Chapter 59-The Feast of the Peach

There are many gods in the chat group, but compared with the grand gathering of the immortals in the Pantao congregation, it is still insignificant.

And although there are many gods in the chat group, there are very few bubbles. Except at the beginning, most of the time there are a few gods on duty in the water group.

There is another inconvenience in chat groups, that is, they only hear the voices and not see the people. It is difficult to match the speaking fairy with a certain image.

In this case, it is not conducive to deepen the understanding of this god, and the chance of stalking the wool will naturally decrease accordingly.

The Pan Peach Club in front of you is a great opportunity for Lin Chuan to build an impression of the gods in the heavens!

This kind of event, you can’t come in person, it’s good to be able to have an eye addiction!

Lin Chuan made up his mind right away and must let Nezha find a way to start a live broadcast for him.

Just when Lin Chuan wanted to contact Nezha, he suddenly found that the chat group seemed to be fried, and couldn’t help but click in to take a look.

Fuxing: @托塔天王, don’t care about your son, he actually said that this fairy has no brains!

Tieguai Li: @托塔天王, Xiongzi should educate him, if you lack a stick, I will lend you my Tieguai!

Taibaijinxing: You can insult my cultivation, but you can’t insult my IQ. Nezha, wait for me. Isn’t it just a bubble? I can definitely blow it out.

Dragon King of the East China Sea: Nezha kid, I have not settled my son Ao Bing’s skin cramps, and now he is humiliated to me. I must report to the Jade Emperor and punish you!

King Tota: (Waterfall Khan) Quit your anger, don’t worry about a child.

Monkey King: Nezha Nezha, what is that bubble gum? Give my grandson one. My grandson will blow a bubble out to humiliate these gods.

Xuanzang: Wukong, you are naughty again.

Red Boy: I want me too, it sounds fun.

It turned out that the excitement in the group was due to the video Lin Chuan just watched.

Nezha’s group of ridicules can be said to have caused a huge response, and a group of diving gods all ran out and bubbling.

Looking at this situation, it can be said to be very bad for Nezha.

However, the reputation of bubble gum seems to have been beaten out.

After all, no god would think that he was a fool, and every god would blow bubble gum desperately when he was angry, trying to prove his cleverness with bubbles.

After Lin Chuan discovered this situation, he could only express his speechlessness.

This group of gods, is it a pain in idle eggs, or are they really stupid, they are actually competing with a bubble gum.

If the gods of the heavenly court are all with this IQ, the prospects of the heavenly court are worrying.

After feeling the emotions, Lin Chuan remembered the business and immediately chatted with Nezha in private.

Xiaoyaoxian: Nezha, I miss the grand occasion of the Flat Peach Fair. You can open a video call for me.

Nezha: No problem, I’ll open one, just to show Brother Xiaoyao those silly gods who can’t blow bubbles.

After a while, Ne Zha responded and immediately sent a video call invitation.

Lin Chuan turned off the camera and agreed to the invitation.

Then, in his mobile phone interface, there appeared a man wearing a red bellyband and a red ribbon, with a trace of bruise on Qi Yuxuanang’s face.

This person is naturally Nezha. Seeing his bruise and swollen face, you know how much he paid for the ridicule just now.

“Nezha, don’t say anymore that those gods don’t have IQs anymore, you really don’t dare to kill those gods?” Lin Chuan said helplessly.

“They have a low IQ, don’t you let me say it? I think these people just can’t afford it!”

“As for my safety, don’t worry, Brother Xiaoyao, when the real boss doesn’t take action, not many gods can do me anything.”

Nezha Tsundere held his head up and said in a worldly manner.

He has been blowing bubbles desperately for the past two days, his cheeks are a little swollen, and he has returned to blowing bubbles.

If he is not allowed to take this opportunity to show off and taunt, then Nezha will really be very uncomfortable.

“It’s up to you, be careful yourself.” Lin Chuan has nothing to do with this iron baby.

“Hey, Brother Xiaoyao, why didn’t you start the live broadcast? I still want to see what you look like.” Nezha only noticed that Lin Chuan’s side was dark and suddenly dissatisfied.

“It’s a bit inconvenient for me, let’s talk about it next time.”

“Don’t you hurry up and turn the camera at the Pantao Club to introduce the situation. I haven’t been to the Pantao Club for a long time. Many gods don’t remember who is who.”

Naturally, it is impossible for Lin Chuan to turn on the camera, otherwise he would expose himself in the room, and immediately changed the subject.

Hearing this, Nezha turned the camera honestly.

The camera turned slowly around the scene, allowing Lin Chuan to enjoy the audience.

The scene of the Pantaohui is outside a splendid building, and next to it is a pond with fairy spirit, which should be Yaochi.

At this time, the Flat Peach Society hadn’t officially started, and many gods had already gathered.

They gathered in twos and threes to chat, the scene was very lively.

Of course, some gods are more withdrawn, meditating on the rocks floating in the air, completely ignoring the excitement below.

“This flat peach meeting is indeed very lively, it’s a pity that you won’t come, Brother Xiaoyao.”

“Three Qings and Four Royals, Five Fangs and Five Elders, All Heavens and Stars, Five Sacred Monarchs, Four Seas Dragon Kings, basically all have come.”

“Especially those female fairies in Yaochi who have difficulty meeting each other, many will appear, and even dance.”

Nezha introduced the basic situation of the scene, and suddenly lowered his voice while speaking, and said mysteriously.

“Oh, didn’t I have lost a hundred million.” Lin Chuan couldn’t help joking after hearing this.

Nezha, this guy, I didn’t expect to miss the fairy.

“Losing one hundred million? Yes, you didn’t come. It’s almost the same as losing one hundred million.”

It was the first time Nezha heard such a fresh statement, and I found it very interesting.

The two continued to chat. Every time Nezha pointed at a god, he would talk about the god’s gossip, which made Lin Chuan know a lot about the gods in the heavens.

“Look, the bald donkeys in the west are also here, and the first one is Guanyin.”

After chatting for a while, Ne Zha suddenly pointed the camera at the western sky.

Lin Chuan took a closer look and found that in the distant clouds, a group of people loomed, and then gradually became clear.

The first thing that appeared was a kind face, holding a jade bottle, sitting on the lotus platform, with two little dolls accompanied by his side.

This is naturally Guanyin Master.

As soon as Avalokitesvara appeared, Lin Chuan felt as if his soul had been purified once even through the screen.

“Avalokitesvara, really well-deserved reputation.”

“I don’t know, whether the Tathagata Buddha has come over.”

Lin Chuan was amazed when the real boss appeared on the stage, and then began to look forward to the appearance of other bosses.

“Nanwu Amitabha!” As a Buddha horn sounded, a golden light flashed, and the huge figure of Buddha Tathagata appeared in front of Lin Chuan.

After the Tathagata Buddha appeared on the stage, he suddenly glanced at the live camera, as if he had seen Lin Chuan through the camera, and immediately made Lin Chuan’s dead soul burst into shock, his heart beating!

Not only Lin Chuan, but the originally lively flat peach conference site was quiet in an instant, and the gods were all awed by the momentum of the Tathagata.

This Tathagata is really scary!

“Fusheng immeasurable Tianzun!” At this moment, Dongfang also floated a hand-held whisk, the sound of fairy wind.

His mouth was the law name, and the feeling that made Lin Chuan’s heart beat suddenly disappeared without a trace.

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