Chapter 421: The Neighboring Country’s Cultivation World Takes Advantage of the Fire!

The neighbouring country’s spiritual circles took advantage of the fire to rob!

“Great, this ghost domain finally disappeared.”

“Won, we won!”

“I knew it was impossible for these ghosts to subvert our world.”

“We quickly report the good news to other people, and then rush to other places, make persistent efforts, and wipe out all these ghosts!”

“Yes, we want to wipe out all these ghosts!”

The cultivators, looking at the stars in the sky, became excited, and felt that they had won victory.

Those Nascent Soul elders didn’t take it lightly, they shuttled around at a fast speed, and they didn’t know what they were looking for.

Lin Chuan was very curious about this, but he just rejected them and didn’t ask too much, so he could only help those who had just escaped.

The people who were caught by ghosts and tortured into the hell on earth were tortured all the time. Basically, they didn’t have a few good pieces of meat or even a few complete bones.

If they don’t quickly find a way to help them, I’m afraid they won’t be able to live long even if they are rescued.

Fortunately, the cultivators were well prepared and brought a lot of pills that could hang their lives.

First save their lives, and then mobilize immortal cultivators who are good at medical treatment to come and heal them, and these people’s lives will be saved.

As for whether it can be restored as usual, no one can guarantee.

And this is the trace left to them after the ghosts were wiped out.

After a long time, when Lin Chuan and the others had almost finished the treatment, the elder brothers of Yuanying stage gathered again.

“I didn’t find any other space cracks.”

“I do not have either.”

“I do not have either.”

The big guys reported their findings one after another.

What they were busy just now was actually looking for the cracks in the space leading to the underworld.

These ghosts have poured into the world from the cracks in each space.

If only the invading ghosts are killed, regardless of the space cracks, the ghosts will come back sooner or later.

“Then it seems that the gap between this place and the underworld is the only place under the hell on earth.”

“Immediately notify the repair management team and ask them to coordinate their manpower, arrange a formation to block this crack, and no more ghosts are allowed to come to the world from here!”

Yun Zhongzi said solemnly.

The other elders in the Yuan Ying period nodded together, agreeing with what he said.

After dealing with the space cracks, the battle for this ghost domain would be completely over.

Lin Chuan, who was very worried before, was relieved at this time, and even felt that he was still unfulfilled.

The invasion of these ghosts is really terrifying.

But the whole world of spiritual practice worked together to find a way to deal with it, and it didn’t seem to be that difficult to deal with.

With the experience of destroying this ghost domain, destroying other ghost domains, and completely destroying the idea of ​​ghosts invading the world, it is only a matter of time.

After some modifications, Yunzhongzi opened a call to the command center, preparing to report the information here in detail to the heads of the command center.

However, after the call was connected, the faces of Yue Qingyang and others at the end of the video were all iron-blue, which formed a sharp contrast with the joy of everyone in Lin Chuan.

“Something went wrong.” Everyone who saw the face on the other side had the same thought in their hearts.

Before, they had simply reported the news of destroying the ghost realm here and letting the light return to the world.

It stands to reason that the people in the command center should be happy with them.

Now that his face is so ugly, something must have happened.

“Why are your faces so stinky one by one?” Yun Zhongzi, who felt bad, couldn’t help asking.

“Just when you went there to support, seven good neighbors attacked us.”

“Although we are vigilant, the shortage of manpower still caused some damage.”

“The plan to increase efforts to support ghost domains everywhere is also affected by this.”

“Simply put, it’s those wicked things that took advantage of the fire and robbed us and gave us overcast!”

Yue Qingyang also didn’t mean to conceal, he directly explained the reason for his livid expression.

“What? The neighbouring country’s spiritual world is attacking us?”

“The invasion of ghosts is not only that we will be threatened, but they don’t need to help, and they dare to take advantage of the fire, which is totally unreasonable!”

“We have to give them a little bit of power to let them know that our Heavenly Cultivation World is not something they can afford.”

“Yes, fight back!”

“Fight back!”

Yue Qingyang’s words, like a stone ignited a thousand waves, instantly ignited the anger of everyone, and the sentiment was aroused.

Obviously, they should be in the same hatred, and when they were flying through the storm, those neighboring countries were holding back for them, and even wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to make them feel betrayed.

And traitors are often the most hateful!

Almost everyone has the same idea, that is, tooth for tooth, eye for eye, to teach them a lesson of blood, and let them deeply realize their mistakes.

“Everyone, be quiet, I know how angry everyone is at this time.”

“But everyone knows that the current situation is that ghosts are our number one enemy, and we should not make more enemies at this moment.”

“When we get rid of those ghosts, it’s not too late to go back and clean up the choppy.”

“Don’t let the miscellaneous things affect your mood, celebrate, and then wait to go to the new battlefield!”

After Yue Qingyang waited for everyone to vent, he said to appease them.

Everyone also understands that Yue Qingyang’s words make sense, and it is not the time to retaliate against those neighboring countries.

But they couldn’t fight back after being bullied, and they still held their breath.

Lin Chuan was particularly upset, but there was no good way for a while. After all, everything should be focused on the overall situation, and everything had to wait until the ghosts were settled.

But those in the spiritual world of neighboring countries, I’m afraid it’s just to pinpoint these thoughts of them, that they will do this.

The anger in Lin Chuan’s heart burned at the thought of the trifles so triumphant, and it couldn’t be extinguished.

“How can people from these neighboring countries be like this? If you don’t come to help, you can just take advantage of the fire.”

“For me, they just owe a lesson.”

“I really want them to experience the power of ghosts and monsters, I am afraid they are more panicked than us.”

When Lin Chuan frowned and meditated, he heard Fatty Yao’s complaints, and his mind flashed.

“Fatty Yao, do you know which ghost domain is the closest to the border?” Lin Chuan asked.

“The closest to the border is naturally the ghost territory of the Nu Tao River Valley to the south, which is only a hundred kilometers away from the border. Brother Chuan, what do you ask this for?”

After Yao Fatty answered the question, he felt that his question was a bit inexplicable.

Whether or not ghosts can be eliminated is not necessarily related to the distance from the border.

“Don’t worry about doing this, just say if you are interested, go and do a big vote with me!”

A ray of light bloomed in Lin Chuan’s eyes, and he said with a suppressed high spirit.

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