Chapter 66 Heavenly Court Learning and Training Group

Happy Arhat: Who are you in the heaven, why are you looking for me?

Lin Chuan and Happy Luohan just joined their WeChat friends, and they were full of guard when they saw the first sentence sent by Happy Luohan to him.

“Is the gap between Xitian and Heavenly Court so deep? If you add a friend to chat, you have to beware?”

Lin Chuan read this sentence several times and couldn’t help but vomit.

No wonder Taishang Laojun tried every means to use WeChat to break into Xitian’s interior. Xitian’s defense against Heavenly Court was too deep.

How did he know that Happy Luohan’s reaction was so big because of his activity of cutting silly dogs.

Before the happy Luohan chopped the silly dog ​​on his head, he directly asked Guanyin Master to help him chop the silly dog.

With the tolerance of Avalokitesvara, he naturally wouldn’t care about this matter. He helped him with a gentle cut and successfully hacked the stupid dog to death.

But the more Happy Arhat thinks about it, the more he feels that he has made a big mistake.

Originally, there was nothing for him to do this. After all, he was not the only Buddha who did it.

But he was so immortal, so he took the initiative to find Guanyin Master, exposing himself to sign up for WeChat.

I don’t know how the big guys in Xitian will punish him.

In my heart, Happy Arhat doesn’t even taste the shredded meat bought by the silly dog.

Suddenly, a heavenly fairy added him to WeChat. No wonder he responded so much.

Xiaoyaoxian: I’m just a messenger. Why is Happy Arhat so defensive against me?

Originally, I saw that Xitian was being bullied in Heavenly Court, so I thought about helping Xitian get rid of the predicament and turn crisis into opportunity.

Lin Chuan came directly to retreat, so he didn’t want to care about the happy Arhat.

Happy Arhat: Daoists, please stay! If you have something to say slowly, we are happy Arhat, what I like most is to make friends.

Seeing that Lin Chuan seemed to have some good ideas, Happy Luohan certainly didn’t want to miss it.

After all, he had just committed a big mistake, and he needed a chance to make up for it.

Moreover, he really hadn’t heard of this Xiaoyao Immortal, it should be the Sanxian wandering around the Heavenly Court, and he could still deal with it.

But after he replied, he didn’t see Lin Chuan speaking for a long time, and he suddenly panicked.

Happy Arhat: Dao friends, Dao friends? You won’t really ignore me, will you?

Where did he know that Lin Chuan was shocked by what he said just now.

“Friends of the Taoist, please stay here” is such a classic and famous saying, can it be said casually?

Although the prehistoric era has passed, the heaven is still there, and the big bosses from the prehistoric era are still there. Lin Chuan was still a little frustrated when he saw this sentence.

Fortunately, Happy Arhat is followed by a sentence that he likes to make friends.

If he said again, “Friends of Daoist and I are destined to the west,” under the double-layer buff, I am afraid Lin Chuan would really not care about him anymore.

He doesn’t even have a girlfriend yet, but he doesn’t want to be destined with Xitian at all!

Xiaoyao Xian: Ahem, Happy Arhat, stop talking politely, let’s go directly to the topic.

I think Taishang Laojun uses WeChat and other tricks to explore the emptiness and reality of Xitian. Now it seems that he has achieved some results. Xitian shouldn’t want to be passively beaten, right?

Happy Arhat: Don’t talk nonsense about fellow Taoists, using WeChat is the will of the Jade Emperor, and Xitian naturally has to obey, and Xitian has no secrets to Heaven!

However, if the Taoist friends have any ideas, let the poor monks listen.

This happy Arhat still has a very tight tone, and the mouth is full of Xitian closely united around the heavens, and there is no intention of setting up a mountain in the slightest.

However, the words behind him still exposed a little bit of his careful thinking.

Xiaoyao Xian: What Happy Arhat taught me was that I was the one who said the wrong thing.

The Jade Emperor’s idea is naturally correct. Xitian and Heavenly Court should strengthen exchanges. Heavenly Court wants to understand the West, and the West should also learn more about Heavenly Court.

Heavenly Court understands the West, and the West also understands Heavenly Court? !

Lin Chuan made a simple sentence, but like thunder, it blasted in the happy Arhat’s mind.

“Yeah, why didn’t I expect that Xitian has always been wary of the heavens, and rarely communicates with the gods of the heavens. In fact, he doesn’t know much about the heavens.”

“There was nothing wrong before doing this, but Heavenly Court has now reached into the western sky. If Xitian is still like before, wouldn’t it be a loss?”

“If Xitian also starts to understand Heavenly Court, then it won’t be considered a loss this time, and it will be a tie.”

Happy Arhat is also a clever man, and he immediately understood a lot of key points.

“However, Tianting can use WeChat to understand Xitian. How does Xitian understand Tianting?”

But thinking about it, Happy Luohan got stuck.

Knowing the goal is one thing, and how to do it is another thing.

Unexpectedly, he could only seek help from Lin Chuan who made this suggestion.

Happy Arhat: Daoist’s remarks are indeed remarkable. Can you talk more about it?

Xiaoyaoxian: I do have such an idea, and the effect should be good.

Happy Arhat: (Excited) That’s great. Fellow Daoist, please tell me quickly.

Xiaoyao Xian: It’s not that I don’t want to say it, but the heaven is after all, and I will give you Xitian advice. If I offend the Jade Emperor and Taishang Laojun, I can’t afford it.

Happy Luohan saw that Xiaoyao Xian was at this critical juncture, so he didn’t want to say anything, and suddenly panicked.

Happy Arhat: So how can this be good? Fellow Daoist, you can’t leave half of your talk.

Xiaoyao Xian: No way, I won’t get any benefit in this matter. I just offend a group of bigwigs, it’s not worth thinking about it.

Seeing these words, Happy Luohan finally had enlightenment in his heart.

It turned out that Xiaoyao Immortal didn’t really want to say, but was asking for benefits.

I said so much before, just telling him that he has to add money!

Happy Arhat: Don’t worry, I will definitely not let fellow daoists suffer. As long as you tell me how to do it, I will give you a platinum bowl with Buddhist artifacts!

When Lin Chuan saw that Happy Arhat was still on the road, he immediately understood what he meant, and was very satisfied.

But what this platinum bowl was, he really didn’t know.

He knew the purple golden bowl that Tang Seng had used, is it the same series?

“No matter how many, the Happy Arhat is 18 Arhats anyway, and the things that come out are definitely not bad.”

“Tai Shang Lao Jun doesn’t give me more rewards, right? Then you regret it!”

Lin Chuan didn’t care too much about this treasure. The main purpose of doing this was actually because he was unhappy with the old gentleman, and wanted to add some confusion to him.

Moreover, the more chaotic the situation, the better he can fish in troubled waters!

Xiaoyao Xian: Happy Arhat, you are so polite, since you have prepared gifts for me, then I will help you with difficulty.

I wonder if you Xitian have the intention to set up a Tianting learning and training group?

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