Chapter 45

“Holy monk, why aren’t you talking?” Lin Chuan wondered when Xuanzang hadn’t responded for a long time.

“Why don’t I speak, don’t you have any comparisons in your heart?” Seeing the news from Lin Chuan, Xuanzang’s veins burst.

Since he completed his enlightenment by studying the scriptures, he has never seen such a greedy person.

Xuanzang: Donor, your requirements are really high.

Lin Chuan could tell at a glance that Xuanzang thought he had spoken loudly.

Xiaoyaoxian: It’s normal to have high demands. After all, it’s very difficult to find the king of the daughter country for you in this life. If you don’t have this kind of practice, then forget about the king of the daughter country.

Xuanzang: …don’t give up lightly, the poor monk didn’t say no! (Heshi)

He saw that Lin Chuan suddenly pinched his vitals, what else could he do, of course he agreed.

When Lin Chuan saw his reply, he was immediately impressed.

Xiaoyao Xian: Oh, what do you mean by the holy monk, does this kind of practice really exist?

There are such high-demanding exercises, Xuanzang is quite stocked in his pocket.

Xuanzang: The poor monk does happen to have a technique that meets the requirements of the donor, called Xuantian Zhenjie!

The source of Xuan Tianzhen’s solution is unknown, but it was accidentally obtained by a poor monk, and the practice method is quite weird.

Once you practice this exercise, after a week of operation, the exercise will run on its own, absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Once the aura around or in the body is too high, it will speed up its operation, turning more aura into mana.

The various magical powers attached are even more unpredictable. If it weren’t for the poor monks who had become Buddhas, they would all want to practice.

Lin Chuan’s eyes lit up when he saw Xuanzang’s description of this “Xuan Tian Zhen Jie”.

Is there such a good technique?

That must be necessary.

Xiaoyao Xian: Since the holy monk has explained this Xuan Tianzhen so well, then I can hardly agree to it.

Xuanzang: The choice of the donor is really very wise.

After speaking, Xuanzang immediately swept a jade slip over.

As soon as the jade slip was in his hand, Lin Chuan immediately felt waves of information appear in his mind.

The magic is that the jade slips written on the jade slip are obviously mysterious and mysterious, but he can completely understand the meaning of the above.

After digesting the large amount of information above Xuantian Zhenjie, Lin Chuan was sure that Xuanzang’s words were not exaggerated at all. This was the kind of exercise that Lin Chuan wanted.

Xiaoyao Xian: I have experienced goods. This technique is indeed very powerful. The affairs of the king of the daughter country are covered by me.

Xuanzang: (smiling) Amitabha, thank you for your donor.

Xiaoyaoxian: By the way, I don’t even know what the king of the daughter country looks like. After I find it, how should I be sure that it is her?

Lin Chuan thought of another important question.

Xuanzang: The poor monk gave you a token to the donor. When you meet her, you will know the donor naturally.

After speaking, Xuanzang swept another thing over.

Lin Chuan took it out and saw that it was a bell. When he shook it, it made a very pleasant sound.

“Unvoiced bells: The small bells on the scene of Buddha’s propaganda in the past are illuminated by the Buddha’s light and have a soothing effect.”

The description of this little bell is very concise, but it is extremely informative.

In the past, a single shot of the Buddha could turn ordinary bells into magic weapons, and the strength of the big brothers really passed away.

However, Xuanzang said that this was a token, indicating that this bell certainly not only has this function on the surface, but also has many effects that can be tapped.

But this is all funeral, and Lin Chuan is very happy to get two things at once.

Xiaoyao Xian: Don’t worry, holy monk, I will find the king of the daughter country for you!

He replied Xuanzang again, and then lay on the bed leisurely.

As for looking for the king of the daughter country, he would not take the initiative to look for it.

There is a huge sea of ​​people, and there is no relevant information. To find someone is to find a needle in a haystack. Looking for decades, there is no news at all. That is normal.

Anyway, Xuanzang has no time limit, so look for it slowly.

Didn’t Xuanzang say that he had a relationship with the king of the daughter country? Maybe he met him at some point.

Lin Chuan, who was resting, didn’t know. After Xuanzang read the news he sent, a mysterious smile appeared on his face.

He clicked on another friend and sent a message.

Xuanzang: Xuantian’s true solution has been handed over to Xiaoyao Xian.

“We finally have the exercise now, so we can practice it now, and if we finish it, we will go to the hundred poisonous sect to settle the account!”

Lin Chuan was lying on the bed, looking at the jade slip in his hand, feeling very excited.

With an empty promise, I got such a powerful technique, which is simply a profit.

If you don’t practice now, when will you stay?

Lin Chuan sat cross-legged on the bed and began to practice seriously.

There are hints on the Xuan Tian Zhen Jie, that when running the first Sunday, one must concentrate on it and not make any mistakes.

If something goes wrong in that place, after the exercise starts to work on its own, it will continue to go wrong.

To put it simply, if he makes a mistake, this exercise is considered to be abolished.

It’s not just that the exercise is simply abolished, but his life may be in danger!

Naturally, Lin Chuan didn’t dare to be careless. It seemed that after watching it several times, he was engrossed in arousing the aura in his body to run the sun.

After knocking the Spirit Gathering Pill, he actually had a lot of aura in his body, but he hadn’t used it much.

Therefore, the level of arousing aura is no problem for him.

Lin Chuan smoothly guided the spiritual energy in his body and began to carry it around the week according to the route of the exercise method. That was a cautious one.

According to the practice, a week can be completed in half an hour. It took him two hours to complete it abruptly, and he was sweating profusely from exhaustion.

But it was all worthwhile. After running for a week, Lin Chuan suddenly felt that his whole body was transparent.

Xuan Tian Zhen Jie began to circulate in his body by itself, constantly absorbing the aura around him, making Lin Chuan feel that the aura in his body was abnormally full.

After being transported on weekdays, a steady stream of spiritual energy liquefied and entered his dantian.

Lin Chuan was very satisfied seeing the effect of the exercise so quickly.

But soon, Lin Chuan discovered a problem. He didn’t even know what level his current cultivation level belonged to…

Xuan Tianzhen didn’t have this content at all, only wrote various details after becoming immortal.

Before becoming immortal, apart from cultivation is cultivation, there is no extra introduction at all.

Let’s put it this way, Xuantian really explained a total of tens of thousands of words, and about a thousand words before becoming immortal, including how to transport Zhou Tian.

Otherwise, it’s a powerful technique, you can’t even look down on those cultivation bases before becoming immortal.

But the problem is that Lin Chuan now wants to know his current cultivation level, what level it is!

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