Chapter 445

“Leader Yue, what do you think of me? I’m not the kind of scumbag who deceives girls’ feelings!”

“The relationship between Yue Qin’er and I is really innocent, and I have never thought of her.”

“So if there is a problem between the two of us, it will definitely not be my problem.”

Feeling Yue Qingyang’s protector of the calf, Lin Chuan was a little bit dumbfounded, and once again clarified the relationship with Yue Qin’er.

“Listen to what you mean, everything is my granddaughter’s own passion, right?”

“Anyway, I don’t care, a slap won’t sound. If my granddaughter is sad, I will definitely come to you!”

When Yue Qingyang saw Lin Chuan put aside the relationship between him and Yue Qin’er, he felt a bit of toothache.

His precious granddaughter has given so much to Lin Chuan, but Lin Chuan’s reaction is how he can stand it.

But he had no other way other than threatening Lin Chuan with a few words.

“Leader Yue, why didn’t I know before, are you so domineering?”

“In that case, then we have nothing to talk about, and we hung up.”

Seeing that Yue Qingyang was starting to be unreasonable, Lin Chuan didn’t want to talk to him more, so he hung up the phone.

Yue Qingyang listened to the busy tone on the phone with a stunned expression.

Lin Chuan actually hung up the phone, and Lin Chuan dared to hang up his phone!

Don’t be so arrogant if you have a high credit!

Yue Qingyang’s face was distorted for a while, and then gradually eased, and he sighed helplessly.

Baby granddaughter, grandpa, I can only do so much for you.

With so many men in the world, why do you just like this Lin Chuan?

Yue Qingyang was in a bad mood, and Lin Chuan was so interrupted by him, his mood calmed down a lot, and he was ready to go to bed happily.

As a result, his head just touched the pillow, and there was another beep from the phone.

“Is this old man Yue Qingyang going crazy, so let people not sleep… Fairy Baihua? What does she want me to do at this point?”

Lin Chuan picked up the phone while complaining, only to realize that it was Fairy Baihua who had sent the message to him.

[Fairy Baihua: Friends fairy, it’s been so long, has the cosmetics thing gone?

I know that you are very busy, but you can’t let others do this, right?

Brother Xiaoyao, you are the one who cares about him! 】

Looking at the news from Fairy Baihua, Lin Chuan was all numb.

People of all this age are here, and they are still selling sprouts here like a little girl. How did Fairy Baihua do it?

She is not embarrassed herself, Lin Chuan still feels uncomfortable!

[Xiaoyao Xian: I told you to wait, how could it be possible to prepare such a useful thing so quickly. 】

Lin Chuan was afraid that Fairy Baihua would deal with a moth, and immediately responded.

[Fairy Baihua: I have to wait, wait any longer, my delicate flower is going to wither!

Before I heard you talk about cosmetics, I couldn’t help but talk to my sisters. It was a pre-advertisement.

As a result, many of my sisters are very interested in this. They have been asking me for it. People really can’t help it! 】

Fairy Baihua not only failed to converge, but intensified instead.

Lin Chuan forcibly ignored these words, but he also understood why Fairy Baihua was eager to find him.

It turned out that Fairy Baihua had blown out the cows a long time ago, but Lin Chuan hadn’t given cosmetics all the time, and her cowhide was about to be blown out, so she rushed to find him to save the field.

[Xiaoyao Xian: I can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry, this kind of thing is not anxious.

And I’m still planning an unprecedented publicity campaign, which must be considered carefully.

Fairy, just work harder, hold your sisters steady and tell them that a very big surprise is waiting for them in the back! 】

Lin Chuan is also embarrassed to say that he hasn’t been busy with cosmetics at all these days, so he can only draw a big cake to stabilize Baihua Fairy.

[Baihua Fairy: If you have cosmetics, you can’t sell them normally.

If the effect is good, you don’t have to worry about selling at all. Why bother to engage in promotional activities? 】

Fairy Baihua was not fooled by the pie painted by Lin Chuan, but rather gave birth to some doubts.

Her implication is that only bad things will be packaged with hollow propaganda.

Fairy Baihua is based in the immortal world, relying on word of mouth, but he doesn’t want to smash his word of mouth for a little merit.

Lin Chuan understood what Baihua Fairy meant, and regretted choosing this Xiongda and brainy collaborator.

If it is better to change to Nezha, let him do whatever he wants, and he won’t think so much at all.

He knew that Fairy Baihua was suspicious, but he couldn’t explain why he did it.

After all, Xiantian Lingbao was involved, which was a huge secret, and Lin Chuan naturally couldn’t tell Fairy Baihua easily.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Fairy, I am going to criticize you!

We are gods, gods who are dedicated to pursuing the great road, how can we be so self-willed to degenerate?

Now it is enough to have a little achievement, how can I make big achievements in the future?

Anyway, I will not be complacent. If you are impatient and don’t want to cooperate with me, then I will find other like-minded gods. 】

Lin Chuan who couldn’t help but didn’t have a soft voice to comfort him, but his tone became stern, putting on a posture that he wanted to take a break with Fairy Baihua.

[Fairy Baihua: Of course I am willing to continue to cooperate with you.

If you have something to say, it’s not that people don’t listen.

You don’t know, other male gods are all fish in my pond, only you, my blue-faced confidant, how can I be willing to lose you.

You are right. We should have a higher pursuit. No matter what you want to do, I will definitely help you with all my strength. Is this OK? 】

Seeing his attitude like this, Fairy Baihua suddenly panicked and immediately changed his attitude.

No matter what Lin Chuan wants to do, the benefits he brings to Fairy Baihua are real.

If Lin Chuan really broke up with her, where would she go to find skin care products, a weapon for interacting with female fairies, and where to find good deeds that can earn merit by lying down?

[Xiaoyao Xian: This is almost the same, fairy, you really didn’t let me down.

Let me think about it again. Only after the promotion plan is figured out can cosmetics be sold.

Before that, I will give you a try first, so that you don’t think I’m doing a scam. 】

Lin Chuan saw that Fairy Baihua was successfully bluffed by him, and his tone suddenly eased a lot.

[Fairy Baihua: Oh, people didn’t suspect you in the first place, so don’t talk nonsense.

Remember to hurry up and send the cosmetics. If I don’t understand this, I won’t be able to help you. 】

Seeing that Lin Chuan was willing to send cosmetics to her for a trial, Baihua Fairy felt ashamed and began to act like a baby again.

Seeing that she was ill again, Lin Chuan didn’t bother to care about her anymore, put her mobile phone away, and began to think about how to do the propaganda plan.

If you want to earn 100 million merit points in the shortest time, whether the product is good or not, the most important thing is publicity.

This time, he has to plan a very crazy marketing plan to make cosmetics make a sensation in the entire fairy world in the shortest possible time!

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