Chapter 69

Not only Nezha was shocked, all the gods around who heard the words of Tathagata were shocked.

They stopped talking and looked at Jade Emperor and Tathagata in surprise, not knowing what medicine was sold in this gourd.

“Buddha, what do you mean by this? How can you make it so that you suddenly want to send the Buddha to visit and study in the heavenly court?”

The Jade Emperor was also a little dazed, and asked subconsciously.

The other gods didn’t want to do anything else, each of them pricked up their ears, paying attention to the situation here.

Lin Chuan had already anticipated this scene and looked at the video on the phone with a smile.

“Amitabha, this is all because of the conversation with the Taishang Laojun just now, which wakes up the old monk.” Tathagata responded directly.

“What does this have to do with me?” Taishang Laojun flew over, blowing his nose and staring.

No matter what the Tathagata was thinking, he didn’t want the Tathagata to throw the pot on him.

“Lao Jun, you just told the poor monk that Xitian was self-proclaimed and refused to accept the discipline of Heaven.”

“The poor monk believes that there is absolutely no such situation in Xitian, but there must be a reason for it. Lao Jun has such a misunderstanding, there must be a reason.”

“The poor monk thought about it just now, and found that there is really a lack of understanding between the West Heaven and the Heavenly Court.”

“So the poor monk wanted to send the Xitian Buddha to various places in the heaven to learn advanced experience.”

“On the one hand, it can strengthen exchanges, and on the other hand, it can use the advanced experience learned to improve the Xitian system. Isn’t it good?”

Tathagata confronted Taishang Laojun and said calmly.

“It seems to make sense to hear you say this, but how does Feng Dao feel that something is not right.”

After listening to Tathagata’s words, Taishang Lao Jun felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

But this does not seem to be the usual way of the Tathagata. Is it true that the Tathagata has really changed his mind, or is there any expert behind it?

The more Taishang Laojun thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong, his face became a little dignified, and he began to calculate with his fingers.

“Your Majesty, the poor monk sincerely asked Xitian and Heavenly Court to strengthen exchanges, please be kind to your majesty.” Where will Tathagata give the Taishang Laojun a chance to think, and directly said to the Jade Emperor.

“Your Majesty, please!” The other Xitian Buddhas also saluted together at this time.

“Since the Buddha…” The Jade Emperor seemed to be moved by the sincerity of the Tathagata, and smiled and agreed.

“Your Majesty!” Taishang Laojun, who was thinking, quickly interrupted the Jade Emperor.

“What does Laojun have to say?” The Jade Emperor’s face became stiff, and he smiled again in a blink of an eye.

If an ordinary god dared to interrupt him while he was speaking, the Jade Emperor would have to let him taste the power of the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation.

But this person is too old, so it’s a different matter of course.

“This…” Taishang Laojun paused, and suddenly he really didn’t know what to say.

On the surface, this is very good, and it can greatly promote the integration of Heavenly Court and Western Heaven.

He just subconsciously felt that if he did this, he would suffer the calculations of Xitian, and the heaven would suffer, but there was no evidence!

Xitian and Heavenly Court, after all, are one body, and the reason for the idea of ​​Tathagata is also very sincere.

If he can’t find a suitable reason, he really can’t say anything about this matter.

“Hey, I didn’t expect Lao Jun to have such a deep prejudice against me Xitian. Since Lao Jun is unwilling, then just let it go.”

Seeing Taishang Laojun’s eyes flickering, the Tathagata directly buttoned a hat on him, and came forward to retreat.

“You…” Taishang Laojun’s face suddenly sank, ready to have another debate with Tathagata.

“The two Aiqings calmed down their anger, and at this flat peach meeting, please also ask the two Aiqings to give me a face.”

A gentle and majestic voice came, and Queen Mother Xi looked at them with a smile.

“Fine, let your majesty and the queen mother be the masters.” Taishang Laojun hesitated for a while, sighed, and said nothing after all.

This time he was unreasonable, and if he continued to do it, he would only appear unreasonable.

As one of the Sanqing, face is very important.

“Hahaha, the old man really makes sense.”

“In that case, Xitian has set up a Tianting learning and training group. This is it, so let’s get it!”

The Jade Emperor laughed loudly and directly finalized the matter.

“Thank your majesty for your kindness.” All the Buddhas of the Western Sky responded together.

Once this happened, Pantao would be on-site and become happy again, as if nothing happened.

“Happy Arhat, you did a good job this time. The Buddha will personally preach for you for three days. I hope you will practice hard and stop being naughty.”

Da Shi Guanyin came to Happy Luohan and said with a smile.

After just having suffered a loss, Xitian regained a whole city, and she was still in a good mood.

“Thank you Master Guanyin!” Happy Arhat let out a long sigh of excitement when he heard the words.

Hearing the wording of Guanyin, he knew that the Da Shi Guanyin had already forgiven him about cutting a silly dog, and he had gained a lot of benefits.

Otherwise, instead of saying “naughty” lightly, he would be punished heavily.

It’s not in vain that he deliberately didn’t mention Lin Chuan and took all the credit for himself.

“I’m sorry to do this, Xiaoyao Xian, next time I have a chance, the poor monk must return him!” To Lin Chuan, a happy Arhat who was a little guilty, made up his mind silently.

People like Xitian are happy, but Taishang Laojun is not happy at all.

He took out his phone to relieve his boredom, but when he saw a bunch of messages in the chat group, his mood was even worse.

Xiaoyao Xian: With the demeanor of the old gentleman, he will definitely kill the Quartet at the Flat Peach Meeting. It’s a shame not to be able to visit the scene in person.

Monkey King: You are wrong about that. The old gentleman just ate a flat at Tathagata, which is ridiculously dead to my grandson.

Silver Horn Boy: Great Sage, Hugh is unreasonable to my old gentleman!

Barefoot Immortal: There is one thing to say, Lao Jun used WeChat to explore the emptiness and reality of Xitian, and he really played pretty beautifully, but he did not expect Xitian to rebel.

Erlangshen: Had it not been for Lao Jun to come out like this, Xitian would not have been able to think of this trick. When Xitian’s study group came, the heavens would have been lively.

Monkey King: No matter how old you are, you still have a missed move, hehe!

As soon as Lin Chuan started talking, a bunch of gods in the group were talking about the matter just now, and they all felt that the old gentleman had lost.

[Group owner has turned on mute]

Taishang Laojun, whose blood pressure soared, directly banned the group.

“Hahaha, I’m anxious, he’s anxious, this is the end of your stingy!”

Without looking at Lin Chuan, he knew how bad Taishang Laojun’s mood was at this time, and his mood instantly became wonderful.

This wave is worth it!

“Dear Aiqing, you are almost full of excitement, and the Pan Tao meeting will officially begin!”

After a while, the majestic voice of the Queen Mother spread throughout the scene of the Pantao Meeting, and all the gods suddenly became quiet.

They could hear that there seemed to be a bit of discomfort in the Queen Mother’s voice.

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