Chapter 417: Hell on Earth!

The immortal cultivators who used the soul jade pendant entered the ghost domain, and the others stared at the developing mirrors immediately, without blinking their eyes, for fear of missing a bit of information.

After experiencing a severe beating, they are more careful than ever, and don’t want to make mistakes and cause themselves and their companions to lose their lives.

The several immortal cultivators who were possessed by the whole body, as if they were hanging up, were in the ghost realm as if they were in the realm of no one, and they were able to detect everything around them clearly.

The immortal cultivators who stared at the screen learned a lot about the ghost domain.

It’s a pity that not long after, several immortal cultivators in the foundation period exhausted their aura and returned.

Only Lu Yanliang, who was in the Golden Core Stage, was still rushing into the depths of the ghost realm.

Lin Chuan was full of anticipation, and he was sweating for Lu Yanliang.

As Lu Yanliang deepened, there were more and more giant ghosts around him, rushing toward him frantically.

Lu Yanliang, who was in a state of being possessed by spirits, naturally killed all the ghosts that rushed to him, as if cutting melons and vegetables.

But the number of giant ghosts is too much, and Lin Chuan is afraid that he will not be able to resist it any time and will be besieged and killed by those giant ghosts.

Fortunately, what he was worried about did not happen. Instead, Lu Yanliang continued to charge forward as he fought more and more courageously.

The ghosts that Lu Yanliang encountered were getting worse and crazier.

This made Lin Chuan realize that perhaps Lu Yanliang had already touched the core of this ghost domain!

As long as you put more effort, the secrets in the ghost domain will be exposed to them.

“Elder Lu, come on!” Lin Chuan couldn’t help but shouted.

“Elder Lu, come on!”

“come on!”

Other immortals also raised their arms and shouted.

Although Lu Yanliang couldn’t hear it at all, and it made no sense to do so, they still wanted to express support for Lu Yanliang in this way.

Because Lu Yanliang now represents the hope of destroying the ghost realm.

I don’t know if it was their cheering relationship, a dark shadow appeared in the picture displayed by the developing mirror.

Under the fog of the ghost domain, they couldn’t see what the shadow was.

But this very different thing from the surroundings is obviously one of the secrets of the ghost domain.

Lu Yanliang seemed to have also spotted the dark shadow, and immediately turned around and ran towards the dark shadow.

As Lu Yanliang approached, the shadow became bigger and clearer.

“That’s…” After Lin Chuan saw the faintly appearing situation in the dark shadow, his whole body was dull.

That dark shadow is a tall tower, a tall tower piled up by people!

The high tower is clearly demarcated by human bones, and it has 18 floors.

The people on the first level are being pulled out by ghosts, and even if they are extremely painful, they can’t say a word, they can only utter meaningless wailing.

The people on the second floor were cut off one by one with scissors by the ghost, even if they were crying bitterly and howling, they couldn’t stop the ghost.

Even the worse people scream, the more excited those ghosts are.

The third floor, the fourth floor…

People at every level are experiencing extremely cruel punishments, just like eighteen levels of hell.

“Hell on earth, those ghosts actually rebuilt eighteen layers of hell on earth!”

Lin Chuan muttered as he looked at the figures in the tower that were so painful that the whole person was distorted.

He was still wondering why he hadn’t even seen a corpse after entering the ghost realm.

His previous guess was that all the people in the ghost domain were eaten by ghosts and wiped out, and there was no trace.

Only now did he know that those people were all captured by ghosts and put in the hell they made for them to have fun!

They really want to create another hell in the world!

“Beasts, these beasts who have suffered a thousand swords!”

“They haven’t gone to hell yet, so they are going to experience the torture of hell, so why is this.”

“Brother, I saw my brother, brother, wait for me, I will save you right away!”

“Kill them, you must kill all these ghosts!”

Other cultivators also saw the situation in the tower, and the crowds were raging. Everyone was stunned, clenched their fists, and wished to appear on the edge of the tower now.

Not far away, Xinxin looked at the tower in a daze. She didn’t expect her to be like this.

As a ghost, she had some sympathy and even a sense of intimacy for the ghosts in the ghost domain.

After seeing this scene, her feelings were completely subverted. This is a group of demons!

“Don’t look, children will have nightmares when watching this kind of scene.” When Xin Xin wanted to look again, Lin Juan covered her eyes.

Lin Chuan also recovered from the shock, and quickly pulled back some immortal cultivators who wanted to rush into the ghost realm.

“Now that the situation in the ghost domain has been determined, we should immediately contact the repair management team to report the situation.”

“I know everyone is very angry now, but even if you rush into the ghost realm now, it won’t help.”

“The only thing that can really destroy this hell on earth is the Nascent Soul Stage power.”

“What we have to do now is to keep the front line, no one can be caught by those ghosts into the hell on earth.”

Lin Chuan used the amplifying note again to calm the emotions of the immortal cultivators.

He also wished to rush up to tear up all those ghosts, but he knew that they couldn’t do it with their abilities.

At this time, Lu Yanliang was stopped by two ghosts that were almost indistinguishable from humans, and could no longer move forward.

Lu Yanliang, who was possessed by the soul, could stop him, which shows how terrifying their strength is.

I don’t know how many ghosts of this level are left in the ghost realm.

After listening to Lin Chuan’s words, the cultivators finally calmed down, standing on the edge of the ghost realm, and did not take a step forward.

Of course, they will not back down and attack the ordinary ghosts rushing in frantically, venting the resentment in their hearts.

Seeing that they were temporarily stabilized, Lin Chuan quickly contacted the repair management team and posted the image of hell on earth in the developing mirror.

This incident immediately caused an uproar in the repair management team.

“Beasts, this is a group of beasts!”

“These ghosts want to create a hell on earth, don’t they? I just don’t like them!”

“Lin Chuan, hold on to your side first, and I will contact him immediately to get rid of that hell on earth!”

Yue Qingyang sent a video call to Lin Chuan, and as soon as he connected to Lin Chuan, he heard Yue Qingyang’s bursting words.

Yue Qingyang, who has always been gentle, now has blue veins on his forehead, and his eyes are fierce, like a beast that only chooses people to eat.

Lin Chuan didn’t panic when he saw him with such an expression. On the contrary, he felt very calm.

Because he knew that Yue Qingyang was targeting ghosts.

The fiercer his gaze, the worse the fate of those ghosts will be.

If you want to rebuild hell in the world, you have to ask them whether they agree or not!

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