Chapter 428 Lin Chuan is the key to repairing the Naihe Bridge?

[Xiaoyao Xian: You speak clearly, what have you done wrong? 】

Lin Chuan looked at their words, but he was confused.

He just came to ask about the repair of the Naihe Bridge. Why did the underworld gods react so much?

[The King of Five Senses: Now, there is nothing to hide from you. However, the fact that the bridge collapsed has something to do with us.

We actually discovered a crack in the Naihe Bridge before, but we didn’t repair it in time, and we gathered a large number of ghosts to trample on it every day.

As expected, the Naihe Bridge was really crushed. 】

There was a long silence in the underground chat group, and finally a god told Lin Chuan the reason.

“Fuck, it turns out that Naihe bridge collapsed, it’s really the ghost of these underworld gods!”

Lin Chuan was shocked when he learned the truth, and he was so angry that he wanted to scold his mother.

He was wondering how the good Naihe Bridge would collapse.

Originally, he just guessed that these underworld gods were lazy and superfluous, causing the Naihe Bridge to collapse after years of disrepair.

Only now did he know that all of these were ghosts made by the gods of the underworld, and these gods who specialize in ghosts really didn’t live at all!

Didn’t they think about how much harm they would cause to the mortal world?

What benefits can they get out of doing this?

[Xiaoyao Xian: Why do you do this, is there any benefit? 】

Lin Chuan, who was puzzled, asked directly.

[King of Chu Jiang: Actually, there is no benefit, mainly because we are too insignificant and want to do something big to improve our position in the heavenly court. 】

[Song Emperor: Yes, we really just want the heavens to look at us more. 】

[Heiwuchang: Fellow Daoist Xiaoyao, you should have some understanding of the situation of our underworld gods, we are really suffering! 】

[Meng Po: The old woman does not want to help but the bridge collapses, no one drank my Meng Po soup. 】

The gods of the underworld told Lin Chuan why they did it.

These netherworld gods did such a big thing, only to attract the attention of the heavens.

Now that something has happened, they still feel aggrieved, so f*ck is outrageous!

[Xiaoyao Xian: Then what do you want me to do for you? 】

Lin Chuan, who had a bit of a burst of mentality, responded with a sneer.

[King Yama: What we did was discovered by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

He sealed our cultivation base and let us move stones to repair the Naihe Bridge like ordinary ghosts.

Our life is difficult. If you have face in the heavenly court, please help to speak nice things to the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and let him spare us this time. 】

[King of Equality: Yeah, yeah, we are really too bitter, everyone has lost a circle. 】

[Cui judge: I really know that I was wrong, so don’t let me copy the life and death book by hand. 】

[Niu Tau: As long as you help me this time, Brother Xiaoyao, I am willing to be a cow and a horse for you, moo~]

The underworld gods scrambled to say their goals and promised Lin Chuan for fear that he would not help.

In fact, in their hearts, they were also very aggrieved at this time.

Originally, their purpose was to mess up the world, so that the heavenly court would have to seek them from these underworld gods, so as to quickly upgrade their status.

As a result, the Heavenly Court was not good. At this time, he still ignored their underworld gods. Instead, he played with the ancestor’s manifestation and gave supplies to the mortal world.

They didn’t know whose idea they listened to, and they made another batch of soul jade pendants and sent them to the world, so that the ghosts completely lost their threat.

Originally, things gradually calmed down, and they still didn’t pay attention to it.

Coincidentally, the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva has left the pass!

Once the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva left the customs, he suppressed them all without saying anything and punished them to do various things.

So these days, the mortal world is indeed in deep and hot water. They are actually living in deep and hot water, and they are tossed hard by the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

Therefore, as soon as Lin Chuan appeared, they desperately sought help from Lin Chuan as if they had grasped the life-saving straw, hoping that he would help them say something nice.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Ha ha, you deserve it!

After doing such a bastard thing, you still want me to help you speak, you are afraid that you are thinking of eating ass! 】

When Lin Chuan saw these gods from the underworld, he still had the face to ask him to help, so he turned his face against these gods very simply.

[City King: Xiaoyao Xian, what is your attitude? 】

[The King of Wheels: Brother, I know I was wrong, so please help us. 】

[Ma Mian: I didn’t expect that we had misunderstood the person and asked him what to do. 】

[King of Yama: Don’t say something, do you still want to be exhausted? Please feel sorry for us, Fellow Daoist Xiaoyao. 】

The underworld gods were a little dumbfounded when they saw Lin Chuan turn their faces with them.

Lin Chuan didn’t care about their thoughts at all, no matter what their mood was.

For these horrible things done by the gods of the underworld, it would be nice if he didn’t go to the underworld to smoke him, and he wanted to ask him to help, it was just a dream.

Even if he wanted to help, he was actually powerless. After all, he didn’t know the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and it was even more impossible for him to give him face.

It’s just that it’s really easy to turn your face with the underworld gods, but the problem of Naiheqiao has never been solved.

If Naihe Bridge is not repaired properly, no matter how he gets angry with the Immortals of the Underworld, it is meaningless.

【Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva requests to add you as a friend! 】

Just as Lin Chuan was frowning, a message popped up on WeChat, making Lin Chuan’s eyes bright.

The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva took the initiative to add him as a friend, which is too much of a face.

It is more reliable to ask him to fix the Naihe Bridge.

Lin Chuan was so excited that he passed the application immediately.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Good Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, Xiao Xian bowed to you, I wonder if you have anything to do with me? 】

Lin Chuan, who asks for others, has an attitude called politeness.

【Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva: Amitabha, good benefactor, the poor monk listened to Guanshiyin Bodhisattva mentioning you, pinched and counted, and found that you are predestined with the poor monk, so he added your friend. 】

The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva responded with a stubborn look, and could not see his attitude.

[Xiaoyao Xian: It is a great honor for Xiaoxian to be destined for you with the Bodhisattva.

Xiaoxian heard that the Naihe Bridge collapsed. I don’t know how the situation is now. Is there any way to repair it? 】

Lin Chuan couldn’t take care of that much, and quickly asked about the situation of Naihe Bridge.

The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva knew more about the current situation of the Naihe Bridge than the gods of the underworld.

If the underworld gods did not tell him about the situation of the Naihe Bridge, then he would ask the Bodhisattva of the Tibetan King, it is so awesome!

[Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva: Naihe Bridge is a creature of heaven and earth, ordinary repair methods are completely invalid, and it is still in a collapsed state.

But Buddha Amitabha has said that the hope of repairing the Naihe Bridge is falling on you. 】

Lin Chuan saw the response of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and was a little disappointed at first.

Repairing the Naihe Bridge, why did it have something to do with him?

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