Chapter 441

When Lin Chuan rushed home again, the whole family had already returned.

They saw Lin Chuan, who had arrived earlier than them, and only came back now. They also took Lin Dahu with them, and ran over to ask questions very curiously.

Lin Chuan didn’t want to affect their mood, didn’t say those bad things, just found an excuse to fool them.

Lin Dahu looked at the lively Qinghuang Xiaozhu, and then thought about his disintegrated home. He felt more and more depressed, and went straight back to his own home to shut himself down.

After Lin Chuan had dealt with his family, he immediately returned to his small courtyard, and looked around the Riyue Baoding, stroking the complicated patterns on the Riyue Baoding.

This is a treasured tripod built from the remains of the innate treasure, and the Three Realms can also be called the top treasure.

Now that such a baby is in his own hands, Lin Chuan feels so excited that he can’t wait to sleep with it.

“Boss, why are you touching a broken tripod? Didn’t you hate this tripod before?”

Ling Xiaoxiao came to find Lin Chuan, and it was very interesting to see him behave like this.

In the past, Lin Chuan felt that even Baoding was placed here as a flowerpot, but now it is like a baby, the contrast is too great.

“Nonsense, how could I hate this Kanae?”

“Don’t talk about the broken tripod, how ugly it is, you have to call it Baoding!”

Lin Chuan immediately retorted.

I heard that amazing babies are smart.

It would be bad if the spirit of Sunyue Baoding heard the anger by shouting for Poding every day.

“Yes, you are the boss and you have the final say, it will be Baoding in the future.” Ling Xiaoxiao replied a little amused when he saw Lin Chuan’s serious appearance.

After speaking, she began to report to Lin Chuan.

They have been away for so long, and Deling Building has basically not taken care of them, and it is considered to be a big heart.

Lin Chuan was thinking about Sunyue Baoding and had no interest in Deling Building. After hearing a few words, he let Ling Xiaoxiao go to work on his own.

As for Lin Chuan himself, he began to wonder how he could earn enough merit to repair the Riyue Baoding.

Lin Chuan felt so distressed that such a powerful baby could not be used.

However, one hundred million merit points is also a big number for him. Lin Chuan must plan carefully, and there is no rush.

They were struggling, but after a hastily dinner, they went back to rest.

The next day, Qinghuang Xiaozhu was busy again.

The little guy who had just regained his vitality immediately entangled Lin Chuan.

“Uncle, you said before that you took us to play, but it wasn’t fun at all, you have to make up for us.” Xinxin said with an angry voice, holding one of Lin Chuan’s legs.

“Yes, I have been having nightmares these days, you must make up for us!” Cici said pitifully, holding his leg.

She is indeed having nightmares these days, because she can see her kind die every day.

As a ghost, although she has no sense of belonging to ghosts, she still feels a little moved when she sees the death of ghosts in blockbuster movies.

“Yes, I want to benefit too, otherwise I will tell you that you are lying to the child.” Lin Juan also came to join in the fun.

“The good thing is… how about hot springs? I will ask you to soak in hot springs after I finish my work in the afternoon.”

Lin Chuan felt helpless when seeing them swearing not to give up until they reached their goals.

He thought for a while before he thought of a benefit that these girls would like.

“Soaking in hot springs, this sounds pretty good.” The two little guys were also interested when they heard the words.

“Couldn’t it be the hot spring we used last time. The water there is quite comfortable, but the environment is not so good.”

Lin Juan quickly thought of the hot spring she had once soaked in, and she was a bit disgusted.

The hot spring mentioned by Lin Chuan is actually located on the back mountain and was developed by a small boss in the county who is related to Taoyuan Village.

The temperature of the hot spring was just right and it was very comfortable to soak, but the surroundings were all mud and there was no place to rely on it.

In this case, basically just go in and take a bath and then come out, it’s not a bubble at all.

So after Lin Juantu went fresh twice, she never went again.

“Your impression is outdated. People have been specially arranged to transform that hot spring in these Tiancun villages. It has long since been different from the wild hot springs of the past.”

“The hot springs will be officially opened in a few days. If we go now, it will be the first batch of baths.”

Lin Chuan told her a piece of news.

“Really, I’m going to see how the people in the village are doing the hot spring.” Lin Juan immediately became interested and eager to try.

“What are you talking about, so lively?” Ling Xiaoxiao led Liang Xi over, curiously asked.

“Chuan’er said that he invited us to the hot spring in the afternoon. It was the one I told you I had been to before, but it has been remodeled now.”

Lin Juan was very excited to share with Ling Xiaoxiao.

“Oh, that’s quite interesting. I’m tired these past two days. A bath in the hot spring will help my body recover.”

Ling Xiaoxiao was also excited.

Even though they didn’t participate deeply in the battles with ghosts and monsters, they were actually very tired.

Now it is a beautiful thing to be able to soak in hot springs to relieve fatigue.

With the expectation of hot springs, several girls don’t want to do anything else, just want to go to the hot springs quickly.

“Hurry up, let’s go back to change our swimsuits and go to the hot springs.”

Lin Juan greeted several girls to change their clothes, but all of them ran away.

Lin Chuan was not in a hurry, and wandered around the house slowly.

He didn’t have much to take, he just changed his swimming trunks, took some eggs, and went to the hot spring first.

In fact, Lin Chuan has only heard the news that the hot spring has been renovated, and has not come to see it.

There is still a way to go to the hot spring, and Lin Chuan has already noticed a change.

In the jungle not far away, a sapphire slab was paved a short distance away, which should be the way to guide people.

Moreover, the villagers seem to have transplanted a lot of wisteria with the help of the surrounding dense trees, which happened to grow almost two meters high.

In this way, it smells like a tortuous path.

This is because autumn is approaching and the leaves are beginning to turn yellow.

If it’s spring, the wisteria blooms in patches of wisteria flowers, which is even more beautiful. Walking in such an environment will make you feel better.

When he got to the edge of the hot spring, he was amazed by the renewed hot spring in front of him.

The vegetation around the hot spring has basically not changed much, except that some weeds have been removed and replaced with flowers.

The focus of the renovation is in the hot spring pool.

Around the hot spring, a layer of sapphire slabs are laid, which complements the surrounding greenery, which is very appropriate.

Of course, this is all on the surface, and the hot springs are the real protagonists.

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