Chapter 450

Seeing that Cici used the five-ghost transportation technique, a few ghosts immediately came out to help Cici hold the dough around.

Cici turned the dough with her fingers, and the five ghosts followed suit.

The dough was pressed by the five ghosts and stayed by Cici’s hands all the time, looking decent.

“Wow, it’s amazing!” The bear children were unsure, so they exclaimed.

Even Xinxin, who had opened his eyes, followed along to join in the fun.

Cici heard their admiring voices and played more vigorously.

“Naughty!” Lin Chuan shot directly and took away the dough.

The ghosts brought by the five-ghost transportation technique are also ghosts.

Lin Chuan couldn’t stand the dough that the ghost touched, how could it make Cici toss about it.

“Don’t mess around. I just used the centrifugal force to thin the pie. You can also push the pie directly with your hands. This requires skill.”

“You little babies, don’t you want to run before you start to walk?”

Lin Chuan sternly dispelled their unrealistic ideas.

It takes a lot of skills to turn the dough out directly.

Most people can use a rolling pin, or they can use it directly, anyway, they only need a uniform pancake in the end.

The bear children who have been trained are a little unwilling, but under Lin Chuan’s supervision, they still use a rolling pin to do it honestly.

“When you are almost done, remember to leave a little thickness on the edge of the pie.”

“If you do this, the dough can hold the filling and prevent it from spilling during baking.”

“After you roll out the dough, remember to use a fork to make a small hole in the bottom, otherwise it will bulge in the middle when you bake it.”

When they were rolling out the dough, Lin Chuan taught them some tips.

It didn’t take long for the bear kids to roll out their dough.

After they finished, they looked at Lin Chuan eagerly.

“There is cheese here. You can put a layer on the dough first.”

“Then you can put the fillings. Don’t be too greedy and overfill them. Just distribute them separately.”

“Especially if you can’t put too much water in vegetables, that’s the problem, not too much water.”

“Finally, after all the ingredients are arranged, you have to sprinkle a little bit of shredded cheese.”

“Attention is just a little bit. A little bit is enough. It serves as a bonding agent. It must not be covered. It is not good to be greedy.”

Lin Chuan explained while putting various things on the noodles.

He didn’t actually put many fillings, mainly sausages and some vegetables.

Of course, knowing the monkey is essential, after all, this is their protagonist this time.

The operation of placing the fillings is really too simple. The bear kids will learn it soon, and they will soon set it up by themselves.

Although Lin Chuan has repeatedly emphasized that the filling should not be too much, but the greedy bear children are filled with fillings like a game.

“Forget it, just do whatever you like, anyway, even if the pizza is unpalatable then, you have to finish it for me!”

Lin Chuan said helplessly when they looked at the fillings they piled up to cover the dough completely.

“Lin Chuan, let’s not talk about the fillings. There is no oven here. How do you bake pizza?”

Only then did Yue Qin’er remember that they lacked an important tool.

But after she said this, she didn’t get a response. Instead, she saw the weird glances from everyone at her.

“What’s wrong, is there any problem with what I said? You really can’t bake pizza without an oven.”

Upon seeing this, Yue Qin’er said blankly.

“Sister Qin’er, you never thought about it. Before the oven, wouldn’t it be difficult to make pizza?” Ling Xiaoxiao reminded.

“This…I think something is wrong.” Yue Qin’er looked ashamed when she heard the words, and obediently admitted her mistake.

Only then did she realize that she, who was accustomed to modern electrical appliances, had entered a misunderstanding.

Without an oven, it doesn’t mean that things can’t be made. There are always more solutions than difficulties.

“Then what are you going to do?” Yue Qin’er calmed down and asked curiously.

“Go!” Lin Chuan winked at the bear children, and they immediately took action.

Seeing them rushing to the stove, grasping the recessed place skillfully, lifted the cauldron out.

“Look, isn’t this just a natural oven?” Lin Chuan said, pointing to the stove pit.

“Really, I didn’t expect to be able to use it like this.” Yue Qin’er said in surprise as he looked at the stove where the cauldron was thrown off.

“There are so many things you can’t think of. If you stay in the village for a while, you will naturally know everything.” Lin Chuan said with some pride.

“Since you have said so, I am so kind, so I can barely stay here for a while.”

Yue Qin’er blinked those Danfeng eyes and said playfully.

“Ah…” Lin Chuan felt a little annoyed when he heard this.

This is equivalent to digging a hole for himself and jumping into it by himself!

Lin Chuan was just depressed for a while, and got busy again.

He cooperated with a group of bear kids, put a layer of iron frame in the stove, and put all the prepared pizzas in.

Then click on the charcoal prepared from the top and bottom, and buckle the stove on the stove with a large pot, the stove hole is also blocked with a big stone, and the earthen oven starts to work.

The bear children waited for another half an hour. When they smelled the scent from the gap, they couldn’t help it anymore and rushed to lift the cauldron.

I saw the pizza in the stove, almost baked, the golden dough, colorful fillings, it looked very attractive.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing is the Zhiyuhou garnished on the pizza.

Anxious, they were not afraid of being hot, so they took out the pizza they made.

Lin Chuan was not in a hurry or slow, using a piece of cloth to take out the pizza between him and Ling Xiaoxiao.

“You eat slowly, you have not eaten anything yet, you burned your mouth first.”

Lin Chuan immediately reminded a bear boy who wanted to stuff the freshly-baked pizza into his mouth.

After hearing the words, the bear children stopped a little, and after blowing a few breaths at the pizza, they began to tentatively mouth.

When the pizza was in their mouths, their eyes lit up.

“It’s so fragrant, it’s delicious!” With poor language, they don’t know what words to use to describe the taste of pizza.

Pizza is really delicious, even if you add Zhihou, and a bunch of weird ingredients, it still can’t change the deliciousness of pizza.

This group of bear children have been hungry after tossing for so long, so the speed at which they eat is called fast.

Lin Chuan had only eaten two bites, and the bear kids ate their pizzas and hiccups.

Even so, they stared at Lin Chuan eagerly and wanted to eat more.

“These can’t be eaten for you, and you are not afraid to eat them anymore.”

“It’s time to go home, go home, it’s too late now, don’t wait for your parents to come here to arrest people.”

Lin Chuan resolutely refused.

Hearing Lin Chuan mentioned his parents, the bear children reacted and ran back hurriedly.

Seeing that they were all gone, no one cared about his pizza anymore, Lin Chuan sat down at the table comfortably, ready to taste the delicious pizza slowly.

Soon he has to implement the crazy marketing plan, he has to eat and drink!

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